Post Office Art
Ida Abelman
[Info] [Resources]
Lewistown, Illinois - Post Office: Lewistown Milestones
Boonville, Indiana - Post Office: Boonville Beginnings
Jose Aceves
Borger, Texas - Hutchinson County Museum: Big City News
Mart, Texas - Post Office: McLennan Looking for a Home
Bertrand R. Adams
[Info] [Resources]
Kenneth M. Adams
[Info] [Resources]
Goodland, Kansas - Post Office: Rural Free Delivery
Albuquerque, New Mexico - Zimmerman Library: The Three Peoples
Deming, New Mexico - Post Office: Mountains and Yucca
Lawrence Adams
[Info] [Resources]
Vincent Aderente
Leonard Ahneman
[Info] [Resources]
Jaine Ahring
Newport Beach, California - Newport Elementary School: Alice in Wonderland
Newport Beach, California - Newport Elementary School: Mother Goose
Dewey Albinson
[Info] [Resources]
Conrad A. Albrizio
Russellville, Alabama - Post Office: Shipment of the First Iron Produced in Russellville
Baton Rouge, Louisiana - Louisiana State Capitol Annex: Achievements of State Programs
DeRidder, Louisiana - Beauregard Community Action Association: Rural Free Delivery
Shreveport, Louisiana - Louisiana State Exhibit Museum: Untitled
Maxine Albro
[Info] [Resources]
San Francisco, California - Coit Tower: California
Robert Allaway
Lee Allen
[Info] [Resources]
Charles Alston
New York, New York - Harlem Hospital: Magic and Medicine
Wjari Alvarez
Arthur Ames
Long Beach, California - Charles Lindbergh Middle School: History of Aviation (with Jean Goodwin)
San Diego, California - San Diego County Administration Center: Agriculture (with Jean Goodwin)
San Diego, California - San Diego County Administration Center: Conservation (with Jean Goodwin)
San Diego, California - San Diego County Administration Center: Recreation (with Jean Goodwin)
Frank Anderson
Fairfield, Alabama - Post Office: Spirit of Steel
Karl Anderson
[Info] [Resources]
New Haven, Connecticut - Westville Station Post Office: Pursuit of the Regicides
Bedford, Ohio - Post Office: Drift Toward Industrialism
Frances Ankrom
Canyon, Texas - Post Office: Strays
Marianne Appel
[Info] [Resources]
Wrangell, Alaska - Post Office: Old Town in Alaska (with Austin Mecklem)
Middleport, New York - Post Office: Rural Highway
Edmund Archer
Hopewell, Virginia - Post Office: Captain Francis Eppes Making Friends with the Appomatox Indians
Bruce Ariss
Monterey, California - Monterey High School: Monterey Scene
Paul Arlt
Enterprise, Alabama - Public Library: Saturday at Enterprise
Victor Arnautoff
Pacific Grove, California - Post Office: Lovers' Point
Richmond, California - Richmond Museum of History: Richmond - Industrial City
San Francisco, California - Coit Tower: City Life
San Francisco, California - George Washington High School: Life of Washington
San Francisco, California - Presidio Main Post Chapel: Peacetime Activities of the Army
South San Francisco, California - Post Office: South San Francisco, Past and Present
Linden, Texas - Post Office: The Last Crop
Harmon Arndt
Shakopee, Minnesota - Shakopee High School Library: The Story of Shakopee
Bernard Arnest
Ethel V. Ashton
[Info] [Resources]
James Auchiah
Washington, District of Columbia - Department of The Interior: Harvest Dance
Anadarko, Oklahoma - Post Office: Ceremonial and Social Life of the Plains Indians (with Stephen Mopope)
Ruth Monro Augur
Enid, Oklahoma - Garfield County Courthouse: Commerce Trail
Enid, Oklahoma - Garfield County Courthouse: Explorer's Trail
Enid, Oklahoma - Garfield County Courthouse: The Cattle Trail
Enid, Oklahoma - Garfield County Courthouse: The Home-Seeker's Trail
Enid, Oklahoma - Garfield County Courthouse: The Hunting Trail
Enid, Oklahoma - Garfield County Courthouse: The Rancher's Trail
Darrell Austin
Milton Avery
Rockville, Indiana - Post Office: Landscape
George Avison
Norwalk, Connecticut - Norwalk Community College, Baker Library: The Duke Versus the King
Norwalk, Connecticut - Rowayton Library: Packet Day at the Five Mile River
Richard Ayer
San Francisco, California - Aquatic Park Bathhouse (Maritime Museum): Nautical Abstractions
San Francisco, California - Aquatic Park Bathhouse (Maritime Museum): Tugboats
Richard Babcock
Chicago, Illinois - Legler Library: Father Marquette's Winter in Chicago
Max Bachofen
Cleveland, Ohio - Public Library: Snow and Wind
Frances Badger
Oak Park, Illinois - Oak Park Historical Society: Sailor with Spyglass
Oak Park, Illinois - Oak Park Historical Society: Treasure Island
Arthur L. Bairnsfather
[Info] [Resources]
Ernest Hamlin Baker
Kingston, Rhode Island - Pettaquamscutt Historical Society: The Economic Activities of the Narragansett Planters
Thomas Baker
Danvers, Massachusetts - Town Hall: Endecott Pear Tree (with Richard V. Ellery, Solomon Levenson)
Danvers, Massachusetts - Town Hall: First Shoe Factory in the United States (with Richard V. Ellery, Solomon Levenson)
Danvers, Massachusetts - Town Hall: Samuel Holton (with Richard V. Ellery, Solomon Levenson)
W.H. Baker
Fort Worth, Texas - Former Main Post Office: Untitled (with Dwight Holmes)
Nixford Baldwin
[Info] [Resources]
Fayetteville, West Virginia - Post Office: The Miners
John Ballator
Washington, District of Columbia - Department of Justice: Contemporary Justice and Man
Washington, District of Columbia - Department of Justice: Contemporary Justice and Woman
Hugo Ballin
Beverly Hills, California - El Rodeo School: School Days
Burbank, California - City Hall: Burbank Industry
Belle Baranceanu
La Jolla, California - Post Office: Scenic View of the Village
San Diego, California - Balboa Park Club: Education and Culture
San Diego, California - Balboa Park Club: Progress of Man
San Diego, California - Jacob Weinberger U.S. Courthouse: San Diego Mural
San Diego, California - Museum of San Diego History: Building Mission Dam
San Diego, California - Museum of San Diego History: Portola's Northern Expedition
Earl Barnett
Vallejo, California - Vallejo Music Theater: Festival Following Completion of New Sectional Docks, Mare Island 1855
Esther Barney
San Diego, California - Jacob Weinberger U.S. Courthouse: Gateway to the Desert
Edith C. Barry
Kennebunk, Maine - Post Office: The Arrival of the First Letter - Kennebunk Post Office from Falmouth - June 14, 1775
Ivan Bartlett
Long Beach, California - Polytechnic High School: Industrial Activities in Long Beach (with Jean Swiggett)
Los Angeles, California - Irving Middle School: Life of Washington Irving
Aurelius Battaglia
Washington, District of Columbia - Mt. Pleasant Library: Animal Circus
Washington, District of Columbia - Mt. Pleasant Library: Animal Orchestra
Donald Duer Bayard
Cleveland, Ohio - Main Library: Early Transportation (Cleveland's Waterfront About 1835)
Gifford Beal
Washington, District of Columbia - Department of The Interior: National Park Service: North Country
Washington, District of Columbia - Department of The Interior: National Park Service: Tropical Country
Gifford Reynolds Beal
[Info] [Resources]
Washington, District of Columbia - Department of Interior: National Park Service: North Country
Washington, District of Columbia - Department of Interior: National Park Service: Tropical Country
Crestline, Ohio - Post Office: The Crossroads
Allentown, Pennsylvania - Post Office: Cement Industry
Allentown, Pennsylvania - Post Office: Departure of the Jordan Rifles
Allentown, Pennsylvania - Post Office: Iron Industry in Lehigh Valley
Allentown, Pennsylvania - Post Office: Kimmett's Lock
Allentown, Pennsylvania - Post Office: Lehigh County Barn Signs
Allentown, Pennsylvania - Post Office: Liberty Bell
Allentown, Pennsylvania - Post Office: Pennsylvania-German Riflemen
Allentown, Pennsylvania - Post Office: The Walking Purchase
Allentown, Pennsylvania - Post Office: Transportation
Allentown, Pennsylvania - Post Office: Trout Hall
Stanley Beatty
Dayton, Ohio - Dayton Art Institute: Douglass Inspiring the Youth of the Negro Race
John W. Beauchamp
Millinocket, Maine - Post Office: Logging in the Main Woods
Muncy, Pennsylvania - Post Office: Rachel Silverthorne's Ride
Beaver, Utah - Post Office: Life on the Plains
Leo Beaulaurier
[Info] [Resources]
Dunbar Beck
Danvers, Massachusetts - Post Office: Return of Timothy Pickering to Reside at Danvers
Anna Lou Matthews Bedore
Marvin Beerbohm
Stephen J. Belaski
Rainey Bennett
[Info] [Resources]
Chicago, Illinois - UI Medical Center, College of Medicine, Room 106 Foyer: Map of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Evanston, Illinois - Haven Middle School, Drama Room: Landscape
Naperville, Illinois - Post Office: George Martin's Home Overlooking Old Naper Hill
Rushville, Illinois - Post Office: Hart Fellows, Builder of Rushville
Dearborn, Michigan - Henry Ford Community College: Ten Eyck's Tavern on Chicago Road
Lester W. Bentley
Thomas Hart Benton
Frank Bergman
Stockton, California - Federal Building: Modern Transport of the Mail
Jane Berlandina
San Francisco, California - Coit Tower: Home Life
Saul Berman
[Info] [Resources]
Oscar E. Berninghaus
Phoenix, Arizona - Former Federal Building and Post Office: Communication during the Period of Exploration
Phoenix, Arizona - Former Federal Building and Post Office: Early Spanish Discover Pueblo Indians
Phoenix, Arizona - Former Federal Building and Post Office: Pioneer Communication
Fort Scott, Kansas - Post Office and Court House: Border Gateways
Weatherford, Oklahoma - Post Office: Terminus of the Railroad, 1898-1901
Henry Bernstein
[Info] [Resources]
Theresa Bernstein
[Info] [Resources]
Ray Bertrand
[Info] [Resources]
Auriel Bessemer
[Info] [Resources]
Nellie G. Best
Ontario, California - Post Office: The Dream
Ontario, California - Post Office: The Reality
Roy Best
Waverly, Ohio - Post Office: Arrival of the Packet
Beulah Bettersworth
Columbus, Mississippi - Post Office: Out of Soil
Irene Bianucci
[Info] [Resources]
Chicago, Illinois - Ryerson School: Discovery of America
Mount Carroll, Illinois - Post Office: Rural Scenes - Wakurusa Valley
Oak Park, Illinois - Horace Mann School: Community Life of Oak Park in the 19th Century (with Charles Copeland, Ralf Henricksen, Emmanuel Jacobson)
Edward Biberman
Los Angeles, California - U.S. Courthouse, Western Division: Los Angeles - Prehistoric and Spanish Colonial
Venice, California - Former Post Office: The Story of Venice
George Biddle
Washington, District of Columbia - Department of Justice: Society Freed Through Justice
New Brunswick, New Jersey - Post Office: George Washington with De Witt, Geographer of the Revolutionary Army
New Brunswick, New Jersey - Post Office: Howe and Cornwallis Entering New Brunswick
New Brunswick, New Jersey - Post Office: Washington Retreating from New Brunswick
August Biehle Jr.
Cleveland, Ohio - Main Library: The Ohio Canal
Henry Billings
[Info] [Resources]
Medford, Massachusetts - Post Office: Golden Triangle of Trade
Lake Placid, New York - Post Office: Scenes of Winter Sports
New York, New York - Radio City Music Hall: Panther Mural
Wappingers Falls, New York - Former Post Office: First Mill on Wappingers Creek - 1780
Wappingers Falls, New York - Former Post Office: Textile Mills in Wappingers Falls - 1880
Columbia, Tennessee - Federal Building: Maury County Landscape
Columbia, Tennessee - Post Office: Maury County Landscape
Julien Binford
Forest, Mississippi - Post Office: Forest Loggers
Isabel Bishop
Emil Bisttram
Washington, District of Columbia - Department of Justice: Contemporary Justice and Woman
Albuquerque, New Mexico - Federal Building and U.S. Courthouse: Cooperation
Albuquerque, New Mexico - Federal Building and U.S. Courthouse: Justice Tempered with Mercy (Uphold the Right, Prevent the Wrong)
Albuquerque, New Mexico - Federal Building and U.S. Courthouse: Strife
Taos, New Mexico - Former Taos County Courthouse: Aspiration
Taos, New Mexico - Former Taos County Courthouse: Reconciliation
Taos, New Mexico - Former Taos County Courthouse: Transgression
Ranger, Texas - Post Office: The Crossroads Town
LaVerne Nelson Black
Phoenix, Arizona - Former Federal Building and Post Office: Historical Development
Phoenix, Arizona - Former Federal Building and Post Office: The Progress of the Pioneer
Sarah Blakeslee
[Info] [Resources]
Arnold Blanch
Norwalk, Connecticut - Belden Station Post Office: Building Norwalk
Fredonia, New York - Post Office: Harvest Scene
Columbus, Wisconsin - Post Office: One Hundreth Anniversary
Lucile Blanch
Fort Pierce, Florida - City Hall: Osceola Holding Informal Court with His Chiefs
Flemingsburg, Kentucky - Post Office: Crossing to the Battle of Blue Licks
Tylertown, Mississippi - Post Office: Rural Mississippi - From Early Days to Present
Appalachia, Virginia - Post Office: Appalachia
Lucienne Bloch
Irving Block
Bronx, New York - Wakefield Station Post Office: Washington and the Battle of the Bronx (with Abraham Lishinsky)
New York, New York - Bayard Rustin Educational Complex: The Art Contribution to Civilization of all Nations and Countries (with Jean Charlot, Abraham Lishinsky, Geoffrey Norman, Jacques Van Aalten)
Batesburg-Leesville, South Carolina - Former Post Office: Peach Orchard
John V. Bloom
[Info] [Resources]
Acee Blue Eagle
Coalgate, Oklahoma - Post Office: Indian Family at Routine Tasks
Seminole, Oklahoma - Post Office: Seminole Indian Village Scene
Peter Blume
[Info] [Resources]
Rome, Georgia - U.S. Courthouse and Post Office: The Two Rivers
Geneva, New York - Post Office: Vineyard
Geneva, New York - Post Office: Vineyard
Canonsburg, Pennsylvania - Post Office: Beatty's Barns
E.L. Blumenschein
Walsenburg, Colorado - Post Office: The Spanish Peaks
Franklin Boggs
Newton, Mississippi - Post Office: Economic Life in Newton in the Early 1940s (with Mary Boggs)
Mary Boggs
Newton, Mississippi - Post Office: Economic Life in Newton in the Early 1940s (with Franklin Boggs)
Aaron Bohrod
[Info] [Resources]
Clinton, Illinois - Post Office: Clinton in Winter
Galesburg, Illinois - Post Office: Breaking the Prairie - Log City, 1837
Vandalia, Illinois - Post Office: Old State Capital in Vandalia, Illinois
Ilya Bolotowsky
Chicago, Illinois - Art Institute of Chicago: 1939 World's Fair Mural Study
Brooklyn, New York - Brooklyn Museum: Untitled
New York, New York - Bloomburg Center: Abstraction
Carl Bonfig
Saint Louis, Missouri - City Hall: Spirit of St. Louis
Bob Booth
Andre Boratko
Milaca, Minnesota - Post Office: Deer
Milaca, Minnesota - Post Office: Loggers
Milaca, Minnesota - Post Office: Raft
Dorr Bothwell
Los Angeles, California - Hollenbeck Middle School: Youth and Democracy
Louis Bouche
Dacre F. Boulton
Washington, District of Columbia - Smithsonian American Art Museum: Industrial
Washington, District of Columbia - Smithsonian American Art Museum: Winter
Pierre Bourdelle
Jac T Bowen
[Info] [Resources]
Frank Bowers
South Gate, California - City Hall: City Activities
Byron B. Boyd
Ray Boynton
Daniel Boza
Greensboro, Georgia - Federal Courthouse, Third Floor: Morgan's Raiders
Rex Brandt
Riverside, California - Chemawa Middle School: Untitled
San Bernardino, California - San Bernardino High School: Mormon Saw Mill
Arnold Brasz
Redlands, California - Redlands Historical Museum: History of Redlands
Ross E. Braught
Waynesboro, Mississippi - Post Office: Waynesboro Landscape
Genevieve Burgeson Bredo
San Diego, California - San Diego State University, Hardy Memorial Tower: NRA Packages
Raymond Breinin
[Info] [Resources]
Daniel Putnam Brinley
Blakely, Georgia - Post Office: The Land is Bought from the Indians
Edgar Britton
[Info] [Resources]
Washington, District of Columbia - Department of The Interior: Petroleum Industry: Distribution
Washington, District of Columbia - Department of The Interior: Petroleum Industry: Production
Chicago, Illinois - Lane Tech College Prep High School Lunchroom: Epochs in the History of Man
Chicago Heights, Illinois - Bloom Township High School: Occupational Studies and Their Application
Decatur, Illinois - Post Office: Natural Resources of Illinois
Decatur, Illinois - Post Office: The Development of Illinois
East Moline, Illinois - Post Office: Early Settlers of Moline along the Mississippi
Highland Park, Illinois - Highland Park High School: Scenes of Industry
Waterloo, Iowa - Waterloo Public Library: Exposition
Waterloo, Iowa - Waterloo Public Library: Holiday
Wilbur Broderick
Long Beach, California - Jane Addams Elementary School, Library: A Visit to the Jungle (with Jesse M. Lynch, Suzanne Miller)
Edward Brodney
Boston, Massachusetts - Massachusetts State House: Columbia Knighting Her World War Disabled
Boston, Massachusetts - Massachusetts State House: World War Mothers
Manuel A. Bromberg
[Info] [Resources]
Geneva, Illinois - Post Office: Fish Fry in the Park
Tahlequah, Oklahoma - Former Post Office: Choctaw Ball-Play 1840
Greybull, Wyoming - Post Office: Chuck Wagon Serenade
Alexander Brook
Washington, District of Columbia - William Jefferson Clinton Federal Building: Reading the Family Letter
Washington, District of Columbia - William Jefferson Clinton Federal Building: Writing the Family Letter
James Brooks
Little Falls, New Jersey - Little Falls Civic Center and Historical Society: Labor and Leisure
Flushing, New York - Marine Air Terminal: Flight
Richard Brooks
Richland Center, Wisconsin - Post Office: Decorative Interpretation of Unification of America through the Post
Elmer Brown
Cleveland, Ohio - City Club of Cleveland: Freedom of Speech
Cleveland, Ohio - CSU Student Center: Cleveland Past
Cleveland, Ohio - CSU Student Center: Cleveland Present
Aldis Browne
Oneonta, Alabama - Board of Education: Local Agriculture - A.A.A. 1939
New London, Connecticut - Coast Guard Academy, Hamilton Hall: History of the Coast Guard
Byron Browne
Staten Island, New York - Staten Island Courthouse: Mural for Studio B, WNYC
Jaroslaw Brozik
Howell, Michigan - Post Office: Rural Delivery
Helen Bruton
Berkeley, California - University of California, Old Art Gallery: Sculpture and Dance
Conrad Buff
Santa Monica, California - Santa Monica High School, Barnum Hall: Westward II
Frank E. Buffmire
[Info] [Resources]
Harold Bugbee
Louis DeMott Bunce
[Info] [Resources]
Grants Pass, Oregon - Post Office: Rogue River Indians
Portland, Oregon - Portland Baha'i Center: Development of St. Johns
William E. L. Bunn
[Info] [Resources]
Byron Burford Jr.
Houston, Mississippi - Post Office: Post near Houston, Natchez Trace, 1803
Verona Burkhard
[Info] [Resources]
Dennis Burlingame
Wildwood, New Jersey - Post Office: Activities of the Fishing Fleet
Jerry Bywaters
Farmersville, Texas - Post Office: Soil Conservation in Collin County
Houston, Texas - Bob Casey Federal Building and Courthouse: Houston Ship Canal - Loading Oil
Paris, Texas - Public Library: Davy Crockett
Paris, Texas - Public Library: John Chisum
Paris, Texas - Public Library: Rebuilding Paris
Paris, Texas - Public Library: The 1916 Paris Fire - 3rd Worst in American History
Quanah, Texas - Post Office: The Naming of Quanah
Trinity, Texas - Post Office: Lumber Manufacturing
Paul Cadmus
Richmond, Virginia - Lewis F. Powell Jr. United States Courthouse: Pocahontas Saving the Life of Captain John Smith
Richmond, Virginia - Lewis F. Powell Jr. United States Courthouse: Sir Walter Raleigh
Richmond, Virginia - Lewis F. Powell Jr. United States Courthouse: William Byrd
James Calder
[Info] [Resources]
William H. Calfee
[Info] [Resources]
Selbyville, Delaware - Post Office: Chicken Farm
Bel Air, Maryland - Post Office: First Performance of Edwin Booth
Hampton, Virginia - Phoebus Post Office: Chesapeake Fishermen
Harrisonburg, Virginia - Federal Courthouse: Country Fair, Trading, Courthouse Square
Petersburg, Virginia - Post Office: Agricultural Scenes in Virginia
Tazewell, Virginia - Post Office: Mining
Tazewell, Virginia - Post Office: Sheep - Mother and Child - Cow
Kenneth Callahan
[Info] [Resources]
Burton Callicott
Memphis, Tennessee - Pink Palace Museum: Coming of De Soto
Memphis, Tennessee - Pink Palace Museum: Conflict with the Indians
Memphis, Tennessee - Pink Palace Museum: The Discovery of the Mississippi River
Charles Campbell
[Info] [Resources]
Angola, Indiana - Steuben County Community Center: Hoosier Farm
Kenedy, Texas - Post Office: Grist for the Mill
Gladys Carambella
Cleveland Heights, Ohio - Oxford Elementary School: Pied Piper of Hamlin
Rockwell Carey
[Info] [Resources]
Walter Carnelli
Bassett, Virginia - Post Office: Manufacture of Furniture
Betty Carney
[Info] [Resources]
Fred G. Carpenter
Paris, Missouri - Post Office: The Clemens Family Arrives in Monroe County
John Carroll
Clemson, South Carolina - Clemson University, Hardin Hall: Meeting of the Original Directors of Clemson College
Orville Carroll
Batesville, Indiana - Post Office: Building the Industrial Foundations of Batesville
Harrodsburg, Kentucky - Post Office: An Indian Attack
Harrodsburg, Kentucky - Post Office: Death of a Settler By An Indian's Arrow
Harrodsburg, Kentucky - Post Office: First School in Kentucky Taught at Fort Harrod by Mr. Jane Coomes
Harrodsburg, Kentucky - Post Office: George Rogers Clark Being Welcomed at Fort Harrod
Harrodsburg, Kentucky - Post Office: Pioneers Being Refreshed at the Spring in Fort Harrod
Clarence Carter
[Info] [Resources]
Portsmouth, Ohio - Post Office: Characteristic Local Scenes in Portsmouth
Ravenna, Ohio - Post Office: Early Ravenna
Frank Cassara
[Info] [Resources]
Eastpointe, Michigan - Post Office: Early Settlers
Lansing, Michigan - Board of Water and Light Dye Conditioning Plant: Beneficial Force of Water
Lansing, Michigan - Board of Water and Light Dye Conditioning Plant: Water As Destructive Element
Sandusky, Michigan - Post Office: Cattle Auctions
Daniel Celentano
Vidalia, Georgia - Vidalia City Hall: The Country Store and Post Office
Queens, New York - P.S. 150: Children in Creative & Cultural Activities
Glenn Chamberlain
Des Moines, Iowa - Callahan Middle School: Nation at Play
Norman Chamberlain
Huntington Park, California - Post Office: History of California
Selma, California - Post Office: Land of Irrigation
Frank Tolles Chamberlin
Pasadena, California - McKinley Elementary School: Modern Education/School Activities
Abram Champanier
Brooklyn, New York - Coney Island Hospital: Alice and Friends at Coney Island Playground
Brooklyn, New York - Cumberland Diagnostic & Treatment Center: Alice Flies Over the East River
James Chapin
Charles Chapman
[Info] [Resources]
Paul C. Chapman
[Info] [Resources]
Nutley, New Jersey - Post Office: The Return of Annie Oakley
Huntington, New York - Gundermann & Gundermann Insurance: Huntington Harbor
Jean Charlot
McDonough, Georgia - Polk Annex: Cotton Gin
New York, New York - Bayard Rustin Educational Complex: The Art Contribution to Civilization of all Nations and Countries (with Irving Block, Abraham Lishinsky, Geoffrey Norman, Jacques Van Aalten)
Edward Chávez
[Info] [Resources]
Glenwood Springs, Colorado - White River National Forest Headquarters: Decorative Map (with Jenne Magafan)
Geneva, Nebraska - Post Office: Building a Sod House
Center, Texas - Post Office: Logging Scene
Center, Texas - Post Office: Logging Scene
William Abbott Cheever
[Info] [Resources]
Madison, Connecticut - Post Office: Gathering Seaweed from the Sound
Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts - Post Office: The Reverend John Eliot Preaching to the Indians
Hooksett, New Hampshire - Municipal Building: Scenes of Native American Life
Smithfield, Virginia - Post Office: Captain John Smith Trading with the Indians
David Cheskin
Ralph Chesse
San Francisco, California - Coit Tower: Children at Play
Charles Child
Margaret Covey Chisholm
Livingston, Tennessee - Post Office: The Newcomers
Grant Christian
Carlo Ciampaglia
Cuthbert, Georgia - Post Office: Last Indian Troubles in Randolph County - 1836
Nicolai Cikovsky
Washington, District of Columbia - Department of The Interior: Desert
Washington, District of Columbia - Department of The Interior: Gathering Apples
Washington, District of Columbia - Department of The Interior: Gathering Dates
Washington, District of Columbia - Department of The Interior: Irrigation
Silver Spring, Maryland - Post Office: The Old Tavern
Towson, Maryland - Post Office: History of Transportation
Minna Citron
Manchester, Tennessee - Post Office: Horse Swapping Day
Newport, Tennessee - Newport Community Center: TVA Power
Marjorie Clarke
Wewoka, Oklahoma - Post Office: Historical Background of Wewoka
Alexander Clayton
Elkton, Maryland - Post Office Basement: Arrival of the Post, 1780
Radford, Virginia - Post Office: The Return of Mary Draper Ingles
Saint Marys, West Virginia - Post Office: St. Mary's and the Industries of the Region
Orlin E. Clayton
Hartwell, Georgia - Post Office: A Letter
Helen Clement
Grace Clements
La Verne, California - Damien High School: The Spirit of Music
Long Beach, California - Long Beach Municipal Airport: Aviation, Constellations, Navigation and Zodiac
Los Angeles, California - Venice High School: History of Early California (with Helen Lundeberg)
Los Angeles, California - Venice High School: History of Southern California (with Helen Lundeberg)
Francis F. Coan
Chicago, Illinois - Old Town School of Folk Music: The Children's World
Richard Coe
Birmingham, Alabama - Woodlawn High School Auditoritum: Gloried Be They Who Foresaking Unjust Riches Strive in Fulfillment of Humble Tasks for Peace Culture and the Equality of All Mankind (with Sidney Van Sheck)
Ora Coltman
Cleveland, Ohio - Main Library: Dominance of the City
Tyrone Comfort
San Pedro, California - San Pedro High School: Industrial Life in San Pedro
Gino Conti
Kingston, Rhode Island - University of Rhode Island, Edwards Hall: Air
Kingston, Rhode Island - University of Rhode Island, Edwards Hall: Drama, Music and the Dance
Kingston, Rhode Island - University of Rhode Island, Edwards Hall: Fire
Kingston, Rhode Island - University of Rhode Island, Edwards Hall: The Protection of Youth
Kingston, Rhode Island - University of Rhode Island, Edwards Hall: Water
Kingston, Rhode Island - University of Rhode Island, Edwards Hall: Workers in the Soil
Fred Conway
Purcell, Oklahoma - Post Office: The Roundup
Howard Cook
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania - U.S. Courthouse and Post Office: Steel Industry
Corpus Christi, Texas - Nueces County Courthouse: The Sea: Port Activities and Harbor Fisheries
San Antonio, Texas - Hipolito F. Garcia Federal Building: San Antonio's Importance in History
Charles Copeland
Oak Park, Illinois - Horace Mann School: Community Life of Oak Park in the 19th Century (with Irene Bianucci, Ralf Henricksen, Emmanuel Jacobson)
Jon Corbino
[Info] [Resources]
Dean Cornwell
[Info] [Resources]
Los Angeles, California - Central Library: Scenes from California History
New York, New York - Eastern Airlines Building (former): The History of Transportation
Chapel Hill, North Carolina - Post Office: Laying the Cornerstone of Old East
Nashville, Tennessee - Davidson County Courthouse: Industry, Agriculture, Statesmanship, Commerce
Nashville, Tennessee - Sevier State Office Building: The Development of Tennessee
Nashville, Tennessee - Sevier State Office Building: The Discovery of Tennessee
Richard Correll
[Info] [Resources]
Francis Costa
Bronx, New York - Public School 11: Bronx Today
Bronx, New York - Public School 11: The Old Bronx
John E. Costigan
Arthur Covey
[Info] [Resources]
Bridgeport, Connecticut - Main Post Office: Bridgeport Manufacturing
Torrington, Connecticut - Post Office: John Brown and His Mother
Torrington, Connecticut - Post Office: John Brown Denouncing Slavery
Torrington, Connecticut - Post Office: John Brown Leading Slaves to Freedom
Torrington, Connecticut - Post Office: Yoke
Wichita, Kansas - Southwest National Bank: The Spirit of Kansas
Anderson, South Carolina - G. Ross Anderson Jr. Federal Building and United States Courthouse: Corn, Cotton, and Tobacco Culture
Kohler, Wisconsin - Kohler Headquarters: Foundry Workers
George R. Cox
[Info] [Resources]
Joe Cox
[Info] [Resources]
Barbara Crawford
[Info] [Resources]
Alfred D. Crimi
[Info] [Resources]
Washington, District of Columbia - William Jefferson Clinton Federal Building: Post Office Work Room
Washington, District of Columbia - William Jefferson Clinton Federal Building: Transportation of Mail
Key West, Florida - Key West Aquarium: Key West Fishermen
Northampton, Massachusetts - Hampshire County Courthouse: Work, Religion and Education
New York, New York - Adlai E. Stevenson High School: United Nations
New York, New York - Harlem Hospital: Modern Surgery and Anesthesia
Wayne, Pennsylvania - Post Office: Anthony Wayne
S. Douglass Crockwell
[Info] [Resources]
Macon, Mississippi - Post Office: Signing of the Treaty of Dancing Rabbit Creek
Endicott, New York - Post Office: Endicott, 1901 - Excavation for the Ideal Factory
White River Junction, Vermont - Former Post Office: Vermont Industries
Woodrow Crumbo
Nowata, Oklahoma - Post Office: Rainbow Trail
Woodrow Wilson Crumbo
Washington, District of Columbia - Department of The Interior: Buffalo Hunt
Washington, District of Columbia - Department of The Interior: Courting
Washington, District of Columbia - Department of The Interior: Deer
Washington, District of Columbia - Department of The Interior: Flute Player
Washington, District of Columbia - Department of The Interior: Peyote Bird
Washington, District of Columbia - Department of The Interior: Wild Horses
Rinaldo Cuneo
San Francisco, California - Coit Tower: Bay Area Hills
Ben Cunningham
San Francisco, California - City Hall, Treasurer's Office: The Modern City Framed by the Architectural Essentials of the Pre-Fire Era
San Francisco, California - Coit Tower: Outdoor Life
Selma, California - Civic Center: Resources of the Soil
Joan Cunningham
Poteau, Oklahoma - Post Office: Cotton
Allison B. Curry
Arcadia, Louisiana - Post Office: Cotton Time
James Steuart Curry
Norwalk, Connecticut - City Hall: Ancient Industry
Norwalk, Connecticut - City Hall: Modern Hat Industry
John Steuart Curry
Washington, District of Columbia - Department of Justice: Justice of the Plains: The Movement Westward
Washington, District of Columbia - Department of Justice: Law Versus Mob Rule
Washington, District of Columbia - Department of The Interior: The Homestead and the Building of the Barbed Wire Fence
Washington, District of Columbia - Department of The Interior: The Oklahoma Land Rush
Howard Curtis
Gloucester, Massachusetts - Sawyer Free Library: Scenes of the Region (with Frederick Stoddard)
Bernadine Custer
[Info] [Resources]
John Czosz
Cleveland, Ohio - University Center Station Post Office: Historical and Modern Scenes of Cleveland (with Clarence Zyuld)
Vincent D'Agostino
Gloucester City, New Jersey - Post Office: The Perils of the Mail
Gustaf Dahlstrom
Chicago, Illinois - Bennett School: History of Books
Chicago, Illinois - Loop Station Post Office: The Great Indian Council - Chicago, 1883
Chicago, Illinois - Manley High School: Fall
Chicago, Illinois - Manley High School: Spring
Chicago, Illinois - Manley High School: Winter
Chicago, Illinois - NBC Building: History of Transportation
Gillespie, Illinois - Post Office: Illinois Farm
Herrin, Illinois - Post Office: George Rogers Clark Confers with the Indians Near Herrin, Illinois
Highland Park, Illinois - Green Bay Pavillion: Flora and Fauna
Wilmette, Illinois - Harper School: Animals and Flowers
Saint Joseph, Missouri - Post Office: History of the Region
Stanley Dale
Cleveland, Ohio - Main Library: Western Reserve and the Firelands of Ohio
Francis E. Danovich
Ann Arbor, Michigan - Sindecuse Museum of Dentistry, Children's Waiting Room: Legend of Paul Bunyan
Virginia Darce
Government Camp, Oregon - Timberline Lodge: Spring on the Mountain (with Peter Ferrarin, Charles Haller, Thomas Laman)
Jay Datus
Phoenix, Arizona - State Capitol Annex: The Pageant of Arizona Progress
Charles M. Daugherty
Northfield, Vermont - Post Office: Agriculture
Northfield, Vermont - Post Office: Granite
Northfield, Vermont - Post Office: Maple Sugar
Northfield, Vermont - Post Office: Skiers
James Daugherty
Darien, Connecticut - Town Hall: Untitled (with Arthur Gibson Hull, Robert Pallesen, William J. Schaldach, Remington Schulyer, Loran Wilford)
James H. Daugherty
[Info] [Resources]
Greenwich, Connecticut - Public Library: The Life and Times of General Israel Putnam
Stamford, Connecticut - Ferguson Public Library: Untitled
Stamford, Connecticut - Stamford Branch of the University of Connecticut, Jeremy Richard Library: School Activities
Virden, Illinois - Post Office: Illinois Pastoral
Hebe Daum
San Francisco, California - Coit Tower: Newsgathering (with Suzanne Scheuer)
San Francisco, California - San Francisco State University, Richardson Hall: Angel
Carson Davenport
[Info] [Resources]
Greensboro, Georgia - Post Office: Cotton Picking in Georgia
Greensboro, Georgia - Post Office: The Burning of Greensborough
Chatham, Virginia - Post Office: Harvest Season in Southern Virginia
Randall Davey
[Info] [Resources]
Santa Fe, New Mexico - New Mexico State Capitol: Polo Ponies
Claremore, Oklahoma - Post Office: Will Rogers
Vinita, Oklahoma - Post Office: History of the Cherokee Nation
Fay E. Davis
[Info] [Resources]
Chester, Illinois - Post Office: Loading the Packet
Oglesby, Illinois - Post Office: The Illini and Potawatomi Struggle at Starved Rock
Ligonier, Indiana - Post Office: Cutting Timber
Lew E. Davis
Los Gatos, California - Milliken Museum: Early Spanish Caballeros
Marlow, Oklahoma - Post Office: Cattle Days
Stuart Davis
Bloomington, Indiana - Eskenazi Museum of Art: Swing Landscape
New York, New York - Metropolitan Museum of Art: Mural for Studio B, WNYC
Horace Day
Clinton, Tennessee - Post Office: Farm and Factory
John W. De Groot
[Info] [Resources]
Bartholomew de Mako
Burbank, California - City Attorney's Office: Justice
Jean de Marco
Joe De Young
Gatesville, Texas - Post Office: Off to Northern Markers
Mallette Dean
San Francisco, California - Coit Tower: Scientist-Inventor
San Francisco, California - Coit Tower: Stockbroker
Sebastopol, California - Post Office: Agriculture
Peter DeAnna
[Info] [Resources]
M.R. Decker
Chicago, Illinois - Independence Park: Spirit of 1776
Maurice del Mue
Kentfield, California - College of Marin, Science Building: Untitled
Mill Valley, California - Tamalpais High School: The Golden Hills of Marin
San Geronimo, California - San Geronimo Valley Community Center: Rural Landscape
Boris Deutsch
Los Angeles, California - Post Office Terminal Annex: Cultural Contributions of North, South and Central America
Reedley, California - Post Office: Grape Pickers
Truth or Consequences, New Mexico - Geronimo Springs Postal Station: Indian Bear Dance
Ross Dickinson
Los Angeles, California - Thomas Jefferson High School: History of the Recorded Word
George Dietrich
[Info] [Resources]
Alice Dineen
Corbin, Kentucky - Corbin Independent School District Building: The Dark and Bloody Ground
Warrenton, North Carolina - Post Office: North Carolina Pastoral
Maynard Dixon
Canoga Park, California - Post Office: Palomino Ponies - 1840
Martinez, California - Post Office: The Road to Eldorado (with Edith Hamlin)
Washington, District of Columbia - Department of The Interior: Bureau of Indian Affairs: Indian and Soldier
Washington, District of Columbia - Department of The Interior: Bureau of Indian Affairs: Indian and Teacher
Stevan Dohanos
[Info] [Resources]
West Palm Beach, Florida - Post Office: Legend of James Edward Hamilton, Mail Carrier
Charlotte Amalie, Virgin Islands - Emancipation Gardens Post Office: The Virgin Islands, U.S. - The Leisurely Native Tempo
Charlotte Amalie, Virgin Islands - Emancipation Gardens Post Office: The Virgin Islands, U.S. - The Outer World Significance
Elkins, West Virginia - U.S. Department of Agriculture Building: Forest Service
Elkins, West Virginia - U.S. Department of Agriculture Building: Mining Village
Mike Doherty
William Adelbert Dolwick
[Info] [Resources]
Gas City, Indiana - Post Office: Gas City in the Boom Days
Hobart, Indiana - Post Office: Early Hobart
Cleveland, Ohio - Public Library: Ohio City in 1834
Edwin Dorsey Doniphan
Thomas Donnelly
[Info] [Resources]
Hanover, New Hampshire - Dartmouth Library: Winter Landscape
Ridgefield Park, New Jersey - Post Office: Washington Bridge
Attica, New York - Post Office: Fall in the Genesee Country
Clyde, New York - Post Office: Apple Pickers
Larchmont, New York - Public Library: Larchmont Yacht Club
Larchmont, New York - Public Library: The Manor House
Mount Kisco, New York - Former Post Office: Indian Corn Field
Mount Kisco, New York - Former Post Office: Mount Kisco in 1850
Aaron Douglas
[Info] [Resources]
New York, New York - Harlem YMCA: Evolution of Negro Dance
New York, New York - Harlem YMCA: Evolution of Negro Dance
New York, New York - Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture: Aspects of Negro Life
Nashville, Tennessee - Cravath Hall, Fisk University: Symbolic Negro History
Laura G. Douglas
Camilla, Georgia - Post Office: Theme of the South
Olin Dows
[Info] [Resources]
Otis Dozier
Arlington, Texas - Worthington National Bank: Gathering Pecans
Fredericksburg, Texas - Post Office: Loading Cattle
Giddings, Texas - Post Office: Cowboys Receiving the Mail
Elsie Driggs
Rayville, Louisiana - Post Office: LaSalle's Quest for the Mississippi
Edward W. Dubuque
Providence, Rhode Island - Public Library: Characters from Children's Literature
Gaetano Duccini
Oakland, California - Alameda County Courthouse: Exploration
Oakland, California - Alameda County Courthouse: Settling of California
Caspar Duchow
Whittier, California - East Whittier Middle School: Hippos
Whittier, California - East Whittier Middle School: Monkey
Whittier, California - East Whittier Middle School: Tropical Birds
Whittier, California - East Whittier Middle School: Waterfowl
Polly Duncan
[Info] [Resources]
R. Dunne
Ellicott City, Maryland - Former Post Office: Scenes of Old Ellicott City
Florian Durzynski
Aurora, Illinois - Greenman Elementary School, Auditorium: Westward Movement
Chicago, Illinois - Bateman School: Decorative Landscape
Chicago, Illinois - Chopin School: Frederick Chopin
Chicago, Illinois - Chopin School: Stephen Foster
Chicago, Illinois - Falconer School: Landscape with Children
Chicago, Illinois - Harvard School: Harvesting of Grain: Spring and Fall
Chicago, Illinois - Howe School: Landscape
Chicago, Illinois - McKay School: Decorative Landscapes
Chicago, Illinois - Wentworth School: American Youth
Clarkson Dye
Benicia, California - Old State Capitol Building, 2nd Floor Legislative Meeting Room: The Legend of El Diablo
Carlos Dyer
Long Beach, California - Woodrow Wilson High School: Democratic Education
Mary Earley
[Info] [Resources]
Stuart Edie
Ethel Edwards
Lake Providence, Louisiana - Post Office: Life on the Lake
Lampasas, Texas - City Hall: Afternoon on a Texas Ranch
Joseph Egan
Cleveland, Ohio - Main Library: Old Reservoir Walk
James Egleson
Marysville, Ohio - Post Office: The Farmer
Richard V. Ellery
Danvers, Massachusetts - Town Hall: Endecott Pear Tree (with Thomas Baker, Solomon Levenson)
Danvers, Massachusetts - Town Hall: First Shoe Factory in the United States (with Thomas Baker, Solomon Levenson)
Danvers, Massachusetts - Town Hall: Samuel Holton (with Thomas Baker, Solomon Levenson)
Jacob Elshin
Renton, Washington - Renton - Highland Branch Library: Miners at Work
Seattle, Washington - University Station Post Office: Historical Review of Education
Seattle, Washington - University Station Post Office: Present Day Education
Roberta Elvis
Chicago, Illinois - Bateman School: Characters from Children's Literature
Chicago, Illinois - Belding School: Children's Activities
Chicago, Illinois - Gary School: Characters from Fairy Tales
Ilse Erythropel
Arthur Esner
Durham, New Hampshire - University of New Hampshire, Hamilton Smith Hall: Industry in New Hampshire
Louisa Etcheverry
Long Beach, California - Harvey Milk Promenade Park: Typical Activities of a Beach and Harbor City (with Albert Henry King, Henry Allen Nord, Stanton Macdonald-Wright)
Stephen Etnier
Boston, Massachusetts - Back Bay Station Post Office: Mail for New England
Spring Valley, New York - Post Office: Waiting for the Mail
Philip Evergood
Jackson, Georgia - Post Office: Cotton - From Field to Mill
Richmond Hill, New York - Richmond Hill Public Library: The Story of Richmond Hill
Kenneth Evett
[Info] [Resources]
Golden, Colorado - Downtown Post Office: Building the New Road
Caldwell, Kansas - Post Office: Cowboys Driving Cattle
Horton, Kansas - Post Office: Changing Horses for the Pony Express
Horton, Kansas - Post Office: Picnic in Kansas
Lincoln, Nebraska - State Capitol Rotunda: Laboring in Nebraska
Pawnee City, Nebraska - Post Office: The Auction
Alois Fabry Jr.
[Info] [Resources]
Williamsburg, Kentucky - County Clerk's Storage Facility: Floating Horses Down the Cumberland River
Upper Sandusky, Ohio - Post Office: The Mail
Dorothy Farr
Washington, District of Columbia - Department of Health and Human Services: Sports Related to Food (with Fred Farr)
Fred Farr
Washington, District of Columbia - Department of Health and Human Services: Sports Related to Food (with Dorothy Farr)
Kady Faulkner
[Info] [Resources]
Paul Faulkner
Lynn Fausett
William Dean Fausett
West New York, New Jersey - Post Office: View From the Palisades - West New York 1939
Leonora Feiler
San Antonio, Texas - Alamo Stadium: 100 Years of Sports in San Antonio, Texas, 1840-1940 (with Henry Wedemeyer)
Lorser Feitelson
Los Angeles, California - Hooper Avenue Elementary School: Daniel Boone
Los Angeles, California - Hooper Avenue Elementary School: Henrick Hudson
Edward Fern
Pineville, Kentucky - Post Office: Kentucky Mountain Mail En Route
Peter Ferrarin
Government Camp, Oregon - Timberline Lodge: Spring on the Mountain (with Virginia Darce, Charles Haller, Thomas Laman)
Ernest Fiene
Washington, District of Columbia - Department of The Interior: Dam Construction
Washington, District of Columbia - Department of The Interior: Fighting Forest Fire
Washington, District of Columbia - Department of The Interior: Placer Mining
Washington, District of Columbia - Department of The Interior: Replanting the Wasteland
Washington, District of Columbia - Department of The Interior: Winter Roundup
Canton, Massachusetts - Post Office: Paul Revere - 1801
New York, New York - High School of Fashion Industries: History of the Needlecraft Industry
Helen Finch
Chicago, Illinois - Mozart School: Michelangelo in the Medici Gardens, 1490
Denman Fink
[Info] [Resources]
Lake Wales, Florida - Post Office: Harvest Time - Lake Wales
Miami, Florida - U.S. Post Office and Courthouse: Law Guides Florida Progress
Edward Fisher
Liberty, Texas - Post Office: Story of the Big Fish
George Fisher
Orr C. Fisher
Edmond J. Fitzgerald
Jim Fitzgerald
Monterey, California - Monterey Bay Aquarium, Portola Restaurant: Net Menders
John Kelly Fitzpatrick
Ozark, Alabama - County Board of Education: Early Industry of Dale County
Phenix City, Alabama - Public Library: Cotton
John A. Fleck
Hugo, Oklahoma - Hugo School Administration Office: Choctaw Indians See the First Mail Coach
Joseph Flecks
Raton, New Mexico - Post Office: First Mail Crossing at Raton Pass
Raton, New Mexico - Post Office: Unloading the Mail at Raton
Alice Flint
Leroy Flint
Cleveland, Ohio - Tremont Pointe: Valleyview Map (with Henry Olmer)
Cleveland, Ohio - Woodhill Homes Community Center: (Urban Muse)
Alfred Floegel
Bronx, New York - Dewitt Clinton High School: Constellations
Bronx, New York - Dewitt Clinton High School: The History of the World
Forrest Flower
[Info] [Resources]
Rice Lake, Wisconsin - Post Office: Rural Delivery
Viroqua, Wisconsin - Post Office: War Party
Seymour Fogel
[Info] [Resources]
Safford, Arizona - Post Office: History of the Gila Valley
Washington, District of Columbia - Department of Health and Human Services: Security of the People
Washington, District of Columbia - Department of Health and Human Services: Wealth of a Nation
Cambridge, Minnesota - Post Office: People of the Soil
Brooklyn, New York - Abraham Lincoln High School: African Music and European Music
Brooklyn, New York - Abraham Lincoln High School: Religious and Modern Music
John F. Folinsbee
Paducah, Kentucky - Federal Building and U.S. Courthouse: Early Town
Paducah, Kentucky - Federal Building and U.S. Courthouse: The River
Burgettstown, Pennsylvania - Post Office: View of Burgettstown
Freeland, Pennsylvania - Post Office: Freeland
Helen Forbes
Merced, California - Post Office and Federal Building: Jedediah Smith Fording the Merced River
Monrovia, California - Monrovia Public Library: Grizzly Bear and Cubs
San Francisco, California - San Francisco Zoo, Mothers Building: Noah and His Ark - The Waters Subsiding and Renewal (with Dorothy Puccinelli)
Susanville, California - Post Office: Deer
Gerald Foster
Frances Foy
Chicago, Illinois - Loop Station Post Office: Advent of the Pioneer, 1851
East Alton, Illinois - Post Office: The Letter
Dunkirk, Indiana - Post Office: Preparations for Dunkirk Autumn Festival
Milwaukee, Wisconsin - West Allis Post Office: Wisconsin Wild Flowers
John H. Fraser
David Fredenthal
Caro, Michigan - Post Office: Mail on the Farm
Detroit, Michigan - R. Thornton Brodhead Armory: Nautical Themes (with Gustave Hildebrand, John Tabaczuk, Edgar Yaeger)
Manistique, Michigan - Post Office: Logging
Karl Free
Washington, District of Columbia - William Jefferson Clinton Federal Building: Arrival of Mail in New Amsterdam
Washington, District of Columbia - William Jefferson Clinton Federal Building: French Hugenots in Florida
Princeton, New Jersey - Former Palmer Square Post Office: Columbia Under the Palm
Charles Freeman
Chicago, Illinois - Mozart School: Characters From Children's Literature
Jared French
Plymouth, Pennsylvania - Post Office: Meal Time with the Early Coal Miners
Richmond, Virginia - Lewis F. Powell Jr. United States Courthouse: Jeb Stuart
Richmond, Virginia - Lewis F. Powell Jr. United States Courthouse: John Pelham
Richmond, Virginia - Lewis F. Powell Jr. United States Courthouse: Stuart's Raiders at the Swollen Ford
H. Louis Freund
Heber Springs, Arkansas - Municipal Building: From Timber to Agriculture
Jonesboro, Arkansas - Arkansas State University Museum: Early Days and First Post Office in Pocahontas
Herington, Kansas - Post Office: Arrival of the First Train in Herington - 1885
windsor, Missouri - Post Office: Agriculture and Varied Industry
Idabel, Oklahoma - Museum of the Red River: The Last Home of the Choctaw Nation
Philip Frey
Carl H. Frezell
Arnold Friedman
Augusta, Georgia - Augusta Museum Visitor's Center: Environs of Warrentown
Kingstree, South Carolina - Post Office: Rice Growing
Orange, Virginia - Post Office: Upland Pastures
Fritz Fuglister
John H. Fyfe
Magnolia, Mississippi - Post Office: Cotton Harvest
Magnolia, Mississippi - Post Office: July 4th Celebration
Magnolia, Mississippi - Post Office: Magnolia in 1880
Camden, Tennessee - Post Office: Mail Delivery to Tranquility - The First Post Office in Benton County
Oscar Galgiani
San Rafael, California - Post Office: San Rafael Creek - 1851
Reuben Gambrell
Rockmart, Georgia - Post Office: Kiln Room, Cement Plant
Walter Gardner
Mordi Gassner
[Info] [Resources]
Lee Gatch
Margaret C. Gates
Richard Gates
Robert F. Gates
Oakland, Maryland - Post Office: Buckwheat Harvest
Lewisburg, West Virginia - Post Office: Old Time Camp Meeting
Robert Gates
Arthur Getz
[Info] [Resources]
Elizabeth Gibson
Chicago, Illinois - Mozart School: Mozart at the Court of Maria Theresa, 1762
Ted Gilien
Lee's Summit, Missouri - Lee's Summit Historical Society: Pastoral
Paul L. Gill
Cairo, Georgia - Grady County Museum: Products of Grady County
Marion Gilmore
William Givler
Government Camp, Oregon - Timberline Lodge: Mt. Hood
Criss Glasell
Don Glasell
Berni Glasgow
George Goethke
San Mateo, California - Baywood Elementary School: Animals and Children
Lloyd Goff
Hollis, Oklahoma - Post Office: Planning the Route
Cooper, Texas - Post Office: Before the Fencing of Delta County
Anne Goldthwaite
Atmore, Alabama - Post Office: The Letter Box
Tuskegee, Alabama - Post Office: The Road to Tuskegee
Xavier Gonzalez
[Info] [Resources]
Huntsville, Alabama - Federal Courthouse: Tennessee Valley Authority
Covington, Louisiana - Covington School Board Annex: Tung Oil Industry
Hammond, Louisiana - Southeastern Louisiana University, Fayard Hall: Strawberry Farming
Kilgore, Texas - East Texas Oil Museum: Contemporary Youth
Kilgore, Texas - East Texas Oil Museum: Drilling for Oil
Kilgore, Texas - East Texas Oil Museum: Music of the Plains
Kilgore, Texas - East Texas Oil Museum: Pioneer Saga
Mission, Texas - Mission Historical Museum: West Texas Landscape
Minetta Good
Saint Martinville, Louisiana - Post Office: Evangeline
Dresden, Tennessee - Post Office: Retrospection
Stafford Good
Smyra, Delaware - John Bassett Moore School: Cavalcade of Delaware
Smyra, Delaware - John Bassett Moore School: Farm Life (with Edward Grant, Walter Pyle Jr.)
Smyra, Delaware - John Bassett Moore School: Heritage of Shakespeare (with Edward Grant, Walter Pyle Jr.)
Smyra, Delaware - John Bassett Moore School: School Scenes (with Walter Pyle Jr.)
Smyra, Delaware - John Bassett Moore School: Shipping Industry (with Edward Grant, Walter Pyle Jr.)
Smyra, Delaware - John Bassett Moore School: Student Activities (with Walter Pyle Jr.)
Bertram Goodman
[Info] [Resources]
Bronx, New York - Teddy Roosevelt High School: Evolution of the Book
Quakertown, Pennsylvania - Borough Hall: Quaker Settlers
Gertrude Goodrich
Buchanan, Michigan - Post Office: Production
Fenton, Michigan - Post Office: Change of Shift (with Jerome Snyder)
Charles Goodwin
Harrodsburg, Kentucky - Post Office: Daniel Boone and Michael Stoner Arriving at Harrod's Settlement
Harold Goodwin
Jean Goodwin
Long Beach, California - Charles Lindbergh Middle School: History of Aviation (with Arthur Ames)
San Diego, California - San Diego County Administration Center: Agriculture (with Arthur Ames)
San Diego, California - San Diego County Administration Center: Conservation (with Arthur Ames)
San Diego, California - San Diego County Administration Center: Recreation (with Arthur Ames)
Aimee Spencer Gorham
Arshile Gorky
Newark, New Jersey - Newark Museum: Aerial Map
Newark, New Jersey - Newark Museum: Mechanics of Flying
William Harry Gothard
Cincinnati, Ohio - Lunken Airport: Man Held Down by Gravity
Cincinnati, Ohio - Lunken Airport: Man Up-lifted by the Power of Flight
Adolph Gottlieb
Allan Gould
Hardinsburg, Kentucky - Post Office: Source of Power
Roxboro, North Carolina - Piedmont Community College Educational Opportunity Center: Gathering Tobacco
David Granahan
Campbell Grant
Santa Barbara, California - Santa Barbara High School: North America
Santa Barbara, California - Santa Barbara High School: South America
Edward Grant
Smyra, Delaware - John Bassett Moore School: Farm Life (with Stafford Good, Walter Pyle Jr.)
Smyra, Delaware - John Bassett Moore School: Heritage of Shakespeare (with Stafford Good, Walter Pyle Jr.)
Smyra, Delaware - John Bassett Moore School: Shipping Industry (with Stafford Good, Walter Pyle Jr.)
Gordon Grant
Ventura, California - Post Office: Agriculture and Industries of Ventura
Kennebunkport, Maine - Post Office: Kennebunkport Harbor, 1825
Brady, Texas - Post Office: Texas Immigrant
Sante Graziani
Columbus Junction, Iowa - Post Office: Lover's Leap
Springfield, Massachusetts - Michele and Donald D'Amour Museum of Fine Arts: The Arts
Bluffton, Ohio - Post Office: Joseph DeFord and His Friends Building the First Cabin
Louis Grebenak
Cleveland, Ohio - CMHA Boardroom: (Untitled)
Cleveland, Ohio - The Idea Center: Radio Station WBOE
Barrie Barstow Greenbie
Dover-Foxcroft, Maine - Post Office: River Driving
Balcomb Greene
Brooklyn, New York - Brooklyn Museum: Untitled
Grace Greenwood
Lexington, Tennessee - Beech River Heritage Museum: The Progress of Power
Marion Greenwood
Crossville, Tennessee - Post Office: The Partnership of Man and Nature
Jack J. Greitzer
Paul Grellert
Portland, Oregon - East Portland Post Office: Post Rider
Davenport Griffen
Carmi, Illinois - Post Office: Service to the Farmer
George Grooms
Des Moines, Iowa - Callahan Middle School: Nation at Work
William Gropper
[Info] [Resources]
Washington, District of Columbia - Department of The Interior: Construction of the Dam
Detroit, Michigan - Wayne State University Student Center: Automobile Industry
Freeport, New York - Post Office: Air Mail
Freeport, New York - Post Office: Suburban Post in Winter
Ruth Grotenrath
[Info] [Resources]
Justin C. Gruelle
Norwalk, Connecticut - City Hall: Alisande and Sir Boss
Norwalk, Connecticut - City Hall: Innocents Abroad
Norwalk, Connecticut - City Hall: Merlin
Norwalk, Connecticut - City Hall: Roughing It
Norwalk, Connecticut - Public Library: Aladdin
Norwalk, Connecticut - Public Library: The Chinese Nightingale
O. Louis Guglielmi
New York, New York - Metropolitan Museum of Art: One Third of a Nation
Thomas Guidone
Bernard Gussow
[Info] [Resources]
Philip Guston
Duarte, California - City of Hope: History of Medicine (with Reuben Kadish)
Duarte, California - City of Hope: Physical Growth of Man (with Reuben Kadish)
Washington, District of Columbia - Department of Health and Human Services: Reconstruction and Well-Being of the Family
Commerce, Georgia - Post Office: Early Mail Service and the Construction of Railroads
Manchester, New Hampshire - Currier Museum of Art: Pulpwood Logging
Robert Gwathmey
Mary C. Hague
Chicago, Illinois - Dixon School: Winter and Spring
Richard Haines
[Info] [Resources]
Berwyn, Illinois - Post Office: The Picnic
Cresco, Iowa - Post Office: Iowa Farming
Wichita, Kansas - Courthouse: Kansas Farming
Hastings, Minnesota - Post Office: Arrival of Fall Catalogue
Sebeka, Minnesota - Sebeka High School: History of Minnesota
Clinton, Missouri - Post Office: Coon Hunt
Shelton, Washington - Post Office: Skid Row
Otto Hake
Ernst Halberstadt
Sally Haley
Charles Haller
Government Camp, Oregon - Timberline Lodge: Spring on the Mountain (with Virginia Darce, Peter Ferrarin, Thomas Laman)
Parker Hall
San Francisco, California - Coit Tower: Collegiate Sports
Grace L. Hamilton
Edith Hamlin
Martinez, California - Post Office: The Road to Eldorado (with Maynard Dixon)
San Francisco, California - Coit Tower: Hunting in California
San Francisco, California - Mission High School: Civilization Through the Arts and Crafts as Taught to the Neophyte Indians
San Francisco, California - Mission High School: Mission San Francisco de Asis
Tracy, California - Tracy Historical Museum: Days of First Railroad
Armin Hansen
Carmel-By-The-Sea, California - City Hall, Council Chambers: Tree of Life
Ejnar Hansen
[Info] [Resources]
Lyla Harcoff
Santa Ynez, California - Santa Ynez High School: American Agriculture
Santa Ynez, California - Santa Ynez High School: Native American Theme
Santa Ynez, California - Santa Ynez High School: Spanish American Theme
George Harding
Charles Russell Hardman
Guntersville, Alabama - Former Post Office: Indians Receiving Gifts from the Spanish
Miami Beach, Florida - Post Office: Episodes from the History of Florida
Linwood, New Jersey - Borough Hall: Call Back the Years
Linwood, New Jersey - Borough Hall: Pepe's Gang
Stella E. Harlos
George Harris
San Francisco, California - Coit Tower: Banking and Law
Woodland, California - Post Office: Farm Life
Abraham Harriton
Augusta, Georgia - Augusta Convention and Visitor's Bureau: Plantation, Transportation, Education
Lance W. Hart
[Info] [Resources]
Bertram Hartman
Dayton, Tennessee - Dayton Water & Electric Building: View from Johnson's Bluff
Vertis C. Hayes
New York, New York - Harlem Hospital: Pursuit of Happiness
Charles Heaney
Bessie Pierce Heller
Los Angeles, California - Virgil Middle School: The Map Makers of the World
William Henderson
Santa Fe, New Mexico - Santiago E. Campos U.S. Courthouse: Acoma Trail
Santa Fe, New Mexico - Santiago E. Campos U.S. Courthouse: Cabezon
Santa Fe, New Mexico - Santiago E. Campos U.S. Courthouse: Espirito Santo Grant, Old Cuba Road
Santa Fe, New Mexico - Santiago E. Campos U.S. Courthouse: Monument Rock - Canyon de Chelly
Santa Fe, New Mexico - Santiago E. Campos U.S. Courthouse: Sangre de Cristos from Old Santa Fe Trail
Santa Fe, New Mexico - Santiago E. Campos U.S. Courthouse: Taos Mountains
William Henning
Cedar Rapids, Iowa - Harrison Elementary School: Transportation
E. Martin Hennings
Van Buren, Arkansas - Post Office: The Chosen Site
Ralf Henricksen
[Info] [Resources]
Chicago, Illinois - Horace Mann School: The Life of Horace Mann
Chicago, Illinois - Partee High School: History of the New World
Chicago, Illinois - West Pullman School: American Educational System
Chicago, Illinois - West Pullman School: Americanization of Immigrants
Lake Forest, Illinois - Gorton Community Center: Earth, Air, Fire, Water
Oak Park, Illinois - Horace Mann School: Community Life of Oak Park in the 19th Century (with Irene Bianucci, Charles Copeland, Emmanuel Jacobson)
Staunton, Illinois - Post Office: Going to Work
Monroe, Michigan - Post Office: Romance of Monroe
Charles Trumbo Henry
Cornelia, Georgia - Post Office: Northern Georgia
Natalie Henry
Springdale, Arkansas - Shiloh Museum of Ozark History: Local Industries
Robert Gaston Herbert
Mineola, New York - Theodore Roosevelt Executive and Legislative Building: Creating New York's Counties
Mineola, New York - Theodore Roosevelt Executive and Legislative Building: Laying the Cornerstone for the Nassau County Courthouse
Mineola, New York - Theodore Roosevelt Executive and Legislative Building: The Duke's Laws Promulgated
Mineola, New York - Theodore Roosevelt Executive and Legislative Building: The Youngs Mansion
Yaphank, New York - Suffolk County Office Building: "Bull" Smith's Ride
Yaphank, New York - Suffolk County Office Building: Paul Cuffee, Shinnecock Preacher
Velino Herrera
Washington, District of Columbia - Department of The Interior: Pueblo Life: Buffalo Chase
Washington, District of Columbia - Department of The Interior: Pueblo Life: Buffalo Dance
Washington, District of Columbia - Department of The Interior: Pueblo Life: Pottery Makers
Samuel F. Hershey
Cambridge City, Indiana - Post Office: Pride of Cambridge City
Rockport, Massachusetts - Public Library: Rockport Goes to War
Edna Hershman
Bronx, New York - Junior High School 113 (Richard R. Green): Industry and Farming
William Hesthal
Eugene Higgins
Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania - Post Office: The Armistice Letter
Mount Pleasant, Tennessee - Post Office: Early Settlers Entering Mt. Pleasant
Shawano, Wisconsin - Post Office: The First Settlers
Victor Higgins
Rocky Ford, Colorado - Post Office: The First Crossing at Rocky Ford
Taos, New Mexico - Former Taos County Courthouse: Moses the Law Giver
Gustave Hildebrand
Detroit, Michigan - R. Thornton Brodhead Armory: Nautical Themes (with David Fredenthal, John Tabaczuk, Edgar Yaeger)
Hilaire Hiler
San Francisco, California - Aquatic Park Bathhouse (Maritime Museum): Lost Continents of Atlantis and Mu
San Francisco, California - Aquatic Park Bathhouse (Maritime Museum): Prismatarium
San Francisco, California - Maritime Museum: Undersea Life
Carrie Hill
Birmingham, Alabama - East Lake Branch Library: Fairy Tale Scenes
Forrest Hill
George Snow Hill
Madison, Florida - Post Office: Long Staple Cotton
Milton, Florida - Former Post Office: Loading Pulpwood
Perry, Florida - Post Office: Cypress Logging
Tampa, Florida - Tampa International Airport, Airside E Terminal: The History of Flight
Roy Hilton
Westfield, New Jersey - Post Office: The New Stagecoach
Rocky Mount, Virginia - Post Office: Life in Rocky Mount
Stefan Hirsch
Booneville, Mississippi - Prentiss County Chancery Court Building: Scenic and Historic Booneville
Aiken, South Carolina - Charles e. Simons Jr. Federal Courthouse: Justice as Protector and Avenger
R. Hirt
Linwood, New Jersey - Borough Hall: All Right You Guys, Break It Up!
Linwood, New Jersey - Borough Hall: Firefighters of the Gay Nineties
Trew Hocker
Saint Louis, Missouri - University City Station Post Office: The Louisiana Purchase Exposition
William H. Hoffman
Miriam McKinnie Hofmeier
Forest Park, Illinois - Post Office: White Fawn
Fred Hogg Jr.
Nils Hogner
Portales, New Mexico - Eastern New Mexico University, Golden Library: Untitled
Alexandre Hogue
Graham, Texas - Young County Historical Museum: Oil Fields of Graham
Hollis Holbrook
Haleyville, Alabama - Public Library: Reforestation
Jeanerette, Louisiana - Post Office: Sugar Cane Mill
Natick, Massachusetts - Post Office: John Eliot Speaks to the Natick Indians
Dwight Holmes
Fort Worth, Texas - Former Main Post Office: Untitled (with W.H. Baker)
Henry Holmstrom
Marshall, Minnesota - Post Office: Pioneers Arriving in Marshall by Wagon Train
Axel Horn
Staten Island, New York - Richmond County Courthouse: Economic Pursuits of the Early American Settlers
Whitehall, New York - Post Office: Settlement of Skenesborough
Yellow Springs, Ohio - Post Office: Yellow Springs - Preparation for Life Work
Milton Horn
Allan Cafran Houser
Washington, District of Columbia - Department of The Interior: Scenes of Indian Life
Washington, District of Columbia - Department of The Interior: Singing Love Songs
Lowell Houser
John Langley Howard
Olinka Hrdy
Long Beach, California - Will Rogers Middle School: Deep Sea Magic
Arthur Gibson Hull
Darien, Connecticut - Town Hall: Capture of the Reverend Moses Mather
Darien, Connecticut - Town Hall: Untitled (with James Daugherty, Robert Pallesen, William J. Schaldach, Remington Schulyer, Loran Wilford)
Norwalk, Connecticut - Norwalk Transit District: Africa
Norwalk, Connecticut - Norwalk Transit District: China
Norwalk, Connecticut - Norwalk Transit District: India
Norwalk, Connecticut - Norwalk Transit District: The Voyage of Marco Polo: Venice, Panel 1
Norwalk, Connecticut - Norwalk Transit District: The Voyage of Marco Polo: Venice, Panel 2
Odon Hullenkremer
Conchas, New Mexico - Conchas Lake State Park, Administration Building: Commencement of Main Dam Construction
Conchas, New Mexico - Conchas Lake State Park, Administration Building: Conchas City, New Mexico
Donald Humphrey
Saint Paul, Minnesota - North Saint Paul Branch Post Office: Production
Russell Vernon Hunter
Fort Sumner, New Mexico - De Baca County Courthouse: The Last Frontier
Warren Hunter
Alice, Texas - Jim Wells County Courthouse: South Texas Panorama
Victoria Hutson Huntley
Peter Hurd
Alamagordo, New Mexico - Lincoln National Forest Service Building: Sorghum
Alamagordo, New Mexico - Lincoln National Forest Service Building: Sun and Rain
Alamagordo, New Mexico - Lincoln National Forest Service Building: Yucca
Big Spring, Texas - 118th District Courthouse: Old Pioneers
Dallas, Texas - Terminal Annex Federal Building: Air Mail Over Texas
Dallas, Texas - Terminal Annex Federal Building: Pioneer Home Builders
David Hutchison
Jesup, Georgia - Wayne County Library: General Oglethorpe Concludes a Treaty of Amity and Peace with the Creek Indians - May 18, 1733
New Rochelle, New York - Post Office: John Pell Receives Partial Payment for 6,000 Acres
New Rochelle, New York - Post Office: The Huguenots Lay the Foundations for the City of New Rochelle
New Rochelle, New York - Post Office: The Post Rider Brings News of the Battle of Lexington
Dahlov Ipcar
Yukon, Oklahoma - Post Office: The Run - April 22, 1889
La Follette, Tennessee - Post Office: On the Shores of the Lake
Reva Jackman
Bushnell, Illinois - Post Office: Pioneer Home in Bushnell
Attica, Indiana - Post Office: Trek of the Covered Wagon to Indiana
John Edwin Jackson
New York, New York - New York State Supreme Court: Law Through the Ages (with Attilio Pusterla, Andres T. Schwartz, Withrop Turney)
Emmanuel Jacobson
Oak Park, Illinois - Horace Mann School: Community Life of Oak Park in the 19th Century (with Irene Bianucci, Charles Copeland, Ralf Henricksen)
Mitchell Jamieson
[Info] [Resources]
Washington, District of Columbia - Department of The Interior: An Incident in Contemporary American Life
Upper Marlboro, Maryland - Prince George's County Library: Tobacco Cutters
Willard, Ohio - Post Office: The Roundhouse at Willard
Richard H. Jansen
Everett Jeffrey
Elsa Jemne
[Info] [Resources]
Harold Everett "Bubi" Jessen
Goliad, Texas - Goliad State Park and Historical Site: Pageant of Texas
Avery Johnson
[Info] [Resources]
Edwin Boyd Johnson
Chicago, Illinois - UI Medical Center, College of Medicine, Alumni-Faculty Lounge: Great Men of Medicine
Melrose Park, Illinois - Melrose Park Public Library: Airmail
Dickson, Tennessee - Former Post Office: People of the Soil
J. Theodore Johnson
Oak Park, Illinois - Post Office: LaSalle's Search for Tonti, 1680
Oak Park, Illinois - Post Office: The Founding of Fort Crevecoeur
Oak Park, Illinois - Post Office: The Osceola: First Shipment of Wheat from Chicago, 1839
Oak Park, Illinois - Post Office: The Pioneer: First Train to Oak Ridge
Garden City, New York - Post Office: Huckleberry Frolic
Sargent Johnson
San Francisco, California - Aquatic Park Bathhouse (Maritime Museum): Sea Forms
Tom Loftin Johnson
Brooklyn, New York - Pershing Hall: Scenes from Six American Wars
Allan Jones
Athens, Pennsylvania - Post Office: General Sullivan at Tioga Point
Amy Jones
Harry Donald Jones
[Info] [Resources]
Joe Jones
Magnolia, Arkansas - Former Post Office: Threshing
Anthony, Kansas - Post Office: Turning a Corner
Seneca, Kansas - Post Office: Men and Wheat
Charleston, Missouri - Post Office: Harvest
Dexter, Missouri - Post Office: Husking Corn
Wendell Jones
Rome, New York - City Hall: Barn Raising
Granville, Ohio - Post Office: First Pulpit in Granville
Johnson City, Tennessee - East Tennessee State University, Sherrod Library: Farmer Family
Raymond Jonson
Albuquerque, New Mexico - Physics & Astronomy Interdisciplinary Science Building: Cycle of Science
Portales, New Mexico - Eastern New Mexico University, Golden Library: Science
Paul Julian
Fullerton, California - Post Office: Orange Pickers
Upland, California - Upland Elementary School: History of Upland
Reuben Kadish
Duarte, California - City of Hope: History of Medicine (with Philip Guston)
Duarte, California - City of Hope: Physical Growth of Man (with Philip Guston)
San Francisco, California - San Francisco State University, Woods Hall: A Dissertation on Alchemy (with Urban Neininger)
Charles Anton Kaeselau
[Info] [Resources]
Concord, Massachusetts - Post Office: Battle at the Bridge
Lebanon, New Hampshire - Post Office: Rural New Hampshire
William F. Kaeser
Pendleton, Indiana - Post Office: Loggers
Sheffield Kagy
George Kanelous
[Info] [Resources]
Charles Kassler
Beverly Hills, California - Former Post Office: Air Mail
Beverly Hills, California - Former Post Office: Post Rider
Fullerton, California - Fullerton Union High School, Louis Plummer Auditorium: Pastoral California
Marguerite Bennett Kassler
A. Raymond Katz
Madison, Illinois - Post Office: Assimilation of the Immigrant into the Industrial Life of Madison
Andrene Kauffman
[Info] [Resources]
Lew Keller
Saint Helena, California - Post Office: Grape Pickers
Karl Kelpe
Paul Kelpe
Brooklyn, New York - Brooklyn Museum: Untitled
Richard Kenah
[Info] [Resources]
Rockwell Kent
Henry W. Keto
Cleveland, Ohio - Tremont Pointe Community Center: History of Tremont
Alice Kindler
Ware Shoals, South Carolina - Post Office: American Landscape
Albert Henry King
Long Beach, California - Harvey Milk Promenade Park: Typical Activities of a Beach and Harbor City (with Louisa Etcheverry, Henry Allen Nord, Stanton Macdonald-Wright)
Eugene Kingman
Alison Mason Kingsbury
Vahe Kirishjian
Washington, District of Columbia - William Jefferson Clinton Federal Building: The Four Seasons and Signs of the Zodiac
Vance Kirkland
Eureka, Kansas - Post Office: Cattle Roundup
Sayre, Oklahoma - Post Office: The Opening of the Cheyenne and Arapaho Country
Frank Klepper
McKinney, Texas - Collin County History Museum: Confederate Company Leaving McKinney
Georgina Klitgaard
Harry Klopp
Erie, Pennsylvania - Eric Public Library: Robin Hood
Erie, Pennsylvania - Eric Public Library: The Pied Piper of Hamlin
Gene Kloss
Portales, New Mexico - Eastern New Mexico University, Golden Library: Acoma
Portales, New Mexico - Eastern New Mexico University, Golden Library: Penitente Friday
Karl Knaths
Rehoboth Beach, Delaware - Post Office: Frontier Mail
Charles R. Knight
Sebring, Florida - Sebring Public Library: Prehistoric Life in Florida
Frederick Knight
John Van Koert
Neillsville, Wisconsin - Post Office: The Choosing of the County Seat
Nathaniel Koffman
Hardinsburg, Kentucky - Post Office: Kentucky Homestead
Walter Korder
Alexander J. Kostellow
Jeannette, Pennsylvania - Post Office: Battle of Bushy Run (with Robert L. Lepper, T. Frank Olson)
Jeannette, Pennsylvania - Post Office: Glass Industry (with Robert L. Lepper, T. Frank Olson)
Somerset, Pennsylvania - Post Office: Farm Scene
Albert Kotin
Kearny, New Jersey - Post Office: The City
Kearny, New Jersey - Post Office: The Marsh
Ada, Ohio - Post Office: Country Dance
Eve Kottgen
Batesville, Mississippi - Post Office: Cotton Plantation
Leon Kroll
Washington, District of Columbia - Department of Justice: Justice Defeated
Washington, District of Columbia - Department of Justice: Justice Triumphant
Henry La Cagnina
Crystal Springs, Mississippi - Post Office: Harvest
Lucien Labaudt
Los Angeles, California - U.S. Courthouse, Western Division: Aerodynamism
Los Angeles, California - U.S. Courthouse, Western Division: Life on the Old Spanish and American Ranchos
San Francisco, California - Beach Chalet: San Francisco Life
San Francisco, California - Beach Chalet: Untitled
San Francisco, California - Coit Tower: Powell Street
San Francisco, California - George Washington High School: Advancement of Learning Through the Printing Press
Thomas Sergeant Lafarge
Richard Lahey
Erich Lamade
Thomas Laman
McKinleyville, California - Federal Courthouse: Mining and Forestry
San Mateo, California - Post Office: Life in Early California
Government Camp, Oregon - Timberline Lodge: Spring on the Mountain (with Virginia Darce, Peter Ferrarin, Charles Haller)
Robert Lambdin
Harry Lane
Oakdale, Louisiana - Post Office: Air Express
Port Washington, New York - Post Office: Lighthouse
Gordon Langdon
San Francisco, California - Coit Tower: California Agriculture and Industry (with Helen Clement)
San Francisco, California - George Washington High School: Modern and Ancient Science
Edward Laning
Bowling Green, Kentucky - William H. Natcher U.S. Courthouse: The Long Hunters Discover Daniel Boone
Brooklyn, New York - Federal Courthouse: The Role of the Immigrant in the Industrial Development of America
New York, New York - New York Public Library: The Story of the Recorded Word
Rockingham, North Carolina - Richmond County Administrative Building: The Past as Connecting Threads in Human Life
Forrest "Woody" LaPlante
Toledo, Ohio - Toledo Zoo Reptile House: Reptile House Murals
Robert E. Larter
Oswego, Kansas - Post Office: Farm Life
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - Southwark Station Post Office: Iron Plantation Near Southwark - 1800
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - Southwark Station Post Office: Shipyards at Southwark - 1800
Joe Lasker
Millbury, Massachusetts - Post Office: An Incident in the King Philip War, 1670
Calumet, Michigan - Post Office: Copper Mining in Calumet
Thomas I. Laughlin
Defuniak Springs, Florida - Post Office: Scene of Town
Barbara Lawless
Jacob Lawrence
New York, New York - Metropolitan Museum of Art: Blind Beggars
Pietro Lazzari
Jasper, Florida - Post Office: Harvest at Home
Jasper, Florida - Post Office: News from Afar
Brevard, North Carolina - Post Office: Good News
Sanford, North Carolina - Lee County Courthouse: Kinfolk of Virginia Dare
Aldo Lazzarini
Tom Lea
Pleasant Hill, Missouri - Post Office: Back Home, April 1865
Dallas, Texas - Fair Park, Hall of State: Untitled
El Paso, Texas - El Paso Public Library: Southwest
El Paso, Texas - Federal Courthouse: Pass of the North
Odessa, Texas - Post Office: The Stampede
Seymour, Texas - Post Office: Comanches
Jefferson League
Chicago, Illinois - Clissold School Auditorium: Historical Periods
Chicago, Illinois - UI Medical Center, College of Pharmacy, Room 177: The Story of Natural Drugs
Doris Lee
Washington, District of Columbia - William Jefferson Clinton Federal Building: Country Post
Washington, District of Columbia - William Jefferson Clinton Federal Building: General Store
Summerville, Georgia - Post Office: Georgia Countryside
Hilton Leech
Bay Minette, Alabama - Post Office: Removal of the County Seat from Daphne to Bay Minette
Chattanooga, Tennessee - Joel W. Solomon Post Office and Courthouse: Allegory in Chattanooga
Harold Lehman
[Info] [Resources]
Harry Leith-Ross
Arthur Leitner
Los Angeles, California - Bob Hope Patriotic Hall: Soldiers and Sailors
Carl C. Lella
Woodbridge, New Jersey - Woodbridge Middle School: Lincoln, Slavery and Freedom
Michael Lenson
Newark, New Jersey - City Hall: History of Newark
Newark, New Jersey - Fourteenth Avenue School: The Four Freedoms
Newark, New Jersey - Weequahic High School: Enlightenment of Man
Mount Hope, West Virginia - Post Office: Mining
Robert L. Lepper
Solomon Levenson
Danvers, Massachusetts - Town Hall: Endecott Pear Tree (with Thomas Baker, Richard V. Ellery)
Danvers, Massachusetts - Town Hall: First Shoe Factory in the United States (with Thomas Baker, Richard V. Ellery)
Danvers, Massachusetts - Town Hall: Samuel Holton (with Thomas Baker, Richard V. Ellery)
Alexander Levin
Jasper, Texas - Post Office: Industries of Jasper
Saul Levine
Herschel Levit
Washington, District of Columbia - Recorder of Deeds Building: Crispus Attucks
Louisville, Ohio - New Post Office: Farm and Mill
Edmund D. Lewandowski
Edwin S. Lewis
Monty Lewis
Brooklyn, New York - Brooklyn High School of the Arts: The Cotton Industry in Contemporary America
Tom E. Lewis
Hayward, California - Post Office: Rural Landscape
Placerville, California - El Dorado County District Attorney's Office: Forest Genetics
La Grange, Texas - Post Office: Horses
Schomer Lichtner
[Info] [Resources]
Hodgenville, Kentucky - Post Office: Hodgen's Mill
Hamtramck, Michigan - Post Office: City Workers
Hamtramck, Michigan - Post Office: Farm Family
Hamtramck, Michigan - Post Office: Products of Industry and Agriculture
Sheboygan, Wisconsin - Post Office: Agriculture
Sheboygan, Wisconsin - Post Office: Indian Life
Sheboygan, Wisconsin - Post Office: Present City
Sheboygan, Wisconsin - Post Office: The Lake
Sheboygan, Wisconsin - Post Office: The Pioneer
Arthur Lidov
Chicago, Illinois - Christopher School: Characters from Children's Literature
Chillicothe, Illinois - Post Office: Rail Roading
Joseph Limarzi
Wapakoneta, Ohio - Post Office: Wapakoneta and American History
Thorsten Lindberg
Milwaukee, Wisconsin - Milwaukee Theater: America's Dairyland
Milwaukee, Wisconsin - Milwaukee Theater: Byron Kilbourn
Milwaukee, Wisconsin - Milwaukee Theater: Christopher Latham Sholes
Milwaukee, Wisconsin - Milwaukee Theater: Enoch Chase and E.S. Estes
Milwaukee, Wisconsin - Milwaukee Theater: George H. Walker
Milwaukee, Wisconsin - Milwaukee Theater: Milwaukee Industries
Milwaukee, Wisconsin - Milwaukee Theater: Solomon Juneau
Milwaukee, Wisconsin - Milwaukee Theater: Solomon Juneau and Josette Vieau
Milwaukee, Wisconsin - Milwaukee Theater: Wisconsin Agriculture
Milwaukee, Wisconsin - Milwaukee Theater: Wisconsin Loggers
Abraham Lishinsky
Bronx, New York - Wakefield Station Post Office: Washington and the Battle of the Bronx (with Irving Block)
New York, New York - Bayard Rustin Educational Complex: The Art Contribution to Civilization of all Nations and Countries (with Irving Block, Jean Charlot, Geoffrey Norman, Jacques Van Aalten)
Woodruff, South Carolina - Former Post Office: Cotton Harvest
R. Crawford Livingston
George Lloyd
Durham, New Hampshire - University of New Hampshire, Hamilton Smith Hall: Farming in New Hampshire
Lucile Lloyd
Sacramento, California - State Capitol, Senate Committee Room: California's Name
Elizabeth Lochrie
[Info] [Resources]
Ward Lockwood
Washington, District of Columbia - William Jefferson Clinton Federal Building: Consolidation of the West
Washington, District of Columbia - William Jefferson Clinton Federal Building: Opening of the Southwest
Wichita, Kansas - Courthouse: Pioneer in Kansas
Lexington, Kentucky - Post Office & U.S. Courthouse: Daniel Boone's Arrive in Kentucky
Taos, New Mexico - Former Taos County Courthouse: Avarice Begets Crime
Taos, New Mexico - Former Taos County Courthouse: Justice Begets Content
Taos, New Mexico - Former Taos County Courthouse: Sufficient Law Protects
Taos, New Mexico - Former Taos County Courthouse: Superfluous Laws Oppress
Hamilton, Texas - Post Office: Texas Rangers in Camp
Michael Loew
[Info] [Resources]
Elizabeth Logan
Antoine Lomax
Thomas LoMedico
Frank Weathers Long
[Info] [Resources]
Crawfordsville, Indiana - Post Office: Indiana Agriculture
Berea, Kentucky - Berea Police and Municipal Center: Berea Commencement in the Old Days
Lexington, Kentucky - Margaret King Library, University of Kentucky: Labor
Lexington, Kentucky - Margaret King Library, University of Kentucky: Recreation
Louisville, Kentucky - Gene Snyder U.S. Courthouse and Custom House: Activities of the Region
Morehead, Kentucky - Municipal Building: The Rural Free Delivery
Hagerstown, Maryland - Post Office: Transportation of the Mail
Drumright, Oklahoma - Post Office: Oklahoma Land Rush
Carlos Lopez
[Info] [Resources]
Washington, District of Columbia - Recorder of Deeds Building: The Death of Colonel Shaw at Fort Wagner
Dwight, Illinois - Post Office: The Stage at Dawn
Birmingham, Michigan - Former Post Office: The Pioneering Society's Picnic
Paw Paw, Michigan - Post Office: Bounty
Plymouth, Michigan - Purcell Station Post Office: Plymouth Trail
Eldora Lorenzini
Louis Lozowick
Ryah Ludins
[Info] [Resources]
Cortland, New York - Post Office: Valley of the Seven Hills
Nazareth, Pennsylvania - Post Office: Cement Industry
Helen Lundeberg
Canoga Park, California - Canoga Park High School: Quests of Mankind
Inglewood, California - Grevillea Art Park: History of Transportation
Los Angeles, California - Venice High School: History of Early California (with Grace Clements)
Los Angeles, California - Venice High School: History of Southern California (with Grace Clements)
David Lynch
Jesse M. Lynch
Long Beach, California - Jane Addams Elementary School, Library: A Visit to the Jungle (with Wilbur Broderick, Suzanne Miller)
Stanton Macdonald-Wright
Los Angeles, California - Hooper Avenue Elementary School: Products of Nature and Inventions of Man
Santa Monica, California - Downtown Parking Structure: Beach Scene
Santa Monica, California - Santa Monica City Hall, Lobby: Colonial Spanish Santa Monica
Santa Monica, California - Santa Monica City Hall, Lobby: Recreation in Santa Monica
Santa Monica, California - Santa Monica City Hall, West Wall: Santa Monica in the 1930s
Santa Monica, California - Santa Monica High School: Entrance of the Gods into Valhalla
Santa Monica, California - Santa Monica High School: Landing of the Vikings in Vinland
Santa Monica, California - Santa Monica Public Library: Invention and Imagination
South Gate, California - South Gate Community Center: Evolution of Writing
Buckley MacGurrin
Santa Paula, California - Santa Paula High School: Santa Paula
Santa Paula, California - Santa Paula High School: Youth
Adrien Machefert
San Pedro, California - Dana Middle School: Life and Travels of Richard Henry Dana, Jr.
Loren MacIver
New York, New York - Metropolitan Museum of Art: Carey's Backyard
Ludwig Mactarian
Dardanelle, Arkansas - Post Office: Cotton Growing, Manufacture and Export
Ethel Magafan
Wynne, Arkansas - Post Office: Cotton Pickers
Denver, Colorado - South Denver Station Post Office: The Horse Corral
Washington, District of Columbia - Department of Health and Human Services: Mountains in the Snow (with Jenne Magafan)
Washington, District of Columbia - Recorder of Deeds Building: The Battle of New Orleans
Auburn, Nebraska - Post Office: Threshing
Madill, Oklahoma - Post Office: Prairie Fire
Ethyl Magafan
Washington, District of Columbia - Recorder of Deeds Building: The Battle of New Orleans
Jenne Magafan
[Info] [Resources]
Glenwood Springs, Colorado - White River National Forest Headquarters: Decorative Map (with Edward Chávez)
Washington, District of Columbia - Department of Health and Human Services: Mountains in the Snow (with Ethel Magafan)
Albion, Nebraska - Post Office: Winter in Nebraska
Anson, Texas - Post Office: Cowboy Dance
Helper, Utah - Post Office: Western Town
Andrew Maglia
Royal Oak, Michigan - Royal Oak Middle School: The Naming of Royal Oak
Royal Oak, Michigan - Royal Oak Middle School: The Value of Arts, Culture and Science
Edith Mahier
Watonga, Oklahoma - Post Office: Roman Nose Canyon
Bronislaw Makielski
Royal Oak, Michigan - Royal Oak Middle School: Career Paths
Ypsilanti, Michigan - Brick Elementary School: Untitled (with Leon Makielski)
Leon Makielski
Ypsilanti, Michigan - Brick Elementary School: Untitled (with Bronislaw Makielski)
Peppino Mangravite
John Mann
Fall River, Massachusetts - Resiliency Preparatory School: From the Revolutionary War to the Civil War
Fall River, Massachusetts - Resiliency Preparatory School: Native American History
Fall River, Massachusetts - Resiliency Preparatory School: The Cotton Mill Era
David Margolis
Herman Maril
Reginald Marsh
David Stone Martin
[Info] [Resources]
F. Thornton Martin
Fletcher Martin
San Pedro, California - Post Office: Mail Transportation
Kellogg, Idaho - Post Office: Discovery
Lamesa, Texas - Forest Park Community Center: The Horse Breakers
Gail W. Martin
Danville, Indiana - Hendricks County Probation Court Building: Filling the Water Jugs - Haymaking Time
Margaret Martin
Robert Martin
Teaneck, New Jersey - Teaneck Public Library: History of the Printed Word
Thelma Martin
Frederick Massa
Ticonderoga, New York - Post Office: The Exhortation of Ethan Allen
Gerald Mast
Clare, Michigan - Clare High School: Untitled
Donald M. Mattison
Tipton, Indiana - Post Office: Indiana Farming
Union City, Indiana - Post Office: Country Cousins
Henry Mattson
[Info] [Resources]
Henrik Martin Mayer
[Info] [Resources]
Aurora, Indiana - Post Office: Down to the Ferry
Lafayette, Indiana - Post Office: Rural Delivery
Lafayette, Indiana - Post Office: Sad News
Jessie Hull Mayer
Paul Mays
Ila Turner McAfee
Gunnison, Colorado - Post Office: The Wealth of the West
Cordell, Oklahoma - Post Office: The Scene Changes
Edmond, Oklahoma - Post Office: Pre-Settlement Days
Clifton, Texas - Post Office: Texas Longhorn - A Vanishing Breed
Edward McBurney
Chicago, Illinois - Palmer Park: Dutch Settlers
Chicago, Illinois - Palmer Park: Explorers
Chicago, Illinois - Palmer Park: Native Americans
William S. McCall
Montevallo, Alabama - Post Office: Early Settlers Weighing Cotton
Solomon McCombs
Marietta, Oklahoma - Post Office: Chicksaw Family Making Pah Sho Fah
David McCosh
Washington, District of Columbia - Department of The Interior: Themes of the National Parks: Bryce Canyon
Washington, District of Columbia - Department of The Interior: Themes of the National Parks: Yosemite
Beresford, South Dakota - Post Office: Spirit of Beresford
Kelso, Washington - Post Office: Incidents in the Lives of Lewis and Clark
John McCrady
Amory, Mississippi - Post Office: Amory in 1889
James McCreery
Monett, Missouri - Post Office: Products of Missouri
Lucerne McCullough
Suzanne McCullough
Angela McDonnell
Houston, Texas - Houston Public Library, Julia Ideson Building: Avila, the Excuses for Conquest
Houston, Texas - Houston Public Library, Julia Ideson Building: La Rabida, Cradle of the New World
Houston, Texas - Houston Public Library, Julia Ideson Building: Toledo, Art and Literature in Spain
Musa McKim
Kindred McLeary
Norwalk, Connecticut - Post Office, Postmaster's Office: Indians Instructing Pioneers in Forest Lore
Norwalk, Connecticut - Post Office, Postmaster's Office: Past Products of South Norwalk
Norwalk, Connecticut - Post Office, Postmaster's Office: Present Products of South Norwalk
New York, New York - Madison Square Post Office: Scenes of New York
Jack McMillen
[Info] [Resources]
Tuscumbia, Alabama - Former Post Office: Chief Tuscumbia Greets the Dickson Family
Washington, District of Columbia - National Museum of Health and Medicine: Noon
College Park, Georgia - Post Office: Arrival of the Atlanta & West Point Railroad
Ben Carlton Mead
Frank Mechau
Colorado Springs, Colorado - Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center: Wild Horses
Denver, Colorado - Denver Public Library: Horses at Night
Washington, District of Columbia - William Jefferson Clinton Federal Building: Dangers of the Mail
Washington, District of Columbia - William Jefferson Clinton Federal Building: Pony Express
Ogallala, Nebraska - Post Office: Longhorns
Brownfield, Texas - Police Headquarters: Ranchers of the Panhandle Fighting Prairie Fire with Skinned Steer
Austin Mecklem
[Info] [Resources]
Wrangell, Alaska - Post Office: Old Town in Alaska (with Marianne Appel)
Portland, Connecticut - Post Office: Shade Grown Tobacco
Washington, District of Columbia - Recorder of Deeds Building: Matthew Henson Planting the American Flag at the North Pole
Joseph Meert
Spencer, Indiana - Post Office: Harvesting
Marceline, Missouri - Post Office: Contemporary Life in Missouri
Mount Vernon, Missouri - Post Office: Spring Pastoral
Henry Meloy
Paul Meltsner
Bellevue, Ohio - Post Office: Ohio
Daniel M. Mendelowitz
Oxnard, California - Post Office: Oxnard Panorama
Hubert Mesibov
Boris Mestchersy
William Meyerowitz
Dorothea Mierisch
Bamberg, South Carolina - Post Office: Cotton the World Over
Barse Miller
Burbank, California - Downtown Station Post Office: People of Burbank
Baytown, Texas - Baytown Historical Museum: Texas
Suzanne Miller
Long Beach, California - Jane Addams Elementary School, Library: A Visit to the Jungle (with Wilbur Broderick, Jesse M. Lynch)
Long Beach, California - Long Beach Public Library: Scenes from English Language Classics
Long Beach, California - Long Beach Public Library: Scenes from English Language Classics
South Gate, California - South Gate Community Center: History of Printing Through the Ages
Edward Millman
[Info] [Resources]
Chicago, Illinois - City Hall Service Center: The Blessings of Water
Chicago, Illinois - Lucy Flower High School: Women's Contribution to American Progress
Decatur, Illinois - Post Office: Early Pioneers
Decatur, Illinois - Post Office: Growth of Democracy in Illinois
Moline, Illinois - Post Office: Ploughshare Manufacturing
St Louis, Missouri - Post Office: Early Commerce and Trade
St Louis, Missouri - Post Office: Pre Civil War Missouri
St Louis, Missouri - Post Office: The River
St Louis, Missouri - Post Office: The Struggle for Statehood
St Louis, Missouri - Post Office: The Territory of Missouri
Bruce Mitchell
Julius Moessel
Chicago, Illinois - Field Museum: The Story of Food Plants
Ross E. Moffett
Holyoke, Massachusetts - Post Office: Captain Alezur Holyoke's Exploring Party on the Connecticut River
Provincetown, Massachusetts - Town Hall: Gathering Beach Plums
Provincetown, Massachusetts - Town Hall: Spreading Nets
Revere, Massachusetts - Post Office: The First Store and Tavern
Somerville, Massachusetts - Former Post Office: A Skirmish between British and Colonists
Olga Mohr
Stilwell, Oklahoma - Post Office: Cherokee Indian Farming and Animal Husbandry
Sacha Moldovan
Brooklyn, New York - P.S. 164 (Caesar Rodney School): New York Old and New
Justin Montavon
Stephen Mopope
Washington, District of Columbia - Department of The Interior: Ceremonial Dance
Anadarko, Oklahoma - Post Office: Ceremonial and Social Life of the Plains Indians (with James Auchiah)
F. Luis Mora
Carl Morris
Raymond L. Morris
Domenico Mortellito
Washington, District of Columbia - National Zoological Park: Habitat Background
Washington, District of Columbia - National Zoological Park: Noah's Ark
Newark, New Jersey - Broad Street Light Rail Station: Swimming in the Morris Canal
Newark, New Jersey - Pennsylvania Station: The Morris Canal
Newark, New Jersey - Warren Street Light Rail Station: On the Morris Canal
Newark, New Jersey - Washington Street Light Rail Station: Morris Canal Scene
Bronx, New York - Monroe High Educational Campus Library: The Machine Age
Port Chester, New York - Post Office: Occupations of Port Chester
Edward Morton
Oconomowoc, Wisconsin - Post Office: Winter Sports
Eric Mose
Bronx, New York - Former Samuel Gompers High School: Power
Archibald Motley Jr.
Evanston, Illinois - Nichols Middle School: Town Meeting
Wood River, Illinois - Post Office: Stagecoach and Mail
Jack Moxon
San Francisco, California - San Francisco State University, Richardson Hall: Angel
Jose Moya del Pino
Lancaster, California - Post Office: Hauling Water Pipe through Antelope Valley
Redwood City, California - Post Office: Flower Farming and Vegetable Raising
San Francisco, California - Coit Tower: San Francisco Bay, North
Stockton, California - Federal Building: Mail and Travel by Stage Coach
Alpine, Texas - Former Post Office: View of Alpine
Lloyd Moylan
Gallup, New Mexico - McKinley County Courthouse: History of the Gallup Region
Las Vegas, New Mexico - New Mexico Highlands University, Rodgers Hall: The Dissemination of Education in New Mexico
Portales, New Mexico - Eastern New Mexico University, Administration Building: Art
Portales, New Mexico - Eastern New Mexico University, Administration Building: The 12th Chapter of Ecclesiastes
Loren Mozley
Albuquerque, New Mexico - Federal Building and U.S. Courthouse: The Pueblo Rebellion of 1680
Clinton, Oklahoma - City Hall: Race for Land
Alvin, Texas - Post Office: Emigrants at Nightfall
Frederick Mulhaupt
Gloucester, Massachusetts - City Hall: DeChamplain Surveys Le Beauport
Gloucester, Massachusetts - City Hall: Landing of Dorchester Colonists - 1623
Gloucester, Massachusetts - O'Maley Middle School: Gloucester Harbor
Gloucester, Massachusetts - O'Maley Middle School: Native Life on Cape Ann
Bert Mullins
Morganfield, Kentucky - Post Office: Rural Free Delivery
Archie Musick
Datus Ensign Myers
Winnsboro, Louisiana - Former Post Office: Logging in the Louisiana Swamps
Joseph D. Myers
Gerald Nailor
Washington, District of Columbia - Department of The Interior: Initiation Ceremony
Washington, District of Columbia - Department of The Interior: Preparing Yarn for Weaving
Washington, District of Columbia - Department of The Interior: The Hunting Ground
Persi Narvaez
Willard Nash
Albuquerque, New Mexico - University of New Mexico Art Museum: A Swimmer
Albuquerque, New Mexico - University of New Mexico Art Museum: Football and Boxing
Albuquerque, New Mexico - University of New Mexico Art Museum: Shotput
Albuquerque, New Mexico - University of New Mexico Art Museum: Students Going to Class
Albuquerque, New Mexico - University of New Mexico Art Museum: Track and Tennis
Albuquerque, New Mexico - University of New Mexico Art Museum: Women's Sports
Francisca Negueloua
Tallulah, Louisiana - Post Office: The River
Urban Neininger
San Francisco, California - San Francisco State University, Woods Hall: A Dissertation on Alchemy (with Reuben Kadish)
Morris Neuwirth
New York, New York - Metropolitan Museum of Art: Saturday Night
G. Glenn Newell
Crawford, Nebraska - Post Office: The Crossing
Wallace, North Carolina - Former Post Office: Daydreams
James Michael Newell
Washington, District of Columbia - Department of The Interior: Insular Possession: Alaksa
Washington, District of Columbia - Department of The Interior: Insular Possession: Virgin Islands
Des Plaines, Illinois - Journal & Topics Building: Conquest of the Prairie Lands
Des Plaines, Illinois - Journal & Topics Building: The Death of Father Jacques Marquette
Bronx, New York - High School for Contemporary Arts: Evolution of Western Civilization
Dolgeville, New York - Post Office: The Underground Railroad
Lloyd R. Ney
[Info] [Resources]
Dale Nichols
Douglas Nicholson
[Info] [Resources]
Emrich Nicholson
Vacaville, California - Old Post Office Seafood and Grill: Fruit Season, Vacaville
Ralf Edgar Nickelsen
Ruth Nickerson
Eden, North Carolina - Post Office: American Oriental Rug Weaving
Joep Nicolas
Coldwater, Ohio - Post Office: Coldwater Activities
Carl E. Noble
Hempstead, New York - Southside Hose Company Number 2: First Hempstead Hose Cart
Hempstead, New York - Southside Hose Company Number 2: Hempstead Riding Academy Fire
Hempstead, New York - Southside Hose Company Number 2: Modern Fire Fighting Equipment
Hempstead, New York - Southside Hose Company Number 2: Old Time Fire Gong
Hempstead, New York - Southside Hose Company Number 2: Pioneer Fire Fighting
Henry Allen Nord
Long Beach, California - Harvey Milk Promenade Park: Typical Activities of a Beach and Harbor City (with Louisa Etcheverry, Albert Henry King, Stanton Macdonald-Wright)
Stanton Macdonald-Wright
Long Beach, California - Harvey Milk Promenade Park: Typical Activities of a Beach and Harbor City (with Louisa Etcheverry, Albert Henry King, Henry Allen Nord)
Ernest Norling
Geoffrey Norman
New York, New York - Bayard Rustin Educational Complex: The Art Contribution to Civilization of all Nations and Countries (with Irving Block, Jean Charlot, Abraham Lishinsky, Jacques Van Aalten)
Olive Nuhfer
Charles Nunemaker
San Francisco, California - Aquatic Park Bathhouse (Maritime Museum): Sepia Seascape
Myron Nutting
Milwaukee, Wisconsin - Milwaukee Public Museum: Natural History Murals
Wauwatosa, Wisconsin - Wauwatosa East High School: Local Landscape
Wauwatosa, Wisconsin - Wauwatosa East High School: Scene of Old Wauwatosa
Carl Nyquist
Bolivar, Tennessee - Post Office: Picking Cotton
Ann Rice O'Hanlon
Lexington, Kentucky - Memorial Hall, University of Kentucky: Scenes from Early Lexington
H. Amiard Oberteuffer
Vicksburg, Mississippi - Old Vicksburg Courthouse: Vicksburg - Its Character and Industries
Karl Oberteuffer
Falmouth, Massachusetts - Post Office: Recapture of Corn Schooner from British
McKenzie, Tennessee - Post Office: Early U.S. Post Village
Otis Oldfield
San Francisco, California - Coit Tower: San Francisco Bay
Henry Olmer
Cleveland, Ohio - Tremont Pointe: Valleyview Map (with Leroy Flint)
Frederick E. Olmstead Jr.
San Francisco, California - City College of San Francisco: Theory and Science
San Francisco, California - Coit Tower: Power
Richard Olsen
T. Frank Olson
Jeannette, Pennsylvania - Post Office: Battle of Bushy Run (with Alexander J. Kostellow, Robert L. Lepper)
Jeannette, Pennsylvania - Post Office: Glass Industry (with Alexander J. Kostellow, Robert L. Lepper)
Jose Clemente Orozco
David Hicks Overmyer
Ambrozi Paliwoda
Cleveland, Ohio - Public Library: Out of the Past, the Present; Out of the Material, the Spiritual
Robert Pallesen
Darien, Connecticut - Town Hall: Untitled (with James Daugherty, Arthur Gibson Hull, William J. Schaldach, Remington Schulyer, Loran Wilford)
William C. Palmer
Washington, District of Columbia - William Jefferson Clinton Federal Building: Covered Wagon Attacked by Indians
Washington, District of Columbia - William Jefferson Clinton Federal Building: Mail Coach Attacked by Bandits
Monticello, Iowa - Post Office: Iowa Landscape
Arlington, Massachusetts - Post Office: Purchase of Land and Modern Tilling of the Soil
Jamaica, New York - NYC Health + Hospitals/Queens: Functions of a Hospital
Queens, New York - Elmhurst Hospital Center: The Development of Medicine
David Park
Piedmont, California - Piedmont High School: The Muses
San Francisco, California - John Muir Elementary School: Art
San Francisco, California - John Muir Elementary School: Civilization
San Francisco, California - John Muir Elementary School: Nature
Douglass Parshall
Santa Barbara, California - Santa Barbara Junior High School: Olympic Sports
Ethel Parsons
Albany, New York - James T. Foley U.S. Courthouse: Continents of the World
Ambrose McCarthy Patterson
Mount Vernon, Washington - Skagit Valley College Business Resource Center: Local Pursuits
Frederick Alexander Pawla
Burlingame, California - Burlingame High School: Untitled
Alzira Peirce
Waldo Peirce
[Info] [Resources]
Portland, Maine - Portland Museum of Art: Woodsmen in the Woods of Maine
Peabody, Massachusetts - Former Post Office: Old Bull Pen
Troy, New York - Post Office: Legends of the Hudson
Troy, New York - Post Office: Rip Van Winkle
Ernest Peixotto
Oyster Bay, New York - Post Office: Oyster Bay: 1653-1936
Albert Pels
Wilmington, Delaware - Rodney Square Station Post Office: Landing of Swedes at The Rocks in Wilmington
Normal, Illinois - Post Office: Development of the State Normal School
Mildred W. Pelzer
Guy Pene du Bois
James Penney
Bernard Perlin
Carl W. Peters
Fairport, New York - Fairport Historical Museum: Life on the Erie Canal
Rochester, New York - Charlotte High School: History of the Lake Ontario Region
Rochester, New York - Joseph C. Wilson Foundation Academy: Life of Action
Rochester, New York - Joseph C. Wilson Foundation Academy: Life of Contemplation
Rochester, New York - Joseph C. Wilson Magnet High School: Indian Group
Rochester, New York - Joseph C. Wilson Magnet High School: Pioneer Family
Clarence Peters
[Info] [Resources]
William F. Pfohl
Bert Phillips
Taos, New Mexico - Former Taos County Courthouse: Obedience Casts Out Fear
Taos, New Mexico - Former Taos County Courthouse: The Shadow of Crime
Elizabeth Shannon Phillips
[Info] [Resources]
George Picken
Fort Edward, New York - Post Office: Lock on the Champlain Canal, Fort Edward
Hudson Falls, New York - Post Office: Scenes and Activities of Hudson
Chardon, Ohio - County Office Building: Maple Sugar Camp
John H.R. Pickett
Lewisburg, Tennessee - Post Office: Coming 'Round the Mountain
Virginia Beach, Virginia - Atlantic Station Post Office: The Arrival of the First White Women at Jamestown
Joseph Pistey Jr.
Haynesville, Louisiana - Post Office: Agriculture and Industry in Claiborne Parish
Virginia Pitman
John Poehler
Joseph Pollet
Pontotoc, Mississippi - Post Office: The Wedding of Ortez and SaOwana - Christmas 1540
Charles Pollock
Jackson Pollock
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - Philadelphia Museum of Art: Male and Female
Nelson Pool
San Francisco, California - Roosevelt Middle School: Harvest
San Francisco, California - Roosevelt Middle School: Land
Anne Poor
[Info] [Resources]
Depew, New York - Post Office: Beginning of the Day
Gleason, Tennessee - Post Office: Gleason Agriculture
Henry Varnum Poor
Fresno, California - City Hall: Grape Harvest
Washington, District of Columbia - Department of Justice: Justice Department Responsibilities: Customs
Washington, District of Columbia - Department of Justice: Justice Department Responsibilities: Pardons
Washington, District of Columbia - Department of Justice: Justice Department Responsibilities: Prisons
Washington, District of Columbia - Department of The Interior: Conservation of Wildlife
Chicago, Illinois - Uptown Post Office: Carl Sandburg and Louis Sullivan
George Post
Sonora, California - Sonora High School: Lumbering, Agriculture and Mining
Josef Presser
C.S. Price
Dorothy Puccinelli
Merced, California - Post Office and Federal Building: Vacheros
San Francisco, California - San Francisco Zoo, Mothers Building: Noah and His Ark - The Waters Subsiding and Renewal (with Helen Forbes)
Robert Cleaver Purdy
Hardinsburg, Kentucky - Post Office: Kentucky Tobacco Field
New Albany, Mississippi - Union County Development Association: Milking Time
Mary M. Purser
Clarksville, Arkansas - Post Office: How Happy Was the Occasion
Stuart R. Purser
[Info] [Resources]
Carrollton, Alabama - Post Office: Farm Scene with Senator Bankhead
Ferriday, Louisiana - Delta Music Museum: Southern Pattern
Gretna, Louisiana - Finance Station Post Office: Steamboats on the Mississippi
Leland, Mississippi - Post Office: Ginnin' Cotton
Attilio Pusterla
New York, New York - New York State Supreme Court: Law Through the Ages (with John Edwin Jackson, Andres T. Schwartz, Withrop Turney)
Walter Pyle Jr.
Claymont, Delaware - Claymont Community Center: Historic Claymont
Claymont, Delaware - Claymont Community Center: Industrial Claymont
Smyra, Delaware - John Bassett Moore School: Farm Life (with Stafford Good, Edward Grant)
Smyra, Delaware - John Bassett Moore School: Heritage of Shakespeare (with Stafford Good, Edward Grant)
Smyra, Delaware - John Bassett Moore School: School Scenes (with Stafford Good)
Smyra, Delaware - John Bassett Moore School: Shipping Industry (with Stafford Good, Edward Grant)
Smyra, Delaware - John Bassett Moore School: Student Activities (with Stafford Good)
E. B. Quigley
Norris W. Rahming
Gambier, Ohio - Post Office: Bishop P. Chase Selects Site of Kenyon College
J. K. Ralston
Evelyn Raymond
International Falls, Minnesota - Sports Stadium: Athletes
Louis Raynaud
Abbeville, Louisiana - Abbeville Museum: The Harvest
Bay Saint Louis, Mississippi - Post Office: Life on the Coast
Gerard Recke
New York, New York - Bayard Rustin Educational Complex, James Baldwin School: Aesthetic Motive (stained glass)
Raymond Redell
James Redmond
Compton, California - Post Office: Early California
Anton Refregier
Albert T. Reid
Charles Reiffel
San Diego, California - Balboa Park: Casa de Balboa: Farm Landscape
San Diego, California - Balboa Park: Casa de Balboa: Point Loma
San Diego, California - Balboa Park: Casa de Balboa: Point Loma
San Diego, California - Museum of San Diego History: San Diego Back Country
San Diego, California - Museum of San Diego History: San Diego Harbor
Edna Reindel
Swainsboro, Georgia - Emanuel County Court House: Experimenting with the First Model of the Cotton Gin
Winold Reiss
[Info] [Resources]
Alice Reynolds
Robstown, Texas - Post Office: Founding and Subsequent Development of Robstown
Daniel Rhodes
[Info] [Resources]
Piggott, Arkansas - Post Office: Airmail
Glen Ellyn, Illinois - Post Office: Settlers Building
Des Moines, Iowa - U.S. District Courthouse: The Wheelwright
Marion, Iowa - Marion Heritage Center: Communication by Mail
Storm Lake, Iowa - Public Library: Storm Lake
Olindo Mario Ricci
Brooklyn, New York - Brooklyn College Library: Famous Libraries of the World
George Rickey
Aiden Lassell Ripley
Lexington, Massachusetts - Post Office: Paul Revere's Ride
Winchester, Massachusetts - Winchester Public Library: Purchase of Land from the Indians
William Riseman
Lynn, Massachusetts - Post Office: Colonial and Contemporary Civic Culture
Lynn, Massachusetts - Post Office: Early and Modern Industries of Lynn
Loren R. Risher
Anchorage, Kentucky - Post Office: Meeting the Train
Diego Rivera
San Francisco, California - Diego Rivera Theater: Pan-American Unity
San Francisco, California - San Francisco Art Institute: The Making of a Fresco Showing the Building of a City
San Francisco, California - The City Club of California, Stock Exchange Tower: The Allegory of California
Detroit, Michigan - Detroit Institute of Arts: Detroit Industry Murals
Donald H. Robertson
Picayune, Mississippi - Post Office: Lumber Region of Mississippi
John T. Robertson
Nashville, Arkansas - Post Office: Peach Growing
Boardman Robinson
Englewood, Colorado - Post Office: Colorado Stock Sale
Washington, District of Columbia - Department of Justice: Great Events and Figures of the Law
Charles B. Rogers
Caroline Speare Rohland
Stateboro, Georgia - Georgia Southern University Museum: Spring
Bunkie, Louisiana - Post Office: Cotton Pickers
Fulton, New York - Post Office: Father LeMoyne Trying to Convert the Indians on Pathfinder Island
Paul Rohland
Atlanta, Georgia - Richard Russell Federal Building: Dogwood and Azaleas
Ville Platte, Louisiana - Post Office: Louisiana Bayou
Mount Union, Pennsylvania - Post Office: The Union of the Mountains
Warren Rollins
Santa Fe, New Mexico - Santiago E. Campos U.S. Courthouse: Scenes from Navajo Life
Rank Romanelli
Homer, New York - Post Office: Albany Street Bridge
Umberto Romano
Louise Emerson Ronnebeck
Charles Rosen
Nelson Rosenberg
Washington, District of Columbia - Theodore Roosevelt High School: Adolescent America
Washington, District of Columbia - Theodore Roosevelt High School: American Panorama
Frederick Webb Ross
Terre Haute, Indiana - Indiana State University College of Business: Magna Carta
Tom Rost
Paoli, Indiana - Post Office: Rural Mail Carrier
Elkhorn, Wisconsin - Post Office: Pioneer Postman
Lancaster, Wisconsin - Post Office: Farm Yard
Peter Rotier
Mayville, Wisconsin - Post Office: Wisconsin Rural Scene
West Bend, Wisconsin - Post Office: The Rural Mail Carrier
Vladimir Rousseff
Lewis Rubenstein
Revere, Massachusetts - Post Office: Cranberry Pickers
Andree Ruellan
Athens, Georgia - Post Office and Courthouse: Spring in Georgia
Emporia, Virginia - Post Office: Country Saw Mill
Alexander Rummler
Norwalk, Connecticut - City Hall: Apple Harvest
Norwalk, Connecticut - City Hall: Apple Harvest #2
Norwalk, Connecticut - City Hall: Calf Pasture Beach
Norwalk, Connecticut - City Hall: Circus Act
Norwalk, Connecticut - City Hall: Concord School
Norwalk, Connecticut - City Hall: Dairy Farm - Grade Herd
Norwalk, Connecticut - City Hall: Danbury Fair
Norwalk, Connecticut - City Hall: Dredging for Oysters
Norwalk, Connecticut - City Hall: Farm Scene
Norwalk, Connecticut - City Hall: Knudsen School
Norwalk, Connecticut - City Hall: Mopping for Starfish
Norwalk, Connecticut - City Hall: Norwalk High School
Norwalk, Connecticut - City Hall: Oyster Houses
Norwalk, Connecticut - City Hall: Road Stand
Norwalk, Connecticut - City Hall: Self-Portrait
Norwalk, Connecticut - City Hall: Shell Pile for Planting
Norwalk, Connecticut - City Hall: Shucking Oysters
Norwalk, Connecticut - City Hall: Trotting Races
Norwalk, Connecticut - City Hall: Washing Oysters
Norwalk, Connecticut - Maritime Aquarium: Day's End
Norwalk, Connecticut - Norwalk Community College, Baker Library: Birds of Connecticut
Norwalk, Connecticut - Norwalk Community College, Baker Library: Mammals of Connecticut
Albert C. Runquist
Olive Rush
[Info] [Resources]
Florence, Colorado - Post Office: Antelope Watering Hole
Albuquerque, New Mexico - Skip Maisel's Indian Jewelry & Crafts: Maisel's Indian Trading Post Murals
Las Cruces, New Mexico - New Mexico State University, Biology Building: Cotton Industry and Farming
Las Cruces, New Mexico - New Mexico State University, Biology Building: Natural History of Plant and Animal Life
Santa Fe, New Mexico - Fray Angelico Chavez History Library: The Library Reaches the People
Pawhuska, Oklahoma - Post Office: Osage Treaties
Robert K. Ryland
New York, New York - New York State Supreme Court, Jury Room 448: Historical New York Scenes
Allen Saalburg
New York, New York - Central Park: Arsenal: Parks and Recreational Activities
Eve Salisbury
Harrington, Delaware - Post Office: Men Hoeing
George Samerjan
Calexico, California - Former Post Office: Lettuce Workers
Culver City, California - Post Office: Studio Lot
Paul Sample
Redondo Beach, California - Post Office: Excursion Train and Picknickers in the 90s
Redondo Beach, California - Post Office: Fishing Redondo Dock
Redondo Beach, California - Post Office: Sheep Farming and Ocean Near Redondo
Warwick, Rhode Island - Post Office: Apponaug Fishermen
Gordon Samstag
Scarsdale, New York - Post Office: Caleb Heathcote Buys the Richbell Farm
Scarsdale, New York - Post Office: Law and Order in Old Scarsdale
Reidsville, North Carolina - Post Office: Tobacco
Birger Sandzén
Richard Sargent
Morrilton, Arkansas - Conway County Courthouse: Men at Rest
Michael Aloysius Sarisky
Barnesville, Ohio - Post Office: Airmail
Eugene Francis Savage
Washington, District of Columbia - William Jefferson Clinton Federal Building: Carrier of News and Knowledge
Washington, District of Columbia - William Jefferson Clinton Federal Building: Messenger of Sympathy and Love
Eugene Savage
Covington, Indiana - Fountain County Courthouse: Scenes from the European Discovery of America Through the Settlement of Western Indiana
Covington, Indiana - Fountain County Courthouse: The Disbursement of Tax Dollars
Covington, Indiana - Fountain County Courthouse: The Receiver of Taxes
Dallas, Texas - Fair Park, Hall of State: Texas of History
Thomas Michael Savage
[Info] [Resources]
Edmund J. Sawyer
[Info] [Resources]
William J. Schaldach
Darien, Connecticut - Town Hall: Untitled (with James Daugherty, Arthur Gibson Hull, Robert Pallesen, Remington Schulyer, Loran Wilford)
Louis Schanker
New York, New York - Municipal Building, 25th Floor: Mural for Studio B, WNYC
Roy Schat
Whiteville, North Carolina - Southeastern Community College, Auditorium: Harvesting Tobacco
Carl Scheffler
Evanston, Illinois - Haven Middle School, Music Room: Scenes of International Progress and Cooperation
Evanston, Illinois - Oakton School: The Legend of Charlemagne
Rudolph Scheffler
Nancy Scheibe
Harry William Scheuch
Suzanne Scheuer
[Info] [Resources]
Berkeley, California - Post Office: Incidents in California History
San Francisco, California - Coit Tower: Newsgathering (with Hebe Daum)
Caldwell, Texas - Burleson County Courthouse: Indians Moving
Eastland, Texas - Post Office: Buffalo Hunt
Howard Schleeter
Raton, New Mexico - Miners' Hospital, Nurses Station: Red Foothills
Arthur E. Schmalz
Eastman, Georgia - Post Office: Georgia Lumberman Receiving Mail by Star Route Wagon
Henry Schnakenberg
Edward Schoenberger
New Orleans, Louisiana - Former Canal Street Branch Library: History of Printing
Remington Schulyer
Darien, Connecticut - Town Hall: Untitled (with James Daugherty, Arthur Gibson Hull, Robert Pallesen, William J. Schaldach, Loran Wilford)
Andres T. Schwartz
New York, New York - New York State Supreme Court: Law Through the Ages (with John Edwin Jackson, Attilio Pusterla, Withrop Turney)
William S. Schwartz
[Info] [Resources]
Eldorado, Illinois - Post Office: Mining in Illinois
Fairfield, Illinois - Post Office: Old Settlers
Pittsfield, Illinois - Post Office: Champ Clark Bridge
Martyl Schweig
Washington, District of Columbia - Recorder of Deeds Building: Cyrus Tiffany in the Battle of Lake Erie
Russell, Kansas - Post Office: Wheat Workers
Saint Genevieve, Missouri - Post Office: La Guignolee
Roland Schweinsburg
Alexandria, Indiana - Post Office: The Sledding Party
East Liverpool, Ohio - East Liverpool Museum of Ceramics: Old Bennett Pottery Plant
Eaton, Ohio - Post Office: Van Ausdal's Trading Post
William Edouard Scott
Washington, District of Columbia - Recorder of Deeds Building: Frederick Douglas Appeals to President Lincoln
Georgette Seabrooke
New York, New York - Harlem Hospital: Recreation in Harlem
Elise Seeds
Oceanside, California - Post Office: Air Mail
Helen Seegert
Lompoc, California - Lompoc Veterans' Memorial Building: Building the Mission
Maxine Seelbinder
Washington, District of Columbia - Recorder of Deeds Building: Benjamin Banneker
Zoltan Sepeshy
Nashville, Illinois - Post Office: Barn Yard
Alfred Sessler
Howard S. Sewall
Ben Shahn
Washington, District of Columbia - Department of Health and Human Services: The Meaning of Social Security: Child Labor
Washington, District of Columbia - Department of Health and Human Services: The Meaning of Social Security: Harvest
Washington, District of Columbia - Department of Health and Human Services: The Meaning of Social Security: Housing
Washington, District of Columbia - Department of Health and Human Services: The Meaning of Social Security: Old Age
Washington, District of Columbia - Department of Health and Human Services: The Meaning of Social Security: Public Works
Washington, District of Columbia - Department of Health and Human Services: The Meaning of Social Security: Recreation
Washington, District of Columbia - Department of Health and Human Services: The Meaning of Social Security: Unemployment
Roosevelt, New Jersey - Roosevelt Public School: Jersey Homesteads Mural
Bronx, New York - Bronx General Post Office: Resources of America (with Bernarda Bryson Shahn)
Jamaica, New York - Woodhaven Station Post Office: The First Amendment
Bernarda Bryson Shahn
Bronx, New York - Bronx General Post Office: Resources of America (with Ben Shahn)
Frederick Shane
Eldon, Missouri - Post Office: Picnic, Lake of the Ozarks
Frank D. Shapiro
John Sharp
Glenn M. Shaw
Millard Sheets
Washington, District of Columbia - Department of The Interior: The Negro's Contribution in the Social and Cultural Development of America
Doug Shelton
Craig Sheppard
Norman, Oklahoma - University of Oklahoma, Adams Hall: Prominent Industries of Oklahoma
Joseph Sheridan
Piedmont, California - Piedmont High School: Junipero Serra
James Russell Sherman
Symeon Shimin
Washington, District of Columbia - Department of Justice: Contemporary Justice and The Child
Irvin Shope
Henrietta Shore
Monterey, California - Post Office: Monterey Bay
Santa Cruz, California - Post Office: Artichoke
Santa Cruz, California - Post Office: Cabbage Culture
Santa Cruz, California - Post Office: Fishing
Santa Cruz, California - Post Office: Limestone Quarries
Anatol Shulkin
Will Shuster
Santa Fe, New Mexico - New Mexico Museum of Art: Patio Murals
Donald Silks
Augusta, Kansas - Post Office: A Kansas Gusher
David Silvette
New Bern, North Carolina - Post Office & Courthouse, 2nd Floor Courtroom: First Printing Press in North Carolina (1749)
New Bern, North Carolina - Post Office & Courthouse, 2nd Floor Courtroom: First Provincial Convention in North Carolina (1774)
New Bern, North Carolina - Post Office & Courthouse, 2nd Floor Courtroom: The Bayard Singleton Case
Simka Simkhovitch
Jackson, Mississippi - Former James O. Eastland Federal Building: Pursuit of Life in Mississippi
Beaufort, North Carolina - Post Office: Crissy Wright
Beaufort, North Carolina - Post Office: Goose Decoys
Beaufort, North Carolina - Post Office: Mail to Cape Lookout
Beaufort, North Carolina - Post Office: Sand Ponies
Henry Simon
De Queen, Arkansas - Post Office: Wildlife Conservation in Arkansas
Chicago, Illinois - Wells High School Library: The Founding of McKendree College, Lebanon, Illinois
Fairborn, Ohio - Post Office: The Wright Brothers in Ohio
Gerrit Sinclair
[Info] [Resources]
Wausau, Wisconsin - Federal Building Lofts: Lumbering
Clyde Singer
New Concord, Ohio - Post Office: Skaters
Mitchell Siporin
[Info] [Resources]
John Sitton
Clifton, New Jersey - Post Office: Transportation
A. Katherine Skeele
Torrance, California - Torrance High School: Home Life in Old Taos
John Sloan
Bronxville, New York - Post Office: The Arrival of the First Mail in Bronxville in 1846
George Vander Sluis
Jean Paul Slusser
[Info] [Resources]
George Melville Smith
Jacob Getlar Smith
Salisbury, Maryland - Maude R. Toulson Federal Building and Post Office: Cotton Patch
Salisbury, Maryland - Maude R. Toulson Federal Building and Post Office: Salisbury
Salisbury, Maryland - Maude R. Toulson Federal Building and Post Office: Stage at Byrd's Inn
Nyack, New York - Post Office: Scenes of Local History in the Colonial Period
Judson Smith
Virginia Snedeker
Jerome Snyder
Fenton, Michigan - Post Office: Change of Shift (with Gertrude Goodrich)
John Martin Socha
Yngve Soderberg
Morrisville, Pennsylvania - Mid Atlantic Printing: Canal Era
William Sommer
Cleveland, Ohio - Main Library: The City in 1833
Geneva, Ohio - Post Office: Rural Homestead
Ethel Spears
Chicago, Illinois - Kozminski Community Academy: Classroom Scenes
Chicago, Illinois - Linne Elementary School: The Life of Carl Von Linne
Chicago, Illinois - Nettlehorst School: Horses in Literature
Oak Park, Illinois - Gwendolyn Brooks Middle School: Child and Sports - Summer
Oak Park, Illinois - Percy Julian Middle School: Child and Sports - Winter
Hartford, Wisconsin - Schauer Arts & Activities Center: Autumn Wisconsin Landscape
Walter Speck
Romulus, Michigan - UAW, West Side Local 174: Untitled
Francis Speight
Ann Hunt Spencer
Max Spivak
Queens, New York - Queens Borough Public Library, Astoria Branch: Circus and Opera Puppets
Clay Spohn
Los Gatos, California - Los Gatos High School: The Legend of New Almaden
Grace Spongberg
Chicago, Illinois - Bennett School: Children's Subjects
Chicago, Illinois - Mason Elementary School: Spring and Fall
Ralph Stackpole
Sacramento, California - Sacramento City College, Auditorium: Importance of Education in Sacramento
San Francisco, California - Coit Tower: Industries of California
San Francisco, California - George Washington High School: Contemporary Education
Frederick Charles Stahr
Staten Island, New York - Borough Hall: Bayonne Bridge Under Construction, 1928-1931
Staten Island, New York - Borough Hall: British Troops Evacuate Staten Island: December 5, 1783
Staten Island, New York - Borough Hall: Castleton Hotel Fire at New Brighton
Staten Island, New York - Borough Hall: Conference at Billopp House, Tottenville, 1776
Staten Island, New York - Borough Hall: Cornelius Melyn Trades with the Indians
Staten Island, New York - Borough Hall: Fight at St. Andrew's Church, 1776
Staten Island, New York - Borough Hall: First Railroad: Clifton to Tottenville, 1860
Staten Island, New York - Borough Hall: Giovanni da Verrazzano Discovers Staten Island, 1524
Staten Island, New York - Borough Hall: Governor Tompkins Erects Forts Richmond and Tompkins, 1812-1814
Staten Island, New York - Borough Hall: Henry Hudson Anchors off Staaten Eylandt in 1609
Staten Island, New York - Borough Hall: Huguenot Settlement on Staten Island
Staten Island, New York - Borough Hall: Stage Coach to Richmond Stops at Black Horse Tavern
Staten Island, New York - Borough Hall: The British Fortify Fort Hill, 1776
Andrew Standing Soldier
Maxwell B. Starr
Brooklyn, New York - Brooklyn Technical High School: History of Mankind in Terms of Mental and Physical Labor
Rockdale, Texas - Post Office: Industry in Rockdale
Bernard J. Steffen
Neodesha, Kansas - Post Office: Neodesha's First Inhabitants
Harwood Steiger
Fort Payne, Alabama - Post Office: Harvest at Fort Payne
Thomas M. Stell Jr.
Perry, Oklahoma - Cherokee Strip Museum: Range Branding Down by the Big Tank
Longview, Texas - Post Office: Rural East Texas
Teague, Texas - Post Office: Cattle Roundup
Harry Sternberg
Maurice Sterne
Washington, District of Columbia - Department of Justice: Man's Struggle for Justice
Washington, District of Columbia - Department of Justice: The Search for Truth
W. Lester Stevens
Frederick Stoddard
Gloucester, Massachusetts - O'Maley Middle School: Our Daily Bread
Gloucester, Massachusetts - Sawyer Free Library: Scenes of the Region (with Howard Curtis)
Rolf Stoll
Peggy Strong
[Info] [Resources]
Ray Strong
San Gabriel, California - Post Office: San Gabriel County
Decatur, Texas - Former Post Office: Texas Plains
Herman Struck
Oakdale, California - Magnolia Elementary School, Library: Snow White
Arthur Sturges
Oyster Bay, New York - Post Office: Sending Mail to North America
James Swann
Sherman, Texas - Sherman Museum: Music
F. Alston Swift
Berkeley, California - University of California, Old Art Gallery: Music and Painting
Jean Swiggett
Long Beach, California - Polytechnic High School: Industrial Activities in Long Beach (with Ivan Bartlett)
Franklin, Indiana - Post Office: Local Industry
Albert Swinden
Brooklyn, New York - Brooklyn Museum: Untitled
New York, New York - Tate Innovation Center: Abstraction
David Carrick Swing
Phoenix, Arizona - Phoenix College Library: Desert Landscapes
John Tabaczuk
Detroit, Michigan - R. Thornton Brodhead Armory: Nautical Themes (with David Fredenthal, Gustave Hildebrand, Edgar Yaeger)
Robert Tabor
Edgar Dorsey Taylor
Piedmont, California - Piedmont High School: Ancient Education
Piedmont, California - Piedmont High School: Modern Education
San Jose, California - Herbert Hoover Middle School: Medieval Scene
John W. Taylor
R.W.R. Taylor
El Monte, California - El Monte Historical Society: Scenes of Indian Life
Minette Teichmueller
Smithville, Texas - Post Office: The Law - Texas Rangers
Edward Terada
San Francisco, California - Coit Tower: Sports
Elizabeth Terrell
Starke, Florida - Post Office: Reforestation
Conyers, Georgia - Post Office: The Ploughman
Allan Thomas
Florence Thomas
Lenore Thomas
Covington, Virginia - Post Office: Rural Life
Webster Springs, West Virginia - Post Office: Springtime
Alan Thompson
Lorin Thompson
[Info] [Resources]
B. James Thornley
Peekskill, New York - Peekskill Middle School: History Procession from Egypt to Modern Times
Peekskill, New York - Peekskill Middle School: Technology Advancement
Everett C. Thorpe
Provo, Utah - Federal Building: Early and Modern Provo
Charles W. Thwaites
Windom, Minnesota - Cottonwood County Historical Society: Agricultural Theme
Chilton, Wisconsin - Post Office: Threshing Barley
Plymouth, Wisconsin - Post Office: Making Cheese
John Thwaites
Greenville, Michigan - Post Office: Lumbering
Chester J. Tingler
[Info] [Resources]
Isidore Toberoff
Alton Tobey
Abraham Joel Tobias
Brooklyn, New York - Midwood High School: Science
Dorothea Tomlinson
Alan Tompkins
[Info] [Resources]
Alex Topp
Chicago, Illinois - O'Toole School Library: Characters from Children's Literature
Harry Townsend
Norwalk, Connecticut - Benjamin Franklin Middle School, Auditorium: Arrival of the First Settlers
Norwalk, Connecticut - Benjamin Franklin Middle School, Auditorium: Work, the Soul of Progress
Norwalk, Connecticut - City Hall: Purchase of Norwalk
Elizabeth Tracy
Downers Grove, Illinois - Post Office: Chicago, Railroad Center of the Nation
Milton, Massachusetts - Post Office: The Suffolk Resolves - Oppression and Revolt in the Colonies
William Traher
DeWitt, Arkansas - Post Office: Portrait of Contemporary DeWitt
Eugene Trentham
James Turnbull
Fredericktown, Missouri - Post Office: The Lead Belt
Jackson, Missouri - Chamber of Commerce: Loading Cattle
Frances Lee Turner
Washington, District of Columbia - Smithsonian American Art Museum: Bulloch Hall
Withrop Turney
New York, New York - New York State Supreme Court: Law Through the Ages (with John Edwin Jackson, Attilio Pusterla, Andres T. Schwartz)
Charles Turzak
Eduard Buk Ulreich
Tallahassee, Florida - U.S. Bankruptcy Courthouse: History of Florida
Kansas City, Missouri - Post Office: Indians Watching Stagecoach in the Distance
Kansas City, Missouri - Post Office: Pony Express
New Rockford, North Dakota - Post Office: Advance Guard of the West
Auburn, California - Placer High School: Untitled
Long Beach, California - Polytechnic High School: High School Students
Long Beach, California - Polytechnic High School: Speed is the Greatest Factor in Modern Life
Long Beach, California - Thomas Edison Elementary School: Untitled
San Diego, California - Jacob Weinberger U.S. Courthouse: San Diego Harbor
San Diego, California - Presidio Park, Mormon Monument Section: The Grand March
San Francisco, California - Anza Branch Library: Flowers and Animals
San Francisco, California - West Portal Library: Untitled
South San Francisco, California - Public Library: North Beach, San Francisco
Bridgeport, Connecticut - Popular Library: Untitled
Chicago, Illinois - Kohn Elementary School: Covered Wagon and Indians
Winnetka, Illinois - New Trier Township High School, Room M284: Music
Gloucester, Massachusetts - City Hall: Young People
Flushing, New York - Flushing High School: The 19th Century
Flushing, New York - Flushing High School: The Native Americans and Vlissingen
Flushing, New York - Flushing High School: The Quakers
Flushing, New York - Flushing High School: The Revolutionary Period
Tabor Utley
Colorado Springs, Colorado - City Auditorium: The Arts
Jacques Van Aalten
New York, New York - Bayard Rustin Educational Complex: The Art Contribution to Civilization of all Nations and Countries (with Irving Block, Jean Charlot, Abraham Lishinsky, Geoffrey Norman)
Sidney Van Sheck
Birmingham, Alabama - Woodlawn High School Auditoritum: Gloried Be They Who Foresaking Unjust Riches Strive in Fulfillment of Humble Tasks for Peace Culture and the Equality of All Mankind (with Richard Coe)
Theodore Van Soelen
Portales, New Mexico - Post Office: Buffalo Range
Waurika, Oklahoma - Post Office: Wild Geese
Livingston, Texas - Post Office: Buffalo Hunting
Stuyvesant Van Veen
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania - U.S. Courthouse and Post Office: Pittsburgh Panorama
Samuel Vaughan
Santa Barbara, California - Santa Barbara Veterans' Memorial: Men at Work
Santa Barbara, California - Santa Barbara Veterans' Memorial: US Army in Europe
Frede Vidar
Andrew McDuffie Vincent
Herman Volz
San Francisco, California - City College of San Francisco: Organic and Inorganic Science
Philip Von Saltza
Schuyler, Nebraska - Post Office: Wild Horses by Moonlight
Milford, New Hampshire - Post Office: Lumberman Log-Rolling
Siler City, North Carolina - Post Office: Building the First House at Siler's Crossroads
Williamston, North Carolina - Post Office: First Flight of the Wright Brothers at Kitty Hawk
Saint Albans, Vermont - Former Post Office: Haying
Saint Albans, Vermont - Former Post Office: Sugaring Off
John Von Wicht
New York, New York - Brooklyn Public Library, Grand Army Plaza Branch: Mural for Studio B, WNYC
Knoxville, Tennessee - Tennessee Appellate Court: Goddess of Justice
Joseph P. Vorst
Bethany, Missouri - Post Office: Time Out
Vandalia, Missouri - Post Office: Corn Harvest
Joseph Vorst
Paris, Arkansas - Post Office: Rural Arkansas
George Wilson Walker
San Francisco, California - Roosevelt Middle School: Education
John Augustus Walker
[Info] [Resources]
John Law Walker
South Pasadena, California - Post Office: The Stage Coach
Lockhart, Texas - Post Office: The Pony Express Station
Stuart Walker
Portales, New Mexico - Eastern New Mexico University, Golden Library: Abstract
Portales, New Mexico - Eastern New Mexico University, Golden Library: Black and White Sawmill
Winfield Walkley
Greer, South Carolina - Greer Heritage Museum: Cotton and Peach Growing
Moira Wallace
Monterey, California - Monterey High School: Orange Picking
Monterey, California - Monterey High School: Wheat Harvest
John Walley
Chicago, Illinois - Lane Tech College Prep High School Auditorium: Indian Motif
Richard Guy Walton
Mildred Waltrip
Highland Park, Illinois - Ravinia School: Robin Hood
Oak Park, Illinois - Hatch Elementary School: American Characters
Charles W. Ward
[Info] [Resources]
Trenton, New Jersey - Federal Courthouse: Progress and Industry
Trenton, New Jersey - Federal Courthouse: Rural Delivery
Trenton, New Jersey - Federal Courthouse: The Second Battle of Trenton
Roanoke Rapids, North Carolina - Wellman, White & Wilson, PLLC: Cotton Pickers
Lucile Ward
Chicago, Illinois - Morrill Elementary School, Kindergarten Room: Children's Activities
Chicago, Illinois - Pasteur School, Kindergarten Room: The Alphabet
Chicago, Illinois - Pasteur School, Room 112: Numbers
Chicago, Illinois - Sawyer School: History of Chicago
Florence E. Ware
Lee R. Warthen
Hartselle, Alabama - Chamber of Commerce: Cotton Scene
James S. Watrous
Jean Watson
Madison, North Carolina - Post Office: Early Summer in North Carolina
Henry Wedemeyer
San Antonio, Texas - Alamo Stadium: 100 Years of Sports in San Antonio, Texas, 1840-1940 (with Leonora Feiler)
Elof Wedin
[Info] [Resources]
Alicia Weincek
Mooresville, North Carolina - Mooresville Graded School District Administration Offices: North Carolina Cotton Industry
Valentine Weise
Melvin Keegan
Rudolph Weisenborn
Chicago, Illinois - Nettlehorst School: Contemporary Chicago
Hugh Weller
Denver, Colorado - East High School: Marco Polo's Journey to China
Paul Weller
Baldwinsville, New York - Post Office: Gateway to the West
Cady Wells
Portales, New Mexico - Eastern New Mexico University, Golden Library: Mesas
H.H. Wessel
Glen Wessels
San Francisco, California - Laguna Honda Hospital: Air
San Francisco, California - Laguna Honda Hospital: Earth
San Francisco, California - Laguna Honda Hospital: Fire
San Francisco, California - Laguna Honda Hospital: The Professions
San Francisco, California - Laguna Honda Hospital: Water
Richard West
Okemah, Oklahoma - Post Office: Grand Council of 1842
Harold Weston
Francis Robert White
[Info] [Resources]
Victor White
Rockville Centre, New York - Post Office: Farmer with Livestock
Rockville Centre, New York - Post Office: Fisherman and Wife
Rockville Centre, New York - Post Office: Framing a House
Rockville Centre, New York - Post Office: Harvesting Wheat
William D. White
Dover, Delaware - Wesley United Church Education Center: Harvest
Dover, Delaware - Wesley United Church Education Center: Spring
Dover, Delaware - Wesley United Church Education Center: Summer
Clifford Wight
San Francisco, California - Coit Tower: Portraits
San Francisco, California - Coit Tower: Steelworker
Jessie S. Wilbur
Kingman, Kansas - Post Office: In the Days of the Cattlemen's Picnic
Lucia Wiley
[Info] [Resources]
Loran Wilford
Darien, Connecticut - Town Hall: Untitled (with James Daugherty, Arthur Gibson Hull, Robert Pallesen, William J. Schaldach, Remington Schulyer)
Jack Wilkinson
Stanton Willard
Monterey, California - Post Office: Raising the Flag at Monterey by the Forces of Commander Sloat, July 7, 1846
Monterey, California - Post Office: The Landing of Sebastian Viscaino at Monterey, December 16, 1602
J. Scott Williams
New Castle, Delaware - Post Office: William Penn Welcomed at New Castle
Brooks Willis
Portales, New Mexico - Eastern New Mexico University, Golden Library: Sawmill
Gilbert Brown Wilson
Terre Haute, Indiana - Bayh College of Education: Waste
Terre Haute, Indiana - Tilson Auditorium: The Bean Pickers
Terre Haute, Indiana - Woodrow Wilson Middle School: Liberation
Yellow Springs, Ohio - The Wellness Center at Antioch College: The Collapse of Modern Civilization Under Capitalism
Sol Wilson
Anna Keener Wilton
Gallup, New Mexico - McKinley County Courthouse: The Zuni Potters
Andrew Winter
[Info] [Resources]
Charles Allan Winter
Gloucester, Massachusetts - City Hall: City Council in Session
Gloucester, Massachusetts - City Hall: City Government
Gloucester, Massachusetts - City Hall: Civic Virtues
Gloucester, Massachusetts - City Hall: Education
Gloucester, Massachusetts - City Hall: Protection of Fishing
Gloucester, Massachusetts - City Hall: The Founding of Gloucester
Edward Winter
Cassville, Missouri - Post Office: Flora and Fauna of the Region
Lumen Martin Winter
Hutchinson, Kansas - Post Office: Threshing in Kansas
Fremont, Michigan - Post Office: Pony Express
Saint Louis, Missouri - Gwen B Giles Station Post Office: Old Levee and Market at St. Louis
William Winter
Hackensack, New Jersey - Bergen County Courthouse, Room 253: Local Historical Sights
Hackensack, New Jersey - Bergen County Courthouse, Room 352: The Roots of American Law
Hackensack, New Jersey - Bergen County Courthouse, Room 357: Roman Law
Julius Woeltz
[Info] [Resources]
Benton, Arkansas - Saline County Courthouse: The Bauxite Mines
Amarillo, Texas - J. Marvin Jones Federal Building: Cattle Branding
Amarillo, Texas - J. Marvin Jones Federal Building: Cattle Loading
Amarillo, Texas - J. Marvin Jones Federal Building: Coronado's Exploration Party
Amarillo, Texas - J. Marvin Jones Federal Building: Disk Harrow
Amarillo, Texas - J. Marvin Jones Federal Building: Gang Plow
Amarillo, Texas - J. Marvin Jones Federal Building: Oil
Elgin, Texas - Post Office: Texas Farm
Karl Wolfe
Louisville, Mississippi - Post Office: Crossroads
Grant Wood
Julius Wyhof
Mt. Gilead, Ohio - Post Office: Pioneering to Progress
Edgar Yaeger
Detroit, Michigan - R. Thornton Brodhead Armory: Nautical Themes (with David Fredenthal, Gustave Hildebrand, John Tabaczuk)
East Lansing, Michigan - Michigan State University, Union Building: The History of Light
Grosse Pointe Farms, Michigan - Grosse Point South High School: Education
Bernard Zakheim
San Francisco, California - Coit Tower: Library
San Francisco, California - Health at Home: Community Spirit
San Francisco, California - University of California, San Francisco, Health Sciences West: Rational Medicine
San Francisco, California - University of California, San Francisco, Health Sciences West: Superstitious Medicine
San Francisco, California - Unviersty of California, San Francisco, Toland Hall: History of Medicine in California
Mineola, Texas - Mineola Historical Museum: New and Old Methods of Transportation
Rusk, Texas - Post Office: Agriculture and Industry at Rusk
Virgil Zenor
Lawndale, California - Lawndale High School: Adolph Leuzinger
Lawndale, California - Lawndale High School: George Green
Lawndale, California - Lawndale High School: Invention in Relation to Modern Life
Lawndale, California - Lawndale High School: Scenes of Local History: Fiesta
Matthew E. Ziegler
Flandreau, South Dakota - Post Office: Wheat in the Shock
Herman Zimmerman
Wilmington, Delaware - Wilmington Trust Corporation: Chemistry and Agriculture
Wilmington, Delaware - Wilmington Trust Corporation: Chemistry and Industry
Santos Zingale
[Info] [Resources]
Richard Zoellner
[Info] [Resources]
Cleveland, Ohio - Pearlbrook Station Post Office: Ore Docks and Steel Mills
Georgetown, Ohio - Post Office: Tobacco Harvest
Hamilton, Ohio - Post Office: Agriculture
Hamilton, Ohio - Post Office: Fort Hamilton
Hamilton, Ohio - Post Office: Industries of Hamilton
Portsmouth, Ohio - Post Office: Coal Barges
Portsmouth, Ohio - Post Office: Waterfront
Mannington, West Virginia - Post Office: Landscape of Frogtown
Marguerite Zorach
Monticello, Indiana - Post Office: Hay Making
Peterborough, New Hampshire - Post Office: New Hampshire Post in Winter
Ripley, Tennessee - Post Office: Autumn
Milford Zornes
Claremont, California - Post Office: California Landscape
Rancho Cucamonga, California - Chaffey College Library: R.F.D. No. 2
Rancho Cucamonga, California - Chaffey College Library: The Colonial Post Rider
Rancho Cucamonga, California - Chaffey College Library: The Old Butterfield Stage Station at Vallecito
Rancho Cucamonga, California - Chaffey College Library: Untitled
El Campo, Texas - Post Office: Rural Texas Gulf Coast
Jirayr H. Zorthian
Clarence Zuelch
Clarence Zyuld
Cleveland, Ohio - University Center Station Post Office: Historical and Modern Scenes of Cleveland (with John Czosz)