Resources for John W. De Groot

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  • ID: 1271
  • Key: JWDG4
  • Type: article
  • Author: Larry Barszewski
  • Title: Is Fort Lauderdale mosaic history – or just falling to pieces?
  • Year: 2012
  • Tags: John W. De Groot
  • URL:
  • Source: Sun Sentinel
  • Issue: July 18
  • ID: 637
  • Key: RL89
  • Type: article
  • Author: Ray Lynch
  • Title: John W. De Groot, 81, Created Mosaic And Paint Murals
  • Year: 1989
  • Tags: John W. De Groot
  • URL:
  • Source: Fort Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel
  • Issue: April 22
  • ID: 1270
  • Key: JWDG3
  • Type: article
  • Author: Mark Gauert
  • Title: Our Pieces of Resistance
  • Year: 2012
  • Tags: John W. De Groot
  • URL:
  • Source: City & Shore
  • Issue: October 6