Post Office Art
100 Years of Sports in San Antonio, Texas, 1840-1940 San Antonio, Texas - Alamo Stadium (Leonora Feiler, Henry Wedemeyer) The 12th Chapter of Ecclesiastes Portales, New Mexico - Eastern New Mexico University, Administration Building (Lloyd Moylan) 1848, Fort Kearny, Protectorate on the Overland Trail, 1871 [Resources] Minden, Nebraska - Post Office (William E. L. Bunn) 1878-1930 [Resources] Laramie, Wyoming - Laramie Plains Civic Center (Florence E. Ware) The 1916 Paris Fire - 3rd Worst in American History Paris, Texas - Public Library (Jerry Bywaters) 1939 World's Fair Mural Study Chicago, Illinois - Art Institute of Chicago (Ilya Bolotowsky) The 19th Century Flushing, New York - Flushing High School (Unknown) A. Grignon Trading with the Indians [Resources] Kaukauna, Wisconsin - Post Office (Vladimir Rousseff) Abstract Portales, New Mexico - Eastern New Mexico University, Golden Library (Stuart Walker) Abstraction New York, New York - Bloomburg Center (Ilya Bolotowsky) Abstraction New York, New York - Tate Innovation Center (Albert Swinden) Achievements of State Programs Baton Rouge, Louisiana - Louisiana State Capitol Annex (Conrad A. Albrizio) Acoma Portales, New Mexico - Eastern New Mexico University, Golden Library (Gene Kloss) Acoma Trail Santa Fe, New Mexico - Santiago E. Campos U.S. Courthouse (William Henderson) Activities of the Department of Justice Washington, District of Columbia - Department of Justice (Louis Bouche) Activities of the Fishing Fleet Wildwood, New Jersey - Post Office (Dennis Burlingame) Activities of the Procurement Division [Resources] Washington, District of Columbia - General Services Administration Building (Harold Weston) Activities of the Region Louisville, Kentucky - Gene Snyder U.S. Courthouse and Custom House (Frank Weathers Long) Adolescent America Washington, District of Columbia - Theodore Roosevelt High School (Nelson Rosenberg) Adolph Leuzinger Lawndale, California - Lawndale High School (Virgil Zenor) Advance Guard of the West [Resources] New Rockford, North Dakota - Post Office (Eduard Buk Ulreich) Advancement of Learning Through the Printing Press San Francisco, California - George Washington High School (Lucien Labaudt) Advent of the Pioneer, 1851 Chicago, Illinois - Loop Station Post Office (Frances Foy) Aerial Map Newark, New Jersey - Newark Museum (Arshile Gorky) Aerodynamism Los Angeles, California - U.S. Courthouse, Western Division (Lucien Labaudt) Aesthetic Motive (stained glass) New York, New York - Bayard Rustin Educational Complex, James Baldwin School (Gerard Recke) Africa [Resources] Norwalk, Connecticut - Norwalk Transit District (Arthur Gibson Hull) African Music and European Music Brooklyn, New York - Abraham Lincoln High School (Seymour Fogel) Afternoon on a Texas Ranch Lampasas, Texas - City Hall (Ethel Edwards) Agricultural and Industrial Scenes - Sketches of Virginia [Resources] Arlington, Virginia - Post Office (Auriel Bessemer) Agricultural Products of the Valley Modesto, California - Post Office (Ray Boynton) Agricultural Scenes in Virginia Petersburg, Virginia - Post Office (William H. Calfee) Agricultural Theme Windom, Minnesota - Cottonwood County Historical Society (Charles W. Thwaites) Agriculture Northfield, Vermont - Post Office (Charles M. Daugherty) Agriculture Sebastopol, California - Post Office (Mallette Dean) Agriculture San Diego, California - San Diego County Administration Center (Arthur Ames, Jean Goodwin) Agriculture [Resources] Sheboygan, Wisconsin - Post Office (Schomer Lichtner) Agriculture [Resources] Manhattan, Kansas - Hale Library (David Hicks Overmyer) Agriculture Hamilton, Ohio - Post Office (Richard Zoellner) Agriculture and Industries of Ventura Ventura, California - Post Office (Gordon Grant) Agriculture and Industry at Rusk Rusk, Texas - Post Office (Bernard Zakheim) Agriculture and Industry in Claiborne Parish Haynesville, Louisiana - Post Office (Joseph Pistey Jr.) Agriculture and Varied Industry windsor, Missouri - Post Office (H. Louis Freund) Air Kingston, Rhode Island - University of Rhode Island, Edwards Hall (Gino Conti) Air San Francisco, California - Laguna Honda Hospital (Glen Wessels) Air Express Oakdale, Louisiana - Post Office (Harry Lane) Air Mail [Resources] Freeport, New York - Post Office (William Gropper) Air Mail Beverly Hills, California - Former Post Office (Charles Kassler) Air Mail Oceanside, California - Post Office (Elise Seeds) Air Mail Over Texas Dallas, Texas - Terminal Annex Federal Building (Peter Hurd) Air Mail Service [Resources] Stoughton, Wisconsin - Post Office (Edmund D. Lewandowski) Airmail Melrose Park, Illinois - Melrose Park Public Library (Edwin Boyd Johnson) Airmail Piggott, Arkansas - Post Office (Daniel Rhodes) Airmail Barnesville, Ohio - Post Office (Michael Aloysius Sarisky) Aladdin Norwalk, Connecticut - Public Library (Justin C. Gruelle) Albany Street Bridge Homer, New York - Post Office (Rank Romanelli) Alice and Friends at Coney Island Playground Brooklyn, New York - Coney Island Hospital (Abram Champanier) Alice Flies Over the East River Brooklyn, New York - Cumberland Diagnostic & Treatment Center (Abram Champanier) Alice in Wonderland Newport Beach, California - Newport Elementary School (Jaine Ahring) Alisande and Sir Boss [Resources] Norwalk, Connecticut - City Hall (Justin C. Gruelle) All Right You Guys, Break It Up! Linwood, New Jersey - Borough Hall (R. Hirt) Allegory in Chattanooga Chattanooga, Tennessee - Joel W. Solomon Post Office and Courthouse (Hilton Leech) The Allegory of California San Francisco, California - The City Club of California, Stock Exchange Tower (Diego Rivera) Aloft [Info] [Resources] New London, Connecticut - Post Office (Thomas Sergeant Lafarge) Along the Barge Canal Albion, New York - Post Office (Judson Smith) The Alphabet Chicago, Illinois - Pasteur School, Kindergarten Room (Lucile Ward) America Today New York, New York - Metropolitan Museum of Art (Thomas Hart Benton) America's Dairyland Milwaukee, Wisconsin - Milwaukee Theater (Thorsten Lindberg) America's First Agricultural College [Resources] East Lansing, Michigan - Michigan State University, Main Library (Henry Bernstein) American Agriculture Santa Ynez, California - Santa Ynez High School (Lyla Harcoff) American Characters Oak Park, Illinois - Hatch Elementary School (Mildred Waltrip) American Educational System Chicago, Illinois - West Pullman School (Ralf Henricksen) American Landscape Ware Shoals, South Carolina - Post Office (Alice Kindler) American Oriental Rug Weaving Eden, North Carolina - Post Office (Ruth Nickerson) American Panorama Washington, District of Columbia - Theodore Roosevelt High School (Nelson Rosenberg) American Youth Chicago, Illinois - Wentworth School (Florian Durzynski) Americanization of Immigrants Chicago, Illinois - West Pullman School (Ralf Henricksen) Among the Furrows Rockford, Michigan - Post Office (Pierre Bourdelle) Amory in 1889 Amory, Mississippi - Post Office (John McCrady) An Incident in Contemporary American Life Washington, District of Columbia - Department of The Interior (Mitchell Jamieson) An Incident in the King Philip War, 1670 Millbury, Massachusetts - Post Office (Joe Lasker) An Indian Attack Harrodsburg, Kentucky - Post Office (Orville Carroll) Ancient Education Piedmont, California - Piedmont High School (Edgar Dorsey Taylor) Ancient Industry Norwalk, Connecticut - City Hall (James Steuart Curry) Angel San Francisco, California - San Francisco State University, Richardson Hall (Hebe Daum) Angel San Francisco, California - San Francisco State University, Richardson Hall (Jack Moxon) Animal Circus Washington, District of Columbia - Mt. Pleasant Library (Aurelius Battaglia) Animal Force and Machine Force [Resources] San Francisco, California - Coit Tower (Ray Boynton) Animal Orchestra Washington, District of Columbia - Mt. Pleasant Library (Aurelius Battaglia) Animals and Children San Mateo, California - Baywood Elementary School (George Goethke) Animals and Flowers Wilmette, Illinois - Harper School (Gustaf Dahlstrom) Another Odd Fellow Dubuque, Iowa - Odd Fellows (Wjari Alvarez) Antelope Creek Focus Canyon, Texas - Panhandle-Plains Historical Museum (Ben Carlton Mead) Antelope Watering Hole [Resources] Florence, Colorado - Post Office (Olive Rush) Anthony Wayne Wayne, Pennsylvania - Post Office (Alfred D. Crimi) Anthracite Coal [Resources] Kingston, Pennsylvania - Post Office (George Harding) Appalachia Appalachia, Virginia - Post Office (Lucile Blanch) Apple Harvest [Resources] Norwalk, Connecticut - City Hall (Alexander Rummler) Apple Harvest #2 [Resources] Norwalk, Connecticut - City Hall (Alexander Rummler) Apple Orchard [Resources] Strasburg, Virginia - Post Office (Sarah Blakeslee) Apple Pickers Clyde, New York - Post Office (Thomas Donnelly) Apponaug Fishermen Warwick, Rhode Island - Post Office (Paul Sample) Archeological Research [Resources] Cedar Rapids, Iowa - City Hall (Harry Donald Jones) The Armistice Letter Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania - Post Office (Eugene Higgins) The Arrival Celebration, The Round-Up [Resources] Blackfoot, Idaho - Post Office (Andrew Standing Soldier) Arrival of Fall Catalogue [Resources] Hastings, Minnesota - Post Office (Richard Haines) Arrival of Mail in New Amsterdam [Resources] Washington, District of Columbia - William Jefferson Clinton Federal Building (Karl Free) Arrival of Spanish Explorers on Cayo Hueso Key West, Florida - City Hall (William H. Hoffman) Arrival of the Atlanta & West Point Railroad College Park, Georgia - Post Office (Jack McMillen) Arrival of the British Dirigible R.34 with the First Air Mail in 1919 [Resources] Hempstead, New York - Post Office (Peppino Mangravite) The Arrival of the First Letter - Kennebunk Post Office from Falmouth - June 14, 1775 Kennebunk, Maine - Post Office (Edith C. Barry) The Arrival of the First Mail in Bronxville in 1846 Bronxville, New York - Post Office (John Sloan) Arrival of the First Settlers Norwalk, Connecticut - Benjamin Franklin Middle School, Auditorium (Harry Townsend) Arrival of the First Train Osceola, Iowa - Post Office (Byron B. Boyd) Arrival of the First Train in Herington - 1885 [Resources] Herington, Kansas - Post Office (H. Louis Freund) The Arrival of the First White Women at Jamestown Virginia Beach, Virginia - Atlantic Station Post Office (John H.R. Pickett) Arrival of the Mail Martinsville, Indiana - Post Office (Alan Tompkins) The Arrival of the Mail in Culver Culver, Indiana - Post Office (Jessie Hull Mayer) Arrival of the Packet Waverly, Ohio - Post Office (Roy Best) Arrival of the Post, 1780 Elkton, Maryland - Post Office Basement (Alexander Clayton) Arrival of the Rural Mail Breckenridge, Minnesota - Post Office (Robert Allaway) Arrival of the Stage Catasauqua, Pennsylvania - Post Office (F. Luis Mora) Art Portales, New Mexico - Eastern New Mexico University, Administration Building (Lloyd Moylan) Art San Francisco, California - John Muir Elementary School (David Park) The Art Contribution to Civilization of all Nations and Countries New York, New York - Bayard Rustin Educational Complex (Irving Block, Jean Charlot, Abraham Lishinsky, Geoffrey Norman, Jacques Van Aalten) Artichoke Santa Cruz, California - Post Office (Henrietta Shore) The Arts Springfield, Massachusetts - Michele and Donald D'Amour Museum of Fine Arts (Sante Graziani) The Arts [Resources] Manhattan, Kansas - Hale Library (David Hicks Overmyer) The Arts Colorado Springs, Colorado - City Auditorium (Tabor Utley) The Arts of Life in America New Britain, Connecticut - New Britain Museum of American Art (Thomas Hart Benton) Aspects of Negro Life [Resources] New York, New York - Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture (Aaron Douglas) Aspects of Rural Missouri Union, Missouri - Post Office (James Penney) Aspiration Taos, New Mexico - Former Taos County Courthouse (Emil Bisttram) Assimilation of the Immigrant into the Industrial Life of Madison Madison, Illinois - Post Office (A. Raymond Katz) Athletes International Falls, Minnesota - Sports Stadium (Evelyn Raymond) The Auction Pawnee City, Nebraska - Post Office (Kenneth Evett) Audubon's Trip Down the Ohio and Mississippi - 1820 [Resources] Audubon, Iowa - Post Office (Virginia Snedeker) Automobile Industry Detroit, Michigan - Wayne State University Student Center (William Gropper) Autumn Ripley, Tennessee - Post Office (Marguerite Zorach) Autumn Colors [Resources] Council Grove, Kansas - Post Office (Charles B. Rogers) Autumn Fields Liberty, Indiana - Post Office (Avery Johnson) Autumn in Iowa Bloomfield, Iowa - Post Office (John Sharp) Autumn Wisconsin Landscape Hartford, Wisconsin - Schauer Arts & Activities Center (Ethel Spears) Avarice Begets Crime Taos, New Mexico - Former Taos County Courthouse (Ward Lockwood) Aviation, Constellations, Navigation and Zodiac Long Beach, California - Long Beach Municipal Airport (Grace Clements) Avila, the Excuses for Conquest Houston, Texas - Houston Public Library, Julia Ideson Building (Angela McDonnell) Back Home, April 1865 [Resources] Pleasant Hill, Missouri - Post Office (Tom Lea) Bailing Hay in Holt County in the Early Days [Resources] O'Neill, Nebraska - Post Office (Eugene Trentham) Band Concert Corning, Iowa - Post Office (Marion Gilmore) Banking and Law [Resources] San Francisco, California - Coit Tower (George Harris) Barn Raising Rome, New York - City Hall (Wendell Jones) Barn Yard Nashville, Illinois - Post Office (Zoltan Sepeshy) Battle at the Bridge Concord, Massachusetts - Post Office (Charles Anton Kaeselau) The Battle of Bear River Preston, Idaho - Post Office (Edmond J. Fitzgerald) Battle of Bushy Run Jeannette, Pennsylvania - Post Office (Alexander J. Kostellow, Robert L. Lepper, T. Frank Olson) The Battle of Cranford [Resources] Cranford, New Jersey - Post Office (Gerald Foster) The Battle of Kings Mountain [Resources] Kings Mountain, North Carolina - Kings Mountain Historical Museum (Verona Burkhard) The Battle of New Orleans Washington, District of Columbia - Recorder of Deeds Building (Ethel Magafan) The Battle of New Orleans Washington, District of Columbia - Recorder of Deeds Building (Ethyl Magafan) The Bauxite Mines Benton, Arkansas - Saline County Courthouse (Julius Woeltz) Bay Area Hills San Francisco, California - Coit Tower (Rinaldo Cuneo) The Bayard Singleton Case New Bern, North Carolina - Post Office & Courthouse, 2nd Floor Courtroom (David Silvette) Bayonne Bridge Under Construction, 1928-1931 Staten Island, New York - Borough Hall (Frederick Charles Stahr) Beach Scene Santa Monica, California - Downtown Parking Structure (Stanton Macdonald-Wright) The Bean Pickers Terre Haute, Indiana - Tilson Auditorium (Gilbert Brown Wilson) Beatty's Barns [Resources] Canonsburg, Pennsylvania - Post Office (Peter Blume) Before the Fencing of Delta County Cooper, Texas - Post Office (Lloyd Goff) Beginning of a New World Camas, Washington - Post Office (Douglas Nicholson) Beginning of the Day Depew, New York - Post Office (Anne Poor) Belding Brothers and Their Silk Industry Belding, Michigan - Post Office (Marvin Beerbohm) Ben Franklin, Colonial Postmaster [Resources] Washington, District of Columbia - William Jefferson Clinton Federal Building (George Harding) Beneficial Force of Water [Resources] Lansing, Michigan - Board of Water and Light Dye Conditioning Plant (Frank Cassara) Benjamin Banneker Washington, District of Columbia - Recorder of Deeds Building (Maxine Seelbinder) Berea Commencement in the Old Days Berea, Kentucky - Berea Police and Municipal Center (Frank Weathers Long) Big City News Borger, Texas - Hutchinson County Museum (Jose Aceves) Birds of Connecticut Norwalk, Connecticut - Norwalk Community College, Baker Library (Alexander Rummler) Bishop P. Chase Selects Site of Kenyon College Gambier, Ohio - Post Office (Norris W. Rahming) Black and White Sawmill Portales, New Mexico - Eastern New Mexico University, Golden Library (Stuart Walker) Black River Canal - 1845 Boonville, New York - Post Office (Lucerne McCullough, Suzanne McCullough) The Blessings of Water Chicago, Illinois - City Hall Service Center (Edward Millman) Blind Beggars New York, New York - Metropolitan Museum of Art (Jacob Lawrence) Boonville Beginnings Boonville, Indiana - Post Office (Ida Abelman) Border Gateways Fort Scott, Kansas - Post Office and Court House (Oscar E. Berninghaus) Bounty Paw Paw, Michigan - Post Office (Carlos Lopez) Boy Rounding Up the Stock Hart, Michigan - Post Office (Ruth Grotenrath) Breaking the Colt New Hampton, Iowa - Post Office (Thomas Michael Savage) Breaking the Prairie Ames, Iowa - Parks Library (Grant Wood) Breaking the Prairie - Log City, 1837 Galesburg, Illinois - Post Office (Aaron Bohrod) Bridgeport Manufacturing [Resources] Bridgeport, Connecticut - Main Post Office (Arthur Covey) The British Fortify Fort Hill, 1776 Staten Island, New York - Borough Hall (Frederick Charles Stahr) British Troops Evacuate Staten Island: December 5, 1783 Staten Island, New York - Borough Hall (Frederick Charles Stahr) Bronx Today Bronx, New York - Public School 11 (Francis Costa) Buckwheat Harvest Oakland, Maryland - Post Office (Robert F. Gates) Buffalo Hunt Washington, District of Columbia - Department of The Interior (Woodrow Wilson Crumbo) Buffalo Hunt Eastland, Texas - Post Office (Suzanne Scheuer) Buffalo Hunting Livingston, Texas - Post Office (Theodore Van Soelen) Buffalo Range Portales, New Mexico - Post Office (Theodore Van Soelen) Builders of Salem [Resources] Salem, Oregon - Executive Building (Andrew McDuffie Vincent) Building a Sod House [Resources] Geneva, Nebraska - Post Office (Edward Chávez) Building Mission Dam San Diego, California - Museum of San Diego History (Belle Baranceanu) Building Norwalk Norwalk, Connecticut - Belden Station Post Office (Arnold Blanch) Building of Fort Meigs 1813 [Resources] Perrysburg, Ohio - Post Office (Glenn M. Shaw) Building of the Morning Star Tillamook, Oregon - Tillamook County Courthouse (Lucia Wiley) Building the First House at Siler's Crossroads Siler City, North Carolina - Post Office (Philip Von Saltza) Building the Industrial Foundations of Batesville Batesville, Indiana - Post Office (Orville Carroll) Building the Mission Lompoc, California - Lompoc Veterans' Memorial Building (Helen Seegert) Building the New Road [Resources] Golden, Colorado - Downtown Post Office (Kenneth Evett) "Bull" Smith's Ride Yaphank, New York - Suffolk County Office Building (Robert Gaston Herbert) Bulloch Hall Washington, District of Columbia - Smithsonian American Art Museum (Frances Lee Turner) Bunyan at Stillaguamish [Resources] Arlington, Washington - Former Arlington High School (Richard Correll) Burbank Industry Burbank, California - City Hall (Hugo Ballin) Bureau of Indian Affairs: Indian and Soldier Washington, District of Columbia - Department of The Interior (Maynard Dixon) Bureau of Indian Affairs: Indian and Teacher Washington, District of Columbia - Department of The Interior (Maynard Dixon) The Burning of Greensborough Greensboro, Georgia - Post Office (Carson Davenport) Byron Kilbourn Milwaukee, Wisconsin - Milwaukee Theater (Thorsten Lindberg) Cabbage Culture Santa Cruz, California - Post Office (Henrietta Shore) Cabezon Santa Fe, New Mexico - Santiago E. Campos U.S. Courthouse (William Henderson) Caleb Heathcote Buys the Richbell Farm Scarsdale, New York - Post Office (Gordon Samstag) The Calendar of Mountain Sports Government Camp, Oregon - Timberline Lodge (David Lynch) Calf Pasture Beach [Resources] Norwalk, Connecticut - City Hall (Alexander Rummler) California [Resources] San Francisco, California - Coit Tower (Maxine Albro) California Agriculture and Industry [Resources] San Francisco, California - Coit Tower (Helen Clement, Gordon Langdon) California Industrial Scenes [Resources] San Francisco, California - Coit Tower (John Langley Howard) California Landscape Claremont, California - Post Office (Milford Zornes) California's Name Sacramento, California - State Capitol, Senate Committee Room (Lucile Lloyd) Call Back the Years Linwood, New Jersey - Borough Hall (Haring) Canal Boats [Resources] Lemont, Illinois - Post Office (Charles Turzak) Canal Era Morrisville, Pennsylvania - Mid Atlantic Printing (Yngve Soderberg) Cantaloupe Industry [Resources] Sylvester, Georgia - Post Office (Chester J. Tingler) Captain Alezur Holyoke's Exploring Party on the Connecticut River [Resources] Holyoke, Massachusetts - Post Office (Ross E. Moffett) Captain Bilderbook's and John Schoolcraft's Expedition from Holiday's Cove to Fort Wheeling, 1777 [Resources] Weirton, West Virginia - Cove Station Post Office (Charles Chapman) Captain Francis Eppes Making Friends with the Appomatox Indians Hopewell, Virginia - Post Office (Edmund Archer) Captain Gray Entering Tillamook Bay Tillamook, Oregon - City Hall (Lucia Wiley) Captain John Smith Trading with the Indians Smithfield, Virginia - Post Office (William Abbott Cheever) Capture of the Reverend Moses Mather Darien, Connecticut - Town Hall (Arthur Gibson Hull) Career Paths Royal Oak, Michigan - Royal Oak Middle School (Bronislaw Makielski) Carey's Backyard New York, New York - Metropolitan Museum of Art (Loren MacIver) Carl Sandburg and Louis Sullivan Chicago, Illinois - Uptown Post Office (Henry Varnum Poor) Carrier of News and Knowledge Washington, District of Columbia - William Jefferson Clinton Federal Building (Eugene Francis Savage) Carrying the Mail Sellersville, Pennsylvania - Post Office (Harry Sternberg) Castleton Hotel Fire at New Brighton Staten Island, New York - Borough Hall (Frederick Charles Stahr) Cattle [Resources] Tipton, Iowa - Post Office (John V. Bloom) Cattle Auctions Sandusky, Michigan - Post Office (Frank Cassara) Cattle Branding Amarillo, Texas - J. Marvin Jones Federal Building (Julius Woeltz) Cattle Days Marlow, Oklahoma - Post Office (Lew E. Davis) Cattle Loading Amarillo, Texas - J. Marvin Jones Federal Building (Julius Woeltz) Cattle Round-Up [Resources] Winnemucca, Nevada - New Post Office (Polly Duncan) Cattle Roundup Eureka, Kansas - Post Office (Vance Kirkland) Cattle Roundup Teague, Texas - Post Office (Thomas M. Stell Jr.) Cattle Roundup [Resources] Burns, Oregon - Harney County Courthouse (Jack Wilkinson) The Cattle Trail Enid, Oklahoma - Garfield County Courthouse (Ruth Monro Augur) The Cattlemen Canyon, Texas - Panhandle-Plains Historical Museum (Harold Bugbee) Cavalcade of Delaware Smyra, Delaware - John Bassett Moore School (Stafford Good) Cement Industry [Info] [Resources] Allentown, Pennsylvania - Post Office (Gifford Reynolds Beal) Cement Industry [Info] [Resources] Nazareth, Pennsylvania - Post Office (Ryah Ludins) Ceremonial and Social Life of the Plains Indians Anadarko, Oklahoma - Post Office (James Auchiah, Stephen Mopope) Ceremonial Dance Washington, District of Columbia - Department of The Interior (Stephen Mopope) Champ Clark Bridge Pittsfield, Illinois - Post Office (William S. Schwartz) Change of Shift Fenton, Michigan - Post Office (Gertrude Goodrich, Jerome Snyder) Changing Horses for the Pony Express Horton, Kansas - Post Office (Kenneth Evett) Characteristic Local Scenes in Portsmouth Portsmouth, Ohio - Post Office (Clarence Carter) Characters from Children's Literature Providence, Rhode Island - Public Library (Edward W. Dubuque) Characters from Children's Literature Chicago, Illinois - Bateman School (Roberta Elvis) Characters From Children's Literature Chicago, Illinois - Mozart School (Charles Freeman) Characters from Children's Literature Chicago, Illinois - Christopher School (Arthur Lidov) Characters from Children's Literature Chicago, Illinois - O'Toole School Library (Alex Topp) Characters from Fairy Tales Chicago, Illinois - Gary School (Roberta Elvis) Chemistry Midland, Michigan - Midland County Administration Building (Henry Bernstein) Chemistry and Agriculture Wilmington, Delaware - Wilmington Trust Corporation (Herman Zimmerman) Chemistry and Industry Wilmington, Delaware - Wilmington Trust Corporation (Herman Zimmerman) Cherokee Indian Farming and Animal Husbandry Stilwell, Oklahoma - Post Office (Olga Mohr) Chesapeake Fishermen Hampton, Virginia - Phoebus Post Office (William H. Calfee) Chicago, Railroad Center of the Nation Downers Grove, Illinois - Post Office (Elizabeth Tracy) Chicago: Epoch of a Great City Chicago, Illinois - Lakeview Post Office (Harry Sternberg) Chicken Farm Selbyville, Delaware - Post Office (William H. Calfee) Chicksaw Family Making Pah Sho Fah Marietta, Oklahoma - Post Office (Solomon McCombs) Chief Black Hawk - Winter Round House [Resources] Rock Island, Illinois - Watchtower Lodge, Black Hawk State Historic Site (Otto Hake) Chief Tuscumbia Greets the Dickson Family Tuscumbia, Alabama - Former Post Office (Jack McMillen) Child and Sports - Summer Oak Park, Illinois - Gwendolyn Brooks Middle School (Ethel Spears) Child and Sports - Winter Oak Park, Illinois - Percy Julian Middle School (Ethel Spears) Children at Play San Francisco, California - Coit Tower (Ralph Chesse) Children in Creative & Cultural Activities Queens, New York - P.S. 150 (Daniel Celentano) Children's Activities Chicago, Illinois - Belding School (Roberta Elvis) Children's Activities Chicago, Illinois - Morrill Elementary School, Kindergarten Room (Lucile Ward) Children's Subjects Chicago, Illinois - Bennett School (Grace Spongberg) The Children's World Chicago, Illinois - Old Town School of Folk Music (Francis F. Coan) China [Resources] Norwalk, Connecticut - Norwalk Transit District (Arthur Gibson Hull) The Chinese Nightingale Norwalk, Connecticut - Public Library (Justin C. Gruelle) Choctaw Ball-Play 1840 Tahlequah, Oklahoma - Former Post Office (Manuel A. Bromberg) Choctaw Indians See the First Mail Coach Hugo, Oklahoma - Hugo School Administration Office (John A. Fleck) The Choosing of the County Seat Neillsville, Wisconsin - Post Office (John Van Koert) The Chosen Site Van Buren, Arkansas - Post Office (E. Martin Hennings) Christopher Latham Sholes Milwaukee, Wisconsin - Milwaukee Theater (Thorsten Lindberg) Chuck Wagon Serenade [Resources] Greybull, Wyoming - Post Office (Manuel A. Bromberg) Circus Chicago, Illinois - Burbank School (Andrene Kauffman) Circus Act [Resources] Norwalk, Connecticut - City Hall (Alexander Rummler) Circus and Opera Puppets Queens, New York - Queens Borough Public Library, Astoria Branch (Max Spivak) The City Kearny, New Jersey - Post Office (Albert Kotin) City Activities South Gate, California - City Hall (Frank Bowers) City Council in Session Gloucester, Massachusetts - City Hall (Charles Allan Winter) City Government Gloucester, Massachusetts - City Hall (Charles Allan Winter) The City in 1833 Cleveland, Ohio - Main Library (William Sommer) City Life [Resources] San Francisco, California - Coit Tower (Victor Arnautoff) City Workers Hamtramck, Michigan - Post Office (Schomer Lichtner) Civic Virtues Gloucester, Massachusetts - City Hall (Charles Allan Winter) The Civil War [Info] [Resources] St Louis, Missouri - Post Office (Mitchell Siporin) Civilization San Francisco, California - John Muir Elementary School (David Park) Civilization Through the Arts and Crafts as Taught to the Neophyte Indians San Francisco, California - Mission High School (Edith Hamlin) Clark County Products, 1939 Berryville, Virginia - Post Office (Edwin S. Lewis) Classroom Scenes Chicago, Illinois - Kozminski Community Academy (Ethel Spears) Clearing the Land Mercer, Pennsylvania - Post Office (Lorin Thompson) Clearing the Right of Way Garrett, Indiana - Post Office (Joe Cox) Clearing the Wilderness [Info] [Resources] Honesdale, Pennsylvania - Post Office (Walter Gardner) The Clemens Family Arrives in Monroe County Paris, Missouri - Post Office (Fred G. Carpenter) Cleveland Past Cleveland, Ohio - CSU Student Center (Elmer Brown) Cleveland Present Cleveland, Ohio - CSU Student Center (Elmer Brown) Clinton in Winter Clinton, Illinois - Post Office (Aaron Bohrod) Coal Barges Portsmouth, Ohio - Post Office (Richard Zoellner) Coal Mining [Resources] Bluefield, Virginia - Post Office (Richard Kenah) Coal Mining & Gravity Railroad [Info] [Resources] Honesdale, Pennsylvania - Post Office (Walter Gardner) Coldwater Activities Coldwater, Ohio - Post Office (Joep Nicolas) The Collapse of Modern Civilization Under Capitalism Yellow Springs, Ohio - The Wellness Center at Antioch College (Gilbert Brown Wilson) Collegiate Sports San Francisco, California - Coit Tower (Parker Hall) Colonial and Contemporary Civic Culture Lynn, Massachusetts - Post Office (William Riseman) The Colonial Post Rider Rancho Cucamonga, California - Chaffey College Library (Milford Zornes) Colonial Spanish Santa Monica Santa Monica, California - Santa Monica City Hall, Lobby (Stanton Macdonald-Wright) Colorado Landscape [Resources] Rifle, Colorado - Post Office (George Vander Sluis) Colorado Stock Sale [Resources] Englewood, Colorado - Post Office (Boardman Robinson) Columbia Bridge Columbia, Pennsylvania - Post Office (Bruce Mitchell) Columbia Knighting Her World War Disabled Boston, Massachusetts - Massachusetts State House (Edward Brodney) Columbia Under the Palm Princeton, New Jersey - Former Palmer Square Post Office (Karl Free) Comancheros Canyon, Texas - Panhandle-Plains Historical Museum (Ben Carlton Mead) Comanches Seymour, Texas - Post Office (Tom Lea) Coming 'Round the Mountain Lewisburg, Tennessee - Post Office (John H.R. Pickett) Coming of De Soto Memphis, Tennessee - Pink Palace Museum (Burton Callicott) The Coming of the Scots [Resources] Red Springs, North Carolina - Post Office (John W. De Groot) Commencement of Main Dam Construction Conchas, New Mexico - Conchas Lake State Park, Administration Building (Odon Hullenkremer) Commerce Trail Enid, Oklahoma - Garfield County Courthouse (Ruth Monro Augur) Communication Boston, Massachusetts - East Boston Station Post Office (Ralf Edgar Nickelsen) Communication Maumee, Ohio - Post Office (Rudolph Scheffler) Communication by Mail Marion, Iowa - Marion Heritage Center (Daniel Rhodes) Communication during the Period of Exploration Phoenix, Arizona - Former Federal Building and Post Office (Oscar E. Berninghaus) Communities Served by the Flushing Post Office Flushing, New York - Post Office (Vincent Aderente) Community Life of Oak Park in the 19th Century Oak Park, Illinois - Horace Mann School (Irene Bianucci, Charles Copeland, Ralf Henricksen, Emmanuel Jacobson) Community Spirit San Francisco, California - Health at Home (Bernard Zakheim) Composite View of South Hadley [Resources] South Hadley, Massachusetts - Post Office (Saul Levine) Conchas City, New Mexico Conchas, New Mexico - Conchas Lake State Park, Administration Building (Odon Hullenkremer) Concord School [Resources] Norwalk, Connecticut - City Hall (Alexander Rummler) Confederate Company Leaving McKinney McKinney, Texas - Collin County History Museum (Frank Klepper) Conference at Billopp House, Tottenville, 1776 Staten Island, New York - Borough Hall (Frederick Charles Stahr) Conflict with the Indians Memphis, Tennessee - Pink Palace Museum (Burton Callicott) Connecticut [Resources] Norwalk, Connecticut - City Hall (Thomas Guidone) Conquest of the Prairie Lands Des Plaines, Illinois - Journal & Topics Building (James Michael Newell) Conservation San Diego, California - San Diego County Administration Center (Arthur Ames, Jean Goodwin) Conservation of Wild Life [Resources] Emmetsburg, Iowa - Post Office (Lee Allen) Conservation of Wildlife Washington, District of Columbia - Department of The Interior (Henry Varnum Poor) Consolidation of the West [Resources] Washington, District of Columbia - William Jefferson Clinton Federal Building (Ward Lockwood) Constellations Bronx, New York - Dewitt Clinton High School (Alfred Floegel) Construction [Resources] Saint Cloud, Minnesota - Stearns History Museum (David Granahan) Construction of a Skid Road in the 80's [Resources] Snohomish, Washington - City Hall (Lance W. Hart) Construction of the Dam Washington, District of Columbia - Department of The Interior (William Gropper) Construction of the Florida East Coast Railroad Extension Key West, Florida - City Hall (William H. Hoffman) Contemporary Chicago Chicago, Illinois - Nettlehorst School (Rudolph Weisenborn) Contemporary Education San Francisco, California - George Washington High School (Ralph Stackpole) Contemporary Justice and Man Washington, District of Columbia - Department of Justice (John Ballator) Contemporary Justice and The Child Washington, District of Columbia - Department of Justice (Symeon Shimin) Contemporary Justice and Woman Washington, District of Columbia - Department of Justice (John Ballator) Contemporary Justice and Woman Washington, District of Columbia - Department of Justice (Emil Bisttram) Contemporary Life in Missouri Marceline, Missouri - Post Office (Joseph Meert) Contemporary View of Poughkeepsie from River [Resources] Poughkeepsie, New York - Post Office (Charles Rosen) Contemporary Youth Kilgore, Texas - East Texas Oil Museum (Xavier Gonzalez) Continents of the World Albany, New York - James T. Foley U.S. Courthouse (Ethel Parsons) Coon Hunt [Resources] Clinton, Missouri - Post Office (Richard Haines) Cooperation Albuquerque, New Mexico - Federal Building and U.S. Courthouse (Emil Bisttram) Cooperative Planning and Development of Wauseon [Resources] Wauseon, Ohio - Post Office (Jack J. Greitzer) Copper Mining in Calumet Calumet, Michigan - Post Office (Joe Lasker) Corn Harvest Vandalia, Missouri - Post Office (Joseph P. Vorst) The Corn Parade Mount Ayr, Iowa - Post Office (Orr C. Fisher) The Corn School [Resources] Lagrange, Indiana - Post Office (Jessie Hull Mayer) Corn, Cotton, and Tobacco Culture Anderson, South Carolina - G. Ross Anderson Jr. Federal Building and United States Courthouse (Arthur Covey) Cornelius Melyn Trades with the Indians Staten Island, New York - Borough Hall (Frederick Charles Stahr) Coronado's Coming Canyon, Texas - Panhandle-Plains Historical Museum (Ben Carlton Mead) Coronado's Exploration Party Amarillo, Texas - J. Marvin Jones Federal Building (Julius Woeltz) Cotton Poteau, Oklahoma - Post Office (Joan Cunningham) Cotton Phenix City, Alabama - Public Library (John Kelly Fitzpatrick) Cotton - From Field to Mill Jackson, Georgia - Post Office (Philip Evergood) Cotton and Peach Growing Greer, South Carolina - Greer Heritage Museum (Winfield Walkley) Cotton Farm Eupora, Mississippi - Post Office (Thomas Michael Savage) Cotton Field Luverne, Alabama - Post Office (Arthur Getz) Cotton Field and Spinning Mill [Resources] Gastonia, North Carolina - Post Office (Francis Speight) Cotton Gin McDonough, Georgia - Polk Annex (Jean Charlot) Cotton Growing, Manufacture and Export Dardanelle, Arkansas - Post Office (Ludwig Mactarian) Cotton Harvest Magnolia, Mississippi - Post Office (John H. Fyfe) Cotton Harvest Woodruff, South Carolina - Former Post Office (Abraham Lishinsky) Cotton Industry and Farming Las Cruces, New Mexico - New Mexico State University, Biology Building (Olive Rush) The Cotton Industry in Contemporary America Brooklyn, New York - Brooklyn High School of the Arts (Monty Lewis) The Cotton Mill Era Fall River, Massachusetts - Resiliency Preparatory School (John Mann) Cotton Patch Salisbury, Maryland - Maude R. Toulson Federal Building and Post Office (Jacob Getlar Smith) Cotton Pickers Wynne, Arkansas - Post Office (Ethel Magafan) Cotton Pickers Bunkie, Louisiana - Post Office (Caroline Speare Rohland) Cotton Pickers [Resources] Roanoke Rapids, North Carolina - Wellman, White & Wilson, PLLC (Charles W. Ward) Cotton Picking in Georgia Greensboro, Georgia - Post Office (Carson Davenport) Cotton Plantation Batesville, Mississippi - Post Office (Eve Kottgen) Cotton Scene Hartselle, Alabama - Chamber of Commerce (Lee R. Warthen) Cotton Textiles [Resources] Burlington, North Carolina - Federal Building (Arthur L. Bairnsfather) Cotton the World Over Bamberg, South Carolina - Post Office (Dorothea Mierisch) Cotton Time Arcadia, Louisiana - Post Office (Allison B. Curry) Country Cousins Union City, Indiana - Post Office (Donald M. Mattison) Country Dance Ada, Ohio - Post Office (Albert Kotin) Country Fair, Trading, Courthouse Square Harrisonburg, Virginia - Federal Courthouse (William H. Calfee) Country Post [Resources] Washington, District of Columbia - William Jefferson Clinton Federal Building (Doris Lee) Country Saw Mill Emporia, Virginia - Post Office (Andree Ruellan) The Country Store and Post Office Vidalia, Georgia - Vidalia City Hall (Daniel Celentano) The Countryside Eutaw, Alabama - Post Office (Robert Gwathmey) Courting Washington, District of Columbia - Department of The Interior (Woodrow Wilson Crumbo) The Covered Bridge Mount Sterling, Illinois - Post Office (Henry Bernstein) Covered Wagon and Indians Chicago, Illinois - Kohn Elementary School (Unknown) Covered Wagon Attacked by Indians [Resources] Washington, District of Columbia - William Jefferson Clinton Federal Building (William C. Palmer) Covered Wagon Pioneer Scene Government Camp, Oregon - Timberline Lodge (Valentine Weise, Melvin Keegan) Cowboy Dance Anson, Texas - Post Office (Jenne Magafan) Cowboys Driving Cattle Caldwell, Kansas - Post Office (Kenneth Evett) Cowboys Receiving the Mail Giddings, Texas - Post Office (Otis Dozier) Cranberry Pickers Revere, Massachusetts - Post Office (Lewis Rubenstein) Creating New York's Counties Mineola, New York - Theodore Roosevelt Executive and Legislative Building (Robert Gaston Herbert) Cretaceous Landscape [Resources] Kemmerer, Wyoming - Post Office (Eugene Kingman) Crispus Attucks Washington, District of Columbia - Recorder of Deeds Building (Herschel Levit) Crissy Wright Beaufort, North Carolina - Post Office (Simka Simkhovitch) The Crossing [Resources] Crawford, Nebraska - Post Office (G. Glenn Newell) Crossing to the Battle of Blue Licks Flemingsburg, Kentucky - Post Office (Lucile Blanch) The Crossroads Crestline, Ohio - Post Office (Gifford Reynolds Beal) Crossroads Louisville, Mississippi - Post Office (Karl Wolfe) The Crossroads Town Ranger, Texas - Post Office (Emil Bisttram) Cultural Contributions of North, South and Central America Los Angeles, California - Post Office Terminal Annex (Boris Deutsch) Cutting In [Info] [Resources] New London, Connecticut - Post Office (Thomas Sergeant Lafarge) Cutting Timber Ligonier, Indiana - Post Office (Fay E. Davis) Cycle of Development of Woodstock Woodstock, Vermont - Post Office (Bernadine Custer) Cycle of Science Albuquerque, New Mexico - Physics & Astronomy Interdisciplinary Science Building (Raymond Jonson) Cypress Logging Perry, Florida - Post Office (George Snow Hill) Cyrus Tiffany in the Battle of Lake Erie Washington, District of Columbia - Recorder of Deeds Building (Martyl Schweig) Daily Bread [Resources] Algona, Iowa - Algona Public Library (Francis Robert White) The Daily Mail Westerville, Ohio - Post Office (Olive Nuhfer) Dairy Farm - Grade Herd [Resources] Norwalk, Connecticut - City Hall (Alexander Rummler) Dairy Farming [Resources] Reedsburg, Wisconsin - Post Office (Richard H. Jansen) Dairy Scene [Resources] Arlington, Washington - Former Arlington High School (Richard Correll) Dam Construction Washington, District of Columbia - Department of The Interior (Ernest Fiene) Danbury Fair [Resources] Norwalk, Connecticut - City Hall (Alexander Rummler) Dance of the Hop Pickers Middleburgh, New York - Post Office (Mary Earley) Dangers of the Mail [Resources] Washington, District of Columbia - William Jefferson Clinton Federal Building (Frank Mechau) Daniel Boone Los Angeles, California - Hooper Avenue Elementary School (Lorser Feitelson) Daniel Boone and Michael Stoner Arriving at Harrod's Settlement Harrodsburg, Kentucky - Post Office (Charles Goodwin) Daniel Boone on a Hunting Trip to Watauga County [Resources] Boone, North Carolina - Post Office (Alan Tompkins) Daniel Boone's Arrive in Kentucky Lexington, Kentucky - Post Office & U.S. Courthouse (Ward Lockwood) The Dark and Bloody Ground Corbin, Kentucky - Corbin Independent School District Building (Alice Dineen) Davy Crockett Paris, Texas - Public Library (Jerry Bywaters) Day's End [Resources] Norwalk, Connecticut - Maritime Aquarium (Alexander Rummler) Daydreams Wallace, North Carolina - Former Post Office (G. Glenn Newell) Days of First Railroad Tracy, California - Tracy Historical Museum (Edith Hamlin) De Pere Triptych [Resources] Green Bay, Wisconsin - Neville Public Museum (Lester W. Bentley) Death of a Settler By An Indian's Arrow Harrodsburg, Kentucky - Post Office (Orville Carroll) The Death of Colonel Shaw at Fort Wagner Washington, District of Columbia - Recorder of Deeds Building (Carlos Lopez) The Death of Father Jacques Marquette Des Plaines, Illinois - Journal & Topics Building (James Michael Newell) DeChamplain Surveys Le Beauport Gloucester, Massachusetts - City Hall (Frederick Mulhaupt) Decorative Interpretation of Unification of America through the Post Richland Center, Wisconsin - Post Office (Richard Brooks) Decorative Landscape Chicago, Illinois - Bateman School (Florian Durzynski) Decorative Landscapes Chicago, Illinois - McKay School (Florian Durzynski) Decorative Map [Resources] Glenwood Springs, Colorado - White River National Forest Headquarters (Edward Chávez, Jenne Magafan) Dedicated to the Health, Welfare and Well-being of Our Members Long Island City, New York - Teamsters Local 810 (Auriel Bessemer) Deep Sea Magic Long Beach, California - Will Rogers Middle School (Olinka Hrdy) Deer Milaca, Minnesota - Post Office (Andre Boratko) Deer Washington, District of Columbia - Department of The Interior (Woodrow Wilson Crumbo) Deer Susanville, California - Post Office (Helen Forbes) Defenders of the Wyoming Country -- 1778 [Resources] Tunkhannock, Pennsylvania - Post office (Ethel V. Ashton) Democratic Education Long Beach, California - Woodrow Wilson High School (Carlos Dyer) Department Store [Resources] San Francisco, California - Coit Tower (Frede Vidar) Departure of a Packet Boat Amsterdam, New York - Post Office (Henry Schnakenberg) Departure of the Jordan Rifles [Info] [Resources] Allentown, Pennsylvania - Post Office (Gifford Reynolds Beal) Desert Washington, District of Columbia - Department of The Interior (Nicolai Cikovsky) Desert Landscapes Phoenix, Arizona - Phoenix College Library (David Carrick Swing) Detroit Industry Murals [Resources] Detroit, Michigan - Detroit Institute of Arts (Diego Rivera) The Development of Illinois Decatur, Illinois - Post Office (Edgar Britton) The Development of Medicine Queens, New York - Elmhurst Hospital Center (William C. Palmer) Development of St. Johns Portland, Oregon - Portland Baha'i Center (Louis DeMott Bunce) The Development of Tennessee Nashville, Tennessee - Sevier State Office Building (Dean Cornwell) Development of the State Normal School Normal, Illinois - Post Office (Albert Pels) The Disbursement of Tax Dollars Covington, Indiana - Fountain County Courthouse (Eugene Savage) Discovery [Resources] Kellogg, Idaho - Post Office (Fletcher Martin) Discovery and Building Mobile, Alabama - Museum of Mobile (John Augustus Walker) Discovery and Colonization [Info] [Resources] St Louis, Missouri - Post Office (Mitchell Siporin) Discovery of America Chicago, Illinois - Ryerson School (Irene Bianucci) Discovery of Ore [Resources] Chisholm, Minnesota - Post Office (Betty Carney) The Discovery of Tennessee Nashville, Tennessee - Sevier State Office Building (Dean Cornwell) The Discovery of the Mississippi River Memphis, Tennessee - Pink Palace Museum (Burton Callicott) Disk Harrow Amarillo, Texas - J. Marvin Jones Federal Building (Julius Woeltz) The Dissemination of Education in New Mexico Las Vegas, New Mexico - New Mexico Highlands University, Rodgers Hall (Lloyd Moylan) A Dissertation on Alchemy San Francisco, California - San Francisco State University, Woods Hall (Reuben Kadish, Urban Neininger) Dive Bomber and Tank New York, New York - Museum of Modern Art (Jose Clemente Orozco) Dogwood and Azaleas Atlanta, Georgia - Richard Russell Federal Building (Paul Rohland) Dominance of the City Cleveland, Ohio - Main Library (Ora Coltman) Douglass Inspiring the Youth of the Negro Race Dayton, Ohio - Dayton Art Institute (Stanley Beatty) Down to the Ferry Aurora, Indiana - Post Office (Henrik Martin Mayer) Down-Rent War Delhi, New York - Post Office (Mary Earley) Drama, Music and the Dance Kingston, Rhode Island - University of Rhode Island, Edwards Hall (Gino Conti) The Dream Ontario, California - Post Office (Nellie G. Best) Dredging for Oysters [Resources] Norwalk, Connecticut - City Hall (Alexander Rummler) Drift Toward Industrialism Bedford, Ohio - Post Office (Karl Anderson) Drilling for Oil Kilgore, Texas - East Texas Oil Museum (Xavier Gonzalez) The Duke Versus the King Norwalk, Connecticut - Norwalk Community College, Baker Library (George Avison) The Duke's Laws Promulgated Mineola, New York - Theodore Roosevelt Executive and Legislative Building (Robert Gaston Herbert) Dutch Settlers Chicago, Illinois - Palmer Park (Edward McBurney) Early and Contemporary Industries [Info] [Resources] Grants Pass, Oregon - Post Office (Erich Lamade) Early and Modern Industries of Lynn Lynn, Massachusetts - Post Office (William Riseman) Early and Modern Provo Provo, Utah - Federal Building (Everett C. Thorpe) Early California Compton, California - Post Office (James Redmond) Early Clockmaking [Info] [Resources] Thomaston, Connecticut - Post Office (Suzanne McCullough) Early Commerce and Trade [Info] [Resources] St Louis, Missouri - Post Office (Edward Millman) Early Commerce in the Erie Canal Region Lancaster, New York - Post Office (Arthur Getz) Early Days and First Post Office in Pocahontas Jonesboro, Arkansas - Arkansas State University Museum (H. Louis Freund) Early Days of the Automobile [Resources] Harrison, New York - Post Office (Harold Goodwin) Early East Palestine and Dr. Rhett Chamberlain's Post Office and Warehouse [Resources] East Palestine, Ohio - Post Office (Rolf Stoll) Early Farmers Oak Park, Illinois - Gwendolyn Brooks Middle School (Karl Kelpe) Early History of Vermont Rutland, Vermont - Post Office (Stephen J. Belaski) Early Hobart [Resources] Hobart, Indiana - Post Office (William Adelbert Dolwick) Early Industry of Dale County Ozark, Alabama - County Board of Education (John Kelly Fitzpatrick) Early Logging at Koochiching Falls International Falls, Minnesota - Post Office (Lucia Wiley) Early Mail Carriers of the West [Resources] Newberg, Oregon - Post Office (Rockwell Carey) Early Mail Service and the Construction of Railroads Commerce, Georgia - Post Office (Philip Guston) Early Middlebury Mail [Resources] Middlebury, Indiana - Post Office (Raymond Redell) Early Mississippi Packet 'Dubuque III' Dubuque, Iowa - Post Office (William E. L. Bunn) The Early Moving Pictures Fort Lee, New Jersey - Post Office (Henry Schnakenberg) Early Oak Harbor [Resources] Oak Harbor, Ohio - Post Office (Clarence Zuelch) Early Paper Making East Walpole, Massachusetts - Post Office (George Kanelous) Early Pioneers Decatur, Illinois - Post Office (Edward Millman) Early Ravenna [Resources] Ravenna, Ohio - Post Office (Clarence Carter) Early Rural Mail Delivery Dedham, Massachusetts - Post Office (W. Lester Stevens) Early Rural School Dedham, Massachusetts - Post Office (W. Lester Stevens) Early Settlers Eastpointe, Michigan - Post Office (Frank Cassara) Early Settlers Entering Mt. Pleasant Mount Pleasant, Tennessee - Post Office (Eugene Higgins) Early Settlers of Dubuque Dubuque, Iowa - Post Office (Bertrand R. Adams) Early Settlers of Moline along the Mississippi [Resources] East Moline, Illinois - Post Office (Edgar Britton) Early Settlers Weighing Cotton Montevallo, Alabama - Post Office (William S. McCall) Early Spanish Caballeros Los Gatos, California - Milliken Museum (Lew E. Davis) Early Spanish Discover Pueblo Indians Phoenix, Arizona - Former Federal Building and Post Office (Oscar E. Berninghaus) Early Summer in North Carolina Madison, North Carolina - Post Office (Jean Watson) Early Town Paducah, Kentucky - Federal Building and U.S. Courthouse (John F. Folinsbee) Early Transportation (Cleveland's Waterfront About 1835) Cleveland, Ohio - Main Library (Donald Duer Bayard) Early U.S. Post Village McKenzie, Tennessee - Post Office (Karl Oberteuffer) Earth San Francisco, California - Laguna Honda Hospital (Glen Wessels) Earth, Air, Fire, Water Lake Forest, Illinois - Gorton Community Center (Ralf Henricksen) East Providence East Providence, Rhode Island - Post Office (Eugene Kingman) The Economic Activities of the Narragansett Planters Kingston, Rhode Island - Pettaquamscutt Historical Society (Ernest Hamlin Baker) Economic Life in Newton in the Early 1940s Newton, Mississippi - Post Office (Franklin Boggs, Mary Boggs) Economic Pursuits of the Early American Settlers Staten Island, New York - Richmond County Courthouse (Axel Horn) Education San Francisco, California - Roosevelt Middle School (George Wilson Walker) Education Mobile, Alabama - Museum of Mobile (John Augustus Walker) Education Gloucester, Massachusetts - City Hall (Charles Allan Winter) Education Grosse Pointe Farms, Michigan - Grosse Point South High School (Edgar Yaeger) Education and Culture San Diego, California - Balboa Park Club (Belle Baranceanu) Electrification Lenoir City, Tennessee - Post Office (David Stone Martin) Ellsworth, Lumber Port Ellsworth, Maine - City Hall (Alzira Peirce) Ellsworth, Maine Ellsworth, Maine - City Hall (Philip Frey) Emigrants at Nightfall Alvin, Texas - Post Office (Loren Mozley) End of the Line [Info] [Resources] Valentine, Nebraska - Cherry County Office Building (Kady Faulkner) Endecott Pear Tree Danvers, Massachusetts - Town Hall (Thomas Baker, Richard V. Ellery, Solomon Levenson) Endicott, 1901 - Excavation for the Ideal Factory Endicott, New York - Post Office (S. Douglass Crockwell) Enlightenment of Man Newark, New Jersey - Weequahic High School (Michael Lenson) Enoch Chase and E.S. Estes Milwaukee, Wisconsin - Milwaukee Theater (Thorsten Lindberg) Entrance of the Gods into Valhalla Santa Monica, California - Santa Monica High School (Stanton Macdonald-Wright) Environs of Warrentown Augusta, Georgia - Augusta Museum Visitor's Center (Arnold Friedman) The Epic of American Civilization [Resources] Hanover, New Hampshire - Dartmouth Library (Jose Clemente Orozco) Episodes from the History of Florida Miami Beach, Florida - Post Office (Charles Russell Hardman) Epochs in the History of Man Chicago, Illinois - Lane Tech College Prep High School Lunchroom (Edgar Britton) Erosion, Reclamation and Conservation of the Soil Durant, Mississippi - Post Office (Isidore Toberoff) Espirito Santo Grant, Old Cuba Road Santa Fe, New Mexico - Santiago E. Campos U.S. Courthouse (William Henderson) Establishment of the First Post Office in Ellenville in 1823 Ellenville, New York - Post Office (Louis Bouche) Ethan Allen in Forge Making Cannon Balls [Resources] Lakeville, Connecticut - Post Office (George R. Cox) Evangeline Saint Martinville, Louisiana - Post Office (Minetta Good) The Evening Mail [Resources] Knightstown, Indiana - Post Office (Raymond L. Morris) Evening on the Farm Forest City, Iowa - Post Office (Orr C. Fisher) Events in the History of Connecticut [Resources] West Hartford, Connecticut - Town Hall, Room 312 (Walter Korder) Evolution of "Wheat Center" [Resources] Hoisington, Kansas - Post Office (Bob Booth) Evolution of Corn [Resources] Ames, Iowa - Post Office (Lowell Houser) Evolution of Negro Dance New York, New York - Harlem YMCA (Aaron Douglas) Evolution of Negro Dance New York, New York - Harlem YMCA (Aaron Douglas) Evolution of the Book Bronx, New York - Teddy Roosevelt High School (Bertram Goodman) Evolution of Western Civilization Bronx, New York - High School for Contemporary Arts (James Michael Newell) Evolution of Writing South Gate, California - South Gate Community Center (Stanton Macdonald-Wright) Excavation [Resources] Kemmerer, Wyoming - Post Office (Eugene Kingman) Excursion Train and Picknickers in the 90s Redondo Beach, California - Post Office (Paul Sample) The Exhortation of Ethan Allen Ticonderoga, New York - Post Office (Frederick Massa) Experimenting with the First Model of the Cotton Gin Swainsboro, Georgia - Emanuel County Court House (Edna Reindel) Exploration Oakland, California - Alameda County Courthouse (Gaetano Duccini) Explorer's Trail Enid, Oklahoma - Garfield County Courthouse (Ruth Monro Augur) Explorers Chicago, Illinois - Palmer Park (Edward McBurney) Explorers and Pioneers [Resources] Laramie, Wyoming - Laramie Plains Civic Center (Florence E. Ware) Exposition [Resources] Waterloo, Iowa - Waterloo Public Library (Edgar Britton) Extending the Frontier in Northwest Territory [Resources] Crystal Falls, Michigan - Post Office (Allan Thomas) Fairy Tale Scenes Birmingham, Alabama - East Lake Branch Library (Carrie Hill) Fall Chicago, Illinois - Manley High School (Gustaf Dahlstrom) Fall in the Genesee Country Attica, New York - Post Office (Thomas Donnelly) The Family - Industry and Agriculture Ambler, Pennsylvania - Post Office (Harry Sternberg) Family Recreations Atlantic City, New Jersey - Post Office (Peppino Mangravite) Family Reunion on Clark Island: Spring 1791 [Info] [Resources] Oxford, New York - Post Office (Mordi Gassner) Famous Libraries of the World Brooklyn, New York - Brooklyn College Library (Olindo Mario Ricci) Farm and Factory Clinton, Tennessee - Post Office (Horace Day) Farm and Mill [Resources] Louisville, Ohio - New Post Office (Herschel Levit) Farm Family Hamtramck, Michigan - Post Office (Schomer Lichtner) Farm Landscape San Diego, California - Balboa Park: Casa de Balboa (Charles Reiffel) Farm Life Woodland, California - Post Office (George Harris) Farm Life Oswego, Kansas - Post Office (Robert E. Larter) Farm Life Smyra, Delaware - John Bassett Moore School (Stafford Good, Edward Grant, Walter Pyle Jr.) Farm Scene [Resources] Clarion, Iowa - Post Office (Paul Faulkner) Farm Scene [Resources] Somerset, Pennsylvania - Post Office (Alexander J. Kostellow) Farm Scene [Resources] Norwalk, Connecticut - City Hall (Alexander Rummler) Farm Scene Riverton, Wyoming - Post Office (George Vander Sluis) Farm Scene with Senator Bankhead Carrollton, Alabama - Post Office (Stuart R. Purser) Farm Yard Lancaster, Wisconsin - Post Office (Tom Rost) The Farmer Marysville, Ohio - Post Office (James Egleson) Farmer Family Johnson City, Tennessee - East Tennessee State University, Sherrod Library (Wendell Jones) The Farmer Feeding Industry [Resources] Harlan, Iowa - Post Office (Richard Gates) Farmer with Livestock Rockville Centre, New York - Post Office (Victor White) Farming and Husbandry [Resources] Eugene, Oregon - Post Office (Carl Morris) Farming in New Hampshire Durham, New Hampshire - University of New Hampshire, Hamilton Smith Hall (George Lloyd) Farming in the Worcester Region [Resources] Worcester, Massachusetts - Public Library (Ralf Edgar Nickelsen) The Fate of a Mail Carrier -- Charlie Nolon, 1876 [Resources] Sturgis, South Dakota - Post Office (J. K. Ralston) Father LeMoyne Trying to Convert the Indians on Pathfinder Island Fulton, New York - Post Office (Caroline Speare Rohland) Father Marquette's Winter in Chicago Chicago, Illinois - Legler Library (Richard Babcock) The Fertile Land Remembers [Resources] Casper, Wyoming - Post Office (Louise Emerson Ronnebeck) Festival Following Completion of New Sectional Docks, Mare Island 1855 Vallejo, California - Vallejo Music Theater (Earl Barnett) Fiddler's Green Springville, New York - Post Office (Victoria Hutson Huntley) Fight at St. Andrew's Church, 1776 Staten Island, New York - Borough Hall (Frederick Charles Stahr) Fight with Indians [Resources] Iron Mountain, Michigan - Post Office (Vladimir Rousseff) Fighting Forest Fire Washington, District of Columbia - Department of The Interior (Ernest Fiene) Filling the Water Jugs - Haymaking Time Danville, Indiana - Hendricks County Probation Court Building (Gail W. Martin) Fire Kingston, Rhode Island - University of Rhode Island, Edwards Hall (Gino Conti) Fire San Francisco, California - Laguna Honda Hospital (Glen Wessels) Firefighters of the Gay Nineties Linwood, New Jersey - Borough Hall (R. Hirt) The First Amendment Jamaica, New York - Woodhaven Station Post Office (Ben Shahn) The First Crossing at Rocky Ford Rocky Ford, Colorado - Post Office (Victor Higgins) First Flight of the Wright Brothers at Kitty Hawk Williamston, North Carolina - Post Office (Philip Von Saltza) First Hempstead Hose Cart Hempstead, New York - Southside Hose Company Number 2 (Carl E. Noble) First Landing at Weymouth Weymouth, Massachusetts - Post Office (Guy Pene du Bois) First Mail Crossing at Raton Pass Raton, New Mexico - Post Office (Joseph Flecks) First Mill on Wappingers Creek - 1780 [Resources] Wappingers Falls, New York - Former Post Office (Henry Billings) The First Orchestra in America [Resources] Manheim, Pennsylvania - Post Office (Theresa Bernstein) First Performance of Edwin Booth Bel Air, Maryland - Post Office (William H. Calfee) First Printing Press in North Carolina (1749) New Bern, North Carolina - Post Office & Courthouse, 2nd Floor Courtroom (David Silvette) First Provincial Convention in North Carolina (1774) New Bern, North Carolina - Post Office & Courthouse, 2nd Floor Courtroom (David Silvette) First Pulpit in Granville Granville, Ohio - Post Office (Wendell Jones) First Railroad: Clifton to Tottenville, 1860 Staten Island, New York - Borough Hall (Frederick Charles Stahr) First School in Kentucky Taught at Fort Harrod by Mr. Jane Coomes Harrodsburg, Kentucky - Post Office (Orville Carroll) The First Settlers [Resources] Shawano, Wisconsin - Post Office (Eugene Higgins) First Shoe Factory in the United States Danvers, Massachusetts - Town Hall (Thomas Baker, Richard V. Ellery, Solomon Levenson) The First Store and Tavern Revere, Massachusetts - Post Office (Ross E. Moffett) The First White Man in South Dakota [Resources] Webster, South Dakota - Post Office (Irvin Shope) Fish Fry in the Park Geneva, Illinois - Post Office (Manuel A. Bromberg) Fisherman and Wife Rockville Centre, New York - Post Office (Victor White) Fishing [Resources] Anacortes, Washington - Post Office (Kenneth Callahan) Fishing Santa Cruz, California - Post Office (Henrietta Shore) Fishing Redondo Dock Redondo Beach, California - Post Office (Paul Sample) Flat Head War Party Hamilton, Montana - Post Office (Henry Meloy) Flight Flushing, New York - Marine Air Terminal (James Brooks) Floating Horses Down the Cumberland River Williamsburg, Kentucky - County Clerk's Storage Facility (Alois Fabry Jr.) Flora and Fauna Highland Park, Illinois - Green Bay Pavillion (Gustaf Dahlstrom) Flora and Fauna of the Region Cassville, Missouri - Post Office (Edward Winter) Flower Farming and Vegetable Raising Redwood City, California - Post Office (Jose Moya del Pino) Flowers and Animals San Francisco, California - Anza Branch Library (Unknown) Flute Player Washington, District of Columbia - Department of The Interior (Woodrow Wilson Crumbo) Folklore of America [Resources] Plainfield, New Jersey - Post Office (Anton Refregier) Football and Boxing Albuquerque, New Mexico - University of New Mexico Art Museum (Willard Nash) Fording of the West River to Settle West Haven [Resources] West Haven, Connecticut - Post Office (Elizabeth Shannon Phillips) Forest Genetics Placerville, California - El Dorado County District Attorney's Office (Tom E. Lewis) Forest Loggers Forest, Mississippi - Post Office (Julien Binford) Forest Service Elkins, West Virginia - U.S. Department of Agriculture Building (Stevan Dohanos) Fort Hamilton Hamilton, Ohio - Post Office (Richard Zoellner) Founding and Subsequent Development of Robstown Robstown, Texas - Post Office (Alice Reynolds) The Founding of Fort Crevecoeur Oak Park, Illinois - Post Office (J. Theodore Johnson) The Founding of Gloucester Gloucester, Massachusetts - City Hall (Charles Allan Winter) The Founding of McKendree College, Lebanon, Illinois Chicago, Illinois - Wells High School Library (Henry Simon) The Founding of Rochester [Resources] Rochester, Minnesota - Olmsted County Historical Society (David Granahan) Foundry Workers [Resources] Kohler, Wisconsin - Kohler Headquarters (Arthur Covey) The Four Freedoms Newark, New Jersey - Fourteenth Avenue School (Michael Lenson) The Four Seasons and Signs of the Zodiac Washington, District of Columbia - William Jefferson Clinton Federal Building (Vahe Kirishjian) Framing a House Rockville Centre, New York - Post Office (Victor White) Fraternity Mobile, Alabama - Museum of Mobile (John Augustus Walker) Frederick Chopin Chicago, Illinois - Chopin School (Florian Durzynski) Frederick Douglas Appeals to President Lincoln Washington, District of Columbia - Recorder of Deeds Building (William Edouard Scott) Freedom of Speech Cleveland, Ohio - City Club of Cleveland (Elmer Brown) Freeland [Resources] Freeland, Pennsylvania - Post Office (John F. Folinsbee) French Hugenots in Florida [Resources] Washington, District of Columbia - William Jefferson Clinton Federal Building (Karl Free) French Trappers on the Red Cedar Menomonie, Wisconsin - University of Wisconsin - Stout, Harvey Hall (Clarence Peters) From Such Beginnings Sprang the County of Lake [Resources] Crown Point, Indiana - Post Office (George Melville Smith) From the Revolutionary War to the Civil War Fall River, Massachusetts - Resiliency Preparatory School (John Mann) From Timber to Agriculture Heber Springs, Arkansas - Municipal Building (H. Louis Freund) Frontier Mail Rehoboth Beach, Delaware - Post Office (Karl Knaths) Frontiersmen and Indians Coming Together [Info] [Resources] Winona, Minnesota - Somsen Hall, Winona State University (John Martin Socha) Fruit Season, Vacaville Vacaville, California - Old Post Office Seafood and Grill (Emrich Nicholson) Fruits of Sturgeon Bay [Resources] Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin - Post Office (Santos Zingale) Functions of a Hospital Jamaica, New York - NYC Health + Hospitals/Queens (William C. Palmer) The Fur Traders [Resources] Saint Anthony, Idaho - Post Office (Elizabeth Lochrie) The Fusion of Agriculture and Industry Decatur, Illinois - Post Office (Mitchell Siporin) Gager's Trading Post on the Wadsworth Trail Morris, Minnesota - Post Office (Alfred Sessler) Gang Plow Amarillo, Texas - J. Marvin Jones Federal Building (Julius Woeltz) Gas City in the Boom Days Gas City, Indiana - Post Office (William Adelbert Dolwick) Gateway to the Desert San Diego, California - Jacob Weinberger U.S. Courthouse (Esther Barney) Gateway to the West Baldwinsville, New York - Post Office (Paul Weller) Gathering Apples Washington, District of Columbia - Department of The Interior (Nicolai Cikovsky) Gathering Beach Plums Provincetown, Massachusetts - Town Hall (Ross E. Moffett) Gathering Cranberries Berlin, Wisconsin - Post Office (Raymond Redell) Gathering Dates Washington, District of Columbia - Department of The Interior (Nicolai Cikovsky) Gathering Pecans Arlington, Texas - Worthington National Bank (Otis Dozier) Gathering Seaweed from the Sound [Info] [Resources] Madison, Connecticut - Post Office (William Abbott Cheever) Gathering Tobacco Roxboro, North Carolina - Piedmont Community College Educational Opportunity Center (Allan Gould) Gathering Wild Rice [Resources] Long Prairie, Minnesota - Post Office (Lucia Wiley) General G. H. Thomas and Philip Sheridan Fort Thomas, Kentucky - Post Office (Lucienne Bloch) General Lafayette is Welcomed at Friendship Hill By Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gallatin on May 27, 1825 Masontown, Pennsylvania - Post Office (Harry Leith-Ross) General Oglethorpe Concludes a Treaty of Amity and Peace with the Creek Indians - May 18, 1733 Jesup, Georgia - Wayne County Library (David Hutchison) General Store [Resources] Washington, District of Columbia - William Jefferson Clinton Federal Building (Doris Lee) General Sullivan at Tioga Point Athens, Pennsylvania - Post Office (Allan Jones) General Sully at Yellowstone Sidney, Montana - Richland County Extension Office (J. K. Ralston) George Green Lawndale, California - Lawndale High School (Virgil Zenor) George H. Walker Milwaukee, Wisconsin - Milwaukee Theater (Thorsten Lindberg) George Martin's Home Overlooking Old Naper Hill Naperville, Illinois - Post Office (Rainey Bennett) George Rogers Clark and Daniel Boone [Info] [Resources] St Louis, Missouri - Post Office (Mitchell Siporin) George Rogers Clark Being Welcomed at Fort Harrod Harrodsburg, Kentucky - Post Office (Orville Carroll) George Rogers Clark Confers with the Indians Near Herrin, Illinois Herrin, Illinois - Post Office (Gustaf Dahlstrom) George Washington with De Witt, Geographer of the Revolutionary Army New Brunswick, New Jersey - Post Office (George Biddle) Georgia Countryside Summerville, Georgia - Post Office (Doris Lee) Georgia Lumberman Receiving Mail by Star Route Wagon Eastman, Georgia - Post Office (Arthur E. Schmalz) Ginnin' Cotton Leland, Mississippi - Post Office (Stuart R. Purser) Giovanni da Verrazzano Discovers Staten Island, 1524 Staten Island, New York - Borough Hall (Frederick Charles Stahr) Glass Industry Jeannette, Pennsylvania - Post Office (Alexander J. Kostellow, Robert L. Lepper, T. Frank Olson) Gleason Agriculture Gleason, Tennessee - Post Office (Anne Poor) The Glen Family Spared by French and Indians - 1690 Scotia, New York - Post Office (Amy Jones) Glen Ridge Glen Ridge, New Jersey - Post Office (James Chapin) Gloried Be They Who Foresaking Unjust Riches Strive in Fulfillment of Humble Tasks for Peace Culture and the Equality of All Mankind Birmingham, Alabama - Woodlawn High School Auditoritum (Richard Coe, Sidney Van Sheck) Gloucester Harbor Gloucester, Massachusetts - O'Maley Middle School (Frederick Mulhaupt) Goddess of Justice Knoxville, Tennessee - Tennessee Appellate Court (John Von Wicht) Going to Work Staunton, Illinois - Post Office (Ralf Henricksen) The Golden Hills of Marin Mill Valley, California - Tamalpais High School (Maurice del Mue) Golden Triangle of Trade Medford, Massachusetts - Post Office (Henry Billings) Good News Brevard, North Carolina - Post Office (Pietro Lazzari) Goose Decoys Beaufort, North Carolina - Post Office (Simka Simkhovitch) Governor Tompkins Erects Forts Richmond and Tompkins, 1812-1814 Staten Island, New York - Borough Hall (Frederick Charles Stahr) Grand Council of 1842 Okemah, Oklahoma - Post Office (Richard West) The Grand March San Diego, California - Presidio Park, Mormon Monument Section (Unknown) Granite Northfield, Vermont - Post Office (Charles M. Daugherty) Grape Harvest Fresno, California - City Hall (Henry Varnum Poor) Grape Pickers Reedley, California - Post Office (Boris Deutsch) Grape Pickers Saint Helena, California - Post Office (Lew Keller) Great Events and Figures of the Law Washington, District of Columbia - Department of Justice (Boardman Robinson) The Great Indian Council - Chicago, 1883 Chicago, Illinois - Loop Station Post Office (Gustaf Dahlstrom) Great Men Came From the Hills New Lexington, Ohio - Post Office (Isabel Bishop) Great Men of Medicine Chicago, Illinois - UI Medical Center, College of Medicine, Alumni-Faculty Lounge (Edwin Boyd Johnson) Great Navigators New York, New York - National Museum of the American Indian (Reginald Marsh) Great Road Christiansburg, Virginia - Post Office (John W. De Groot) Great Smokies and Tennessee Farms Johnson City, Tennessee - Post Office (Charles Child) Grist for the Mill Kenedy, Texas - Post Office (Charles Campbell) Grizzly Bear and Cubs Monrovia, California - Monrovia Public Library (Helen Forbes) The Growing Community Altavista, Virginia - Post Office (Herman Maril) Growth of Democracy in Illinois Decatur, Illinois - Post Office (Edward Millman) The Growth of Mount Morris Mount Morris, Illinois - Post Office (Dale Nichols) Growth of the Road [Resources] Altoona, Pennsylvania - Post Office (Lorin Thompson) Habitat Background Washington, District of Columbia - National Zoological Park (Domenico Mortellito) The Hambletonian Stake [Resources] Goshen, New York - Post Office (Georgina Klitgaard) Harbor at Rogers City [Resources] Rogers City, Michigan - Post Office (James Calder) Hardrock Miners Colorado Springs, Colorado - City Auditorium (Archie Musick) The Hare and the Tortoise [Resources] Sabetha, Kansas - Post Office (Albert T. Reid) Harmony Society Ambridge, Pennsylvania - Old Economy Village (Richard Kenah) Hart Fellows, Builder of Rushville [Resources] Rushville, Illinois - Post Office (Rainey Bennett) Harvest [Resources] Alma, Michigan - Post Office (Joe Cox) Harvest [Resources] Bronson, Michigan - Post Office (Arthur Getz) Harvest [Resources] Charleston, Missouri - Post Office (Joe Jones) Harvest Crystal Springs, Mississippi - Post Office (Henry La Cagnina) Harvest San Francisco, California - Roosevelt Middle School (Nelson Pool) The Harvest Abbeville, Louisiana - Abbeville Museum (Louis Raynaud) Harvest Grand Junction, Colorado - Wayne Aspinall Federal Building (Louise Emerson Ronnebeck) Harvest Dover, Delaware - Wesley United Church Education Center (William D. White) Harvest at Fort Payne Fort Payne, Alabama - Post Office (Harwood Steiger) Harvest at Home Jasper, Florida - Post Office (Pietro Lazzari) Harvest Dance Washington, District of Columbia - Department of The Interior (James Auchiah) Harvest Scene Fredonia, New York - Post Office (Arnold Blanch) Harvest Season in Southern Virginia [Resources] Chatham, Virginia - Post Office (Carson Davenport) Harvest Time - Lake Wales [Resources] Lake Wales, Florida - Post Office (Denman Fink) Harvest, the Annal of America [Resources] Montpelier, Ohio - Post Office (Leonard Ahneman) Harvesting Monroeville, Alabama - Post Office (Arthur L. Bairnsfather) Harvesting Spencer, Indiana - Post Office (Joseph Meert) Harvesting of Grain: Spring and Fall Chicago, Illinois - Harvard School (Florian Durzynski) Harvesting Tobacco Whiteville, North Carolina - Southeastern Community College, Auditorium (Roy Schat) Harvesting Wheat Rockville Centre, New York - Post Office (Victor White) Hauling Water Pipe through Antelope Valley Lancaster, California - Post Office (Jose Moya del Pino) Hay Making Monticello, Indiana - Post Office (Marguerite Zorach) Haying Saint Albans, Vermont - Former Post Office (Philip Von Saltza) Hazlehurst Homes and Heroes Hazlehurst, Mississippi - Post Office (Mike Doherty, Antoine Lomax, Justin Montavon) Hempstead Riding Academy Fire Hempstead, New York - Southside Hose Company Number 2 (Carl E. Noble) Henrick Hudson Los Angeles, California - Hooper Avenue Elementary School (Lorser Feitelson) Henry Hudson Anchors off Staaten Eylandt in 1609 Staten Island, New York - Borough Hall (Frederick Charles Stahr) Heritage of Shakespeare Smyra, Delaware - John Bassett Moore School (Stafford Good, Edward Grant, Walter Pyle Jr.) Hide Hunters Canyon, Texas - Panhandle-Plains Historical Museum (Harold Bugbee) High School Students Long Beach, California - Polytechnic High School (Unknown) Hippos Whittier, California - East Whittier Middle School (Caspar Duchow) Historic Claymont Claymont, Delaware - Claymont Community Center (Walter Pyle Jr.) Historic Landscapes [Resources] Beacon, New York - Post Office (Charles Rosen) Historical and Modern Scenes of Cleveland Cleveland, Ohio - University Center Station Post Office (John Czosz, Clarence Zyuld) Historical Background of Wewoka Wewoka, Oklahoma - Post Office (Marjorie Clarke) Historical Development Phoenix, Arizona - Former Federal Building and Post Office (LaVerne Nelson Black) Historical New York Scenes New York, New York - New York State Supreme Court, Jury Room 448 (Robert K. Ryland) Historical Periods Chicago, Illinois - Clissold School Auditorium (Jefferson League) Historical Review of Education Seattle, Washington - University Station Post Office (Jacob Elshin) Historical Train Station [Resources] Burlington, North Carolina - Federal Building (Arthur L. Bairnsfather) History and Present Day Themes Relating to Wilmington and Its Surroundings Wilmington, North Carolina - Post Office (Thomas LoMedico) History of Aviation Long Beach, California - Charles Lindbergh Middle School (Arthur Ames, Jean Goodwin) History of Books Chicago, Illinois - Bennett School (Gustaf Dahlstrom) A History of Books and Printing Brockton, Massachusetts - Public Library (Fritz Fuglister) History of California Huntington Park, California - Post Office (Norman Chamberlain) History of Chicago Chicago, Illinois - Sawyer School (Lucile Ward) History of Chicopee Falls [Resources] Chicopee, Massachusetts - Post Office (Ernst Halberstadt) History of Early California Los Angeles, California - Venice High School (Grace Clements, Helen Lundeberg) The History of Flight Tampa, Florida - Tampa International Airport, Airside E Terminal (George Snow Hill) History of Florida Tallahassee, Florida - U.S. Bankruptcy Courthouse (Eduard Buk Ulreich) The History of Light East Lansing, Michigan - Michigan State University, Union Building (Edgar Yaeger) History of Mankind in Terms of Mental and Physical Labor Brooklyn, New York - Brooklyn Technical High School (Maxwell B. Starr) History of Medicine Duarte, California - City of Hope (Philip Guston, Reuben Kadish) History of Medicine in California San Francisco, California - Unviersty of California, San Francisco, Toland Hall (Bernard Zakheim) History of Minnesota Sebeka, Minnesota - Sebeka High School (Richard Haines) History of Missouri [Resources] Jefferson City, Missouri - Capitol Building (Thomas Hart Benton) History of Music New York, New York - Former George Washington High School (Lucienne Bloch) History of Newark Newark, New Jersey - City Hall (Michael Lenson) History of Payne County Stillwater, Oklahoma - Post Office (Grace L. Hamilton) History of Printing New Orleans, Louisiana - Former Canal Street Branch Library (Edward Schoenberger) History of Printing Through the Ages South Gate, California - South Gate Community Center (Suzanne Miller) History of Redlands Redlands, California - Redlands Historical Museum (Arnold Brasz) History of San Francisco [Resources] San Francisco, California - Rincon Center (Anton Refregier) History of Southern California Los Angeles, California - Venice High School (Grace Clements, Helen Lundeberg) History of Springfield: 1636-1936 [Resources] Springfield, Massachusetts - Massachusetts State Office Building (Umberto Romano) History of Squirrel Hill [Resources] Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania - Squirrel Hill Station Post Office (Alan Thompson) History of the Cherokee Nation Vinita, Oklahoma - Post Office (Randall Davey) History of the Coast Guard New London, Connecticut - Coast Guard Academy, Hamilton Hall (Aldis Browne) History of the Gallup Region Gallup, New Mexico - McKinley County Courthouse (Lloyd Moylan) History of the Gila Valley Safford, Arizona - Post Office (Seymour Fogel) History of the Lake Ontario Region Rochester, New York - Charlotte High School (Carl W. Peters) History of the Minnesota National Guard Minneapolis, Minnesota - Minneapolis Armory (Lucia Wiley) History of the Needlecraft Industry New York, New York - High School of Fashion Industries (Ernest Fiene) History of the New World Chicago, Illinois - Partee High School (Ralf Henricksen) History of the Printed Word Teaneck, New Jersey - Teaneck Public Library (Robert Martin) History of the Recorded Word Los Angeles, California - Thomas Jefferson High School (Ross Dickinson) History of the Region Saint Joseph, Missouri - Post Office (Gustaf Dahlstrom) The History of the World Bronx, New York - Dewitt Clinton High School (Alfred Floegel) History of Transportation Towson, Maryland - Post Office (Nicolai Cikovsky) The History of Transportation New York, New York - Eastern Airlines Building (former) (Dean Cornwell) History of Transportation Chicago, Illinois - NBC Building (Gustaf Dahlstrom) History of Transportation Inglewood, California - Grevillea Art Park (Helen Lundeberg) History of Tremont Cleveland, Ohio - Tremont Pointe Community Center (Henry W. Keto) History of Upland Upland, California - Upland Elementary School (Paul Julian) History Procession from Egypt to Modern Times Peekskill, New York - Peekskill Middle School (B. James Thornley) Hodgen's Mill Hodgenville, Kentucky - Post Office (Schomer Lichtner) Hog Raising Caledonia, Minnesota - Post Office (Edmund D. Lewandowski) Holiday [Resources] Waterloo, Iowa - Waterloo Public Library (Edgar Britton) Hollanders Settle in Pella Pella, Iowa - Post Office (Byron B. Boyd) Home and the Family East Elmhurst, New York - Rikers Island Penitentiary (Anton Refregier) Home Life San Francisco, California - Coit Tower (Jane Berlandina) Home Life [Resources] Manhattan, Kansas - Hale Library (David Hicks Overmyer) Home Life in Old Taos Torrance, California - Torrance High School (A. Katherine Skeele) The Home-Seeker's Trail Enid, Oklahoma - Garfield County Courthouse (Ruth Monro Augur) Homemakers [Resources] Laramie, Wyoming - Laramie Plains Civic Center (Florence E. Ware) The Homestead and the Building of the Barbed Wire Fence Washington, District of Columbia - Department of The Interior (John Steuart Curry) Homestead on the Plain [Resources] Yerington, Nevada - Post Office (Adolph Gottlieb) Hoosier Farm [Resources] Angola, Indiana - Steuben County Community Center (Charles Campbell) The Horse Breakers Lamesa, Texas - Forest Park Community Center (Fletcher Martin) The Horse Corral [Resources] Denver, Colorado - South Denver Station Post Office (Ethel Magafan) Horse Swapping Day Manchester, Tennessee - Post Office (Minna Citron) Horse-Drawn Railroad Akron, New York - Post Office (Elizabeth Logan) Horses La Grange, Texas - Post Office (Tom E. Lewis) Horses at Night [Resources] Denver, Colorado - Denver Public Library (Frank Mechau) Horses in Literature Chicago, Illinois - Nettlehorst School (Ethel Spears) Houston Ship Canal - Loading Oil Houston, Texas - Bob Casey Federal Building and Courthouse (Jerry Bywaters) How Happy Was the Occasion Clarksville, Arkansas - Post Office (Mary M. Purser) Howe and Cornwallis Entering New Brunswick New Brunswick, New Jersey - Post Office (George Biddle) Huckleberry Frolic Garden City, New York - Post Office (J. Theodore Johnson) Hudson's Bay - The Pathfinder [Resources] Colville, Washington - Post Office (Edmond J. Fitzgerald) Huguenot Settlement on Staten Island Staten Island, New York - Borough Hall (Frederick Charles Stahr) The Huguenots Lay the Foundations for the City of New Rochelle New Rochelle, New York - Post Office (David Hutchison) Hunters [Resources] Hawarden, Iowa - Post Office (John Sharp) Hunters, Red and White [Resources] Manitou Springs, Colorado - Post Office (Archie Musick) Hunting Buffalo Canyon, Texas - Panhandle-Plains Historical Museum (Harold Bugbee) The Hunting Ground Washington, District of Columbia - Department of The Interior (Gerald Nailor) Hunting in California San Francisco, California - Coit Tower (Edith Hamlin) The Hunting Trail Enid, Oklahoma - Garfield County Courthouse (Ruth Monro Augur) Huntington Harbor Huntington, New York - Gundermann & Gundermann Insurance (Paul C. Chapman) The Hurricane East Providence, Rhode Island - Post Office (Eugene Kingman) The Hurricane Chicago, Illinois - Schubert School (George Melville Smith) Husking Corn [Resources] Dexter, Missouri - Post Office (Joe Jones) The Hutchinson Singers [Info] [Resources] Hutchinson, Minnesota - Post Office (Elsa Jemne) Hyattsville Countryside [Resources] Hyattsville, Maryland - Post Office (Eugene Kingman) I, Francisco Vasquez de Coronado, Have Passed This Way and Left my Mark Tucumcari, New Mexico - Quay County Courthouse (Ben Carlton Mead) The Illini and Potawatomi Struggle at Starved Rock Oglesby, Illinois - Post Office (Fay E. Davis) Illinois Farm Gillespie, Illinois - Post Office (Gustaf Dahlstrom) Illinois Pastoral [Resources] Virden, Illinois - Post Office (James H. Daugherty) Immigration Scene Washington, District of Columbia - Department of Justice (Louis Bouche) Importance of Education in Sacramento Sacramento, California - Sacramento City College, Auditorium (Ralph Stackpole) In the Days of the Cattlemen's Picnic Kingman, Kansas - Post Office (Jessie S. Wilbur) In the Soil Is Our Wealth Wilmette, Illinois - Post Office (Raymond Breinin) Incidents in California History Berkeley, California - Post Office (Suzanne Scheuer) Incidents in the History of Catonsville Catonsville, Maryland - Post Office (Avery Johnson) Incidents in the Life of Luther Burbank Chicago, Illinois - Burbank School (Andrene Kauffman) Incidents in the Lives of Lewis and Clark Kelso, Washington - Post Office (David McCosh) India [Resources] Norwalk, Connecticut - Norwalk Transit District (Arthur Gibson Hull) Indian Bear Dance Truth or Consequences, New Mexico - Geronimo Springs Postal Station (Boris Deutsch) Indian Corn Field Mount Kisco, New York - Former Post Office (Thomas Donnelly) Indian Family at Routine Tasks Coalgate, Oklahoma - Post Office (Acee Blue Eagle) Indian Group Rochester, New York - Joseph C. Wilson Magnet High School (Carl W. Peters) Indian Harvest Sigourney, Iowa - Post Office (Richard Olsen) Indian Hunters and Rice Gatherers Saint James, Minnesota - Post Office (Margaret Martin) The Indian Ladder [Resources] Delmar, New York - Post Office (Sol Wilson) Indian Life [Resources] Sheboygan, Wisconsin - Post Office (Schomer Lichtner) Indian Motif Chicago, Illinois - Lane Tech College Prep High School Auditorium (John Walley) Indian Resting Spot - 1690 [Resources] Poughkeepsie, New York - Post Office (Gerald Foster) Indiana Agriculture [Resources] Crawfordsville, Indiana - Post Office (Frank Weathers Long) Indiana Farm - Sunday Afternoon North Manchester, Indiana - Post Office (Alan Tompkins) Indiana Farming Tipton, Indiana - Post Office (Donald M. Mattison) Indiana Farming Scene Jasper, Indiana - Post Office (Jessie Hull Mayer) Indians Instructing Pioneers in Forest Lore Norwalk, Connecticut - Post Office, Postmaster's Office (Kindred McLeary) Indians Moving Caldwell, Texas - Burleson County Courthouse (Suzanne Scheuer) Indians Receiving Gifts from the Spanish Guntersville, Alabama - Former Post Office (Charles Russell Hardman) Indians Trading with the Half Moon Fort Lee, New Jersey - Post Office (Henry Schnakenberg) Indians Watching Stagecoach in the Distance Kansas City, Missouri - Post Office (Eduard Buk Ulreich) Industrial Washington, District of Columbia - Smithsonian American Art Museum (Dacre F. Boulton) Industrial Activities in Long Beach Long Beach, California - Polytechnic High School (Ivan Bartlett, Jean Swiggett) Industrial Activity in the City [Resources] Higginsville, Missouri - Post Office (Jac T Bowen) Industrial Claymont Claymont, Delaware - Claymont Community Center (Walter Pyle Jr.) Industrial Life in San Pedro San Pedro, California - San Pedro High School (Tyrone Comfort) Industrial Murals Cincinnati, Ohio - Duke Energy Center (Winold Reiss) Industrial Tapestry Winnsboro, South Carolina - Post Office (Auriel Bessemer) Industries Around Loveland [Resources] Loveland, Colorado - Post Office (James Russell Sherman) Industries of California [Resources] San Francisco, California - Coit Tower (Ralph Stackpole) Industries of Hamilton Hamilton, Ohio - Post Office (Richard Zoellner) Industries of Jasper Jasper, Texas - Post Office (Alexander Levin) Industries of Lewis County Centralia, Washington - Post Office (Kenneth Callahan) Industry and Agriculture Eaton Rapids, Michigan - Post Office (Boris Mestchersy) Industry and Farming Bronx, New York - Junior High School 113 (Richard R. Green) (Edna Hershman) Industry in New Hampshire Durham, New Hampshire - University of New Hampshire, Hamilton Smith Hall (Arthur Esner) Industry in Rockdale Rockdale, Texas - Post Office (Maxwell B. Starr) Industry, Agriculture, Statesmanship, Commerce Nashville, Tennessee - Davidson County Courthouse (Dean Cornwell) Initiation Ceremony Washington, District of Columbia - Department of The Interior (Gerald Nailor) Innocents Abroad [Resources] Norwalk, Connecticut - City Hall (Justin C. Gruelle) Insular Possession: Alaksa Washington, District of Columbia - Department of The Interior (James Michael Newell) Insular Possession: Virgin Islands Washington, District of Columbia - Department of The Interior (James Michael Newell) Invention and Imagination Santa Monica, California - Santa Monica Public Library (Stanton Macdonald-Wright) Invention in Relation to Modern Life Lawndale, California - Lawndale High School (Virgil Zenor) Invention of the Paper Bag in Canajoharie Canajoharie, New York - Post Office (Anatol Shulkin) Iowa Fair [Resources] Missouri Valley, Iowa - Post Office (Francis Robert White) Iowa Farm Life Manchester, Iowa - Post Office (Birger Sandzén) Iowa Farming Cresco, Iowa - Post Office (Richard Haines) Iowa Landscape Monticello, Iowa - Post Office (William C. Palmer) Ipswich Tax Resistance - 1687 Ipswich, Massachusetts - Post Office (Saul Levine) Iron Industry in Lehigh Valley [Info] [Resources] Allentown, Pennsylvania - Post Office (Gifford Reynolds Beal) Iron Ore Mines Ely, Minnesota - Post Office (Elsa Jemne) Iron Plantation Near Southwark - 1800 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - Southwark Station Post Office (Robert E. Larter) Iron Pouring [Resources] Danville, Pennsylvania - Post Office (Jean de Marco) Irrigation Washington, District of Columbia - Department of The Interior (Nicolai Cikovsky) James and Granville Stuart Prospecting in Deer Lodge Valley -- 1858 [Info] [Resources] Deer Lodge, Montana - Post Office (Verona Burkhard) Jeb Stuart Richmond, Virginia - Lewis F. Powell Jr. United States Courthouse (Jared French) Jedediah Smith Fording the Merced River Merced, California - Post Office and Federal Building (Helen Forbes) Jersey Homesteads Mural [Resources] Roosevelt, New Jersey - Roosevelt Public School (Ben Shahn) John Balch - First Post Rider of Plymouth Plymouth, New Hampshire - Post Office (R. Crawford Livingston) John Brown and His Mother [Resources] Torrington, Connecticut - Post Office (Arthur Covey) John Brown Denouncing Slavery [Resources] Torrington, Connecticut - Post Office (Arthur Covey) John Brown Leading Slaves to Freedom [Resources] Torrington, Connecticut - Post Office (Arthur Covey) John Chisum Paris, Texas - Public Library (Jerry Bywaters) John Eliot Speaks to the Natick Indians Natick, Massachusetts - Post Office (Hollis Holbrook) John Jay at His Home [Resources] Rye, New York - Post Office (Guy Pene du Bois) John Pelham Richmond, Virginia - Lewis F. Powell Jr. United States Courthouse (Jared French) John Pell Receives Partial Payment for 6,000 Acres New Rochelle, New York - Post Office (David Hutchison) Joseph DeFord and His Friends Building the First Cabin Bluffton, Ohio - Post Office (Sante Graziani) Judge Smith Orr and Robert Taggard Planning the New Settlement of Orrville, 1852 [Resources] Orrville, Ohio - Post Office (Aldo Lazzarini) July 4th Celebration Magnolia, Mississippi - Post Office (John H. Fyfe) Junipero Serra Piedmont, California - Piedmont High School (Joseph Sheridan) Justice Burbank, California - City Attorney's Office (Bartholomew de Mako) Justice as Protector and Avenger Aiken, South Carolina - Charles e. Simons Jr. Federal Courthouse (Stefan Hirsch) Justice Begets Content Taos, New Mexico - Former Taos County Courthouse (Ward Lockwood) Justice Defeated Washington, District of Columbia - Department of Justice (Leon Kroll) Justice Department Responsibilities: Customs Washington, District of Columbia - Department of Justice (Henry Varnum Poor) Justice Department Responsibilities: Pardons Washington, District of Columbia - Department of Justice (Henry Varnum Poor) Justice Department Responsibilities: Prisons Washington, District of Columbia - Department of Justice (Henry Varnum Poor) Justice of the Plains: The Movement Westward Washington, District of Columbia - Department of Justice (John Steuart Curry) Justice Tempered with Mercy (Uphold the Right, Prevent the Wrong) Albuquerque, New Mexico - Federal Building and U.S. Courthouse (Emil Bisttram) Justice Triumphant Washington, District of Columbia - Department of Justice (Leon Kroll) Kansas Farming Wichita, Kansas - Courthouse (Richard Haines) A Kansas Gusher Augusta, Kansas - Post Office (Donald Silks) Kansas Stream [Resources] Belleville, Kansas - Post Office (Birger Sandzén) Kennebunkport Harbor, 1825 Kennebunkport, Maine - Post Office (Gordon Grant) Kentucky Homestead Hardinsburg, Kentucky - Post Office (Nathaniel Koffman) Kentucky Mountain Mail En Route Pineville, Kentucky - Post Office (Edward Fern) Kentucky Tobacco Field Hardinsburg, Kentucky - Post Office (Robert Cleaver Purdy) Key West Fishermen Key West, Florida - Key West Aquarium (Alfred D. Crimi) Kiln Room, Cement Plant Rockmart, Georgia - Post Office (Reuben Gambrell) Kimmett's Lock [Info] [Resources] Allentown, Pennsylvania - Post Office (Gifford Reynolds Beal) Kinfolk of Virginia Dare [Resources] Sanford, North Carolina - Lee County Courthouse (Pietro Lazzari) Knudsen School [Resources] Norwalk, Connecticut - City Hall (Alexander Rummler) La Baye Gallery Paintings [Resources] Green Bay, Wisconsin - Neville Public Museum (Anna Lou Matthews Bedore) La Guignolee Saint Genevieve, Missouri - Post Office (Martyl Schweig) La Rabida, Cradle of the New World Houston, Texas - Houston Public Library, Julia Ideson Building (Angela McDonnell) Labor Lexington, Kentucky - Margaret King Library, University of Kentucky (Frank Weathers Long) Labor and Leisure Little Falls, New Jersey - Little Falls Civic Center and Historical Society (James Brooks) Laboring in Nebraska Lincoln, Nebraska - State Capitol Rotunda (Kenneth Evett) The Lake [Resources] Sheboygan, Wisconsin - Post Office (Schomer Lichtner) Lake Country Wild Life Lake Village, Arkansas - Post Office (Avery Johnson) Lake George Lake George, New York - Post Office (Judson Smith) Lake Superior Shores - Yesterday and Today Cloquet, Minnesota - Post Office (Dewey Albinson) Land San Francisco, California - Roosevelt Middle School (Nelson Pool) The Land is Bought from the Indians Blakely, Georgia - Post Office (Daniel Putnam Brinley) Land of Irrigation Selma, California - Post Office (Norman Chamberlain) The Land of Woods and Lakes [Resources] Hayward, Wisconsin - Post Office (Stella E. Harlos) Landing of Dorchester Colonists - 1623 Gloucester, Massachusetts - City Hall (Frederick Mulhaupt) The Landing of Sebastian Viscaino at Monterey, December 16, 1602 Monterey, California - Post Office (Stanton Willard) Landing of Swedes at The Rocks in Wilmington Wilmington, Delaware - Rodney Square Station Post Office (Albert Pels) Landing of the Vikings in Vinland Santa Monica, California - Santa Monica High School (Stanton Macdonald-Wright) Landscape Rockville, Indiana - Post Office (Milton Avery) Landscape Evanston, Illinois - Haven Middle School, Drama Room (Rainey Bennett) Landscape Chicago, Illinois - Howe School (Florian Durzynski) Landscape [Resources] Palm Beach, Florida - Former Post Office (Charles Rosen) Landscape - Tobacco Curing [Resources] Mebane, North Carolina - Post Office (Margaret C. Gates) Landscape of Frogtown Mannington, West Virginia - Post Office (Richard Zoellner) Landscape with Children Chicago, Illinois - Falconer School (Florian Durzynski) Larchmont Yacht Club Larchmont, New York - Public Library (Thomas Donnelly) LaSalle's Quest for the Mississippi Rayville, Louisiana - Post Office (Elsie Driggs) LaSalle's Search for Tonti, 1680 Oak Park, Illinois - Post Office (J. Theodore Johnson) The Last Crop Linden, Texas - Post Office (Victor Arnautoff) The Last Frontier Fort Sumner, New Mexico - De Baca County Courthouse (Russell Vernon Hunter) The Last Home of the Choctaw Nation Idabel, Oklahoma - Museum of the Red River (H. Louis Freund) Last Indian Troubles in Randolph County - 1836 Cuthbert, Georgia - Post Office (Carlo Ciampaglia) The Law - Texas Rangers Smithville, Texas - Post Office (Minette Teichmueller) Law and Order in Old Scarsdale Scarsdale, New York - Post Office (Gordon Samstag) Law Guides Florida Progress Miami, Florida - U.S. Post Office and Courthouse (Denman Fink) Law Through the Ages New York, New York - New York State Supreme Court (John Edwin Jackson, Attilio Pusterla, Andres T. Schwartz, Withrop Turney) Law Versus Mob Rule Washington, District of Columbia - Department of Justice (John Steuart Curry) Laying the Cornerstone for the Nassau County Courthouse Mineola, New York - Theodore Roosevelt Executive and Legislative Building (Robert Gaston Herbert) Laying the Cornerstone of Old East [Resources] Chapel Hill, North Carolina - Post Office (Dean Cornwell) Laying the Erie and Kalamazoo Railroad [Resources] Blissfield, Michigan - Post Office (Jean Paul Slusser) The Lead Belt [Resources] Fredericktown, Missouri - Post Office (James Turnbull) Learning, Industry, Skill and Honor Menomonie, Wisconsin - University of Wisconsin - Stout, Harvey Hall (Clarence Peters) The Legend of Charlemagne Evanston, Illinois - Oakton School (Carl Scheffler) The Legend of El Diablo Benicia, California - Old State Capitol Building, 2nd Floor Legislative Meeting Room (Clarkson Dye) Legend of James Edward Hamilton, Mail Carrier [Resources] West Palm Beach, Florida - Post Office (Stevan Dohanos) The Legend of New Almaden Los Gatos, California - Los Gatos High School (Clay Spohn) Legend of Paul Bunyan Ann Arbor, Michigan - Sindecuse Museum of Dentistry, Children's Waiting Room (Francis E. Danovich) Legend of the Singing River [Resources] Pascagoula, Mississippi - Post Office (Lorin Thompson) The Legend of Wenonah [Info] [Resources] Winona, Minnesota - Somsen Hall, Winona State University (John Martin Socha) Legends of the Hudson [Resources] Troy, New York - Post Office (Waldo Peirce) Lehigh County Barn Signs [Resources] Allentown, Pennsylvania - Post Office (Gifford Reynolds Beal) A Letter Hartwell, Georgia - Post Office (Orlin E. Clayton) The Letter East Alton, Illinois - Post Office (Frances Foy) The Letter Box Atmore, Alabama - Post Office (Anne Goldthwaite) Letter from Home in 1856 [Resources] Waverly, Iowa - Post Office (Mildred W. Pelzer) Lettuce Workers Calexico, California - Former Post Office (George Samerjan) Lewistown Milestones [Resources] Lewistown, Illinois - Post Office (Ida Abelman) Liberation Terre Haute, Indiana - Woodrow Wilson Middle School (Gilbert Brown Wilson) Liberty Bell [Resources] Allentown, Pennsylvania - Post Office (Gifford Reynolds Beal) Library [Resources] San Francisco, California - Coit Tower (Bernard Zakheim) The Library Reaches the People Santa Fe, New Mexico - Fray Angelico Chavez History Library (Olive Rush) The Life and Times of General Israel Putnam Greenwich, Connecticut - Public Library (James H. Daugherty) Life and Travels of Richard Henry Dana, Jr. San Pedro, California - Dana Middle School (Adrien Machefert) Life in Early California San Mateo, California - Post Office (Thomas Laman) Life in Grand Rapids and the Upper Mississippi [Resources] Grand Rapids, Minnesota - Post Office (James S. Watrous) Life in Rocky Mount Rocky Mount, Virginia - Post Office (Roy Hilton) Life in the Mississippi Cotton Belt Hazlehurst, Mississippi - Post Office (Auriel Bessemer) Life of Action Rochester, New York - Joseph C. Wilson Foundation Academy (Carl W. Peters) The Life of Carl Von Linne Chicago, Illinois - Linne Elementary School (Ethel Spears) Life of Contemplation Rochester, New York - Joseph C. Wilson Foundation Academy (Carl W. Peters) The Life of Franz Schubert Chicago, Illinois - Schubert School (George Melville Smith) The Life of Horace Mann Chicago, Illinois - Horace Mann School (Ralf Henricksen) The Life of the Senecas Honeoye Falls, New York - Post Office (Stuart Edie) Life of Washington San Francisco, California - George Washington High School (Victor Arnautoff) Life of Washington Irving Los Angeles, California - Irving Middle School (Ivan Bartlett) Life on the Coast [Resources] Bay Saint Louis, Mississippi - Post Office (Louis Raynaud) Life on the D&H Canal [Info] [Resources] Honesdale, Pennsylvania - Post Office (Walter Gardner) Life on the Erie Canal Fairport, New York - Fairport Historical Museum (Carl W. Peters) Life on the Lake Lake Providence, Louisiana - Post Office (Ethel Edwards) Life on the Old Spanish and American Ranchos Los Angeles, California - U.S. Courthouse, Western Division (Lucien Labaudt) Life on the Plains Beaver, Utah - Post Office (John W. Beauchamp) Lighthouse Port Washington, New York - Post Office (Harry Lane) Limestone Quarries Santa Cruz, California - Post Office (Henrietta Shore) Lincoln as Postmaster in New Salem Salem, Illinois - Bryan-Bennett Library (Vladimir Rousseff) Lincoln, Slavery and Freedom Woodbridge, New Jersey - Woodbridge Middle School (Carl C. Lella) Lincoln's Arbiter Settles The Winsted Post Office Controversy [Resources] Winsted, Connecticut - Post Office (Amy Jones) The Little Farmer Cochran, Georgia - Post Office (Ilse Erythropel) Loading Cattle Fredericksburg, Texas - Post Office (Otis Dozier) Loading Cattle [Resources] Red Cloud, Nebraska - Post Office (Archie Musick) Loading Cattle Jackson, Missouri - Chamber of Commerce (James Turnbull) Loading Pulpwood Milton, Florida - Former Post Office (George Snow Hill) Loading the Packet Chester, Illinois - Post Office (Fay E. Davis) Local Agriculture - A.A.A. 1939 Oneonta, Alabama - Board of Education (Aldis Browne) Local Historical Sights Hackensack, New Jersey - Bergen County Courthouse, Room 253 (William Winter) Local Industries Springdale, Arkansas - Shiloh Museum of Ozark History (Natalie Henry) Local Industry Norristown, Pennsylvania - Post Office (Paul Mays) Local Industry Franklin, Indiana - Post Office (Jean Swiggett) Local Landscape Wauwatosa, Wisconsin - Wauwatosa East High School (Myron Nutting) Local Landscape Richfield Springs, New York - Post Office (John W. Taylor) Local Life and Industries Scottdale, Pennsylvania - Post Office (Harry William Scheuch) Local Pursuits [Resources] Mount Vernon, Washington - Skagit Valley College Business Resource Center (Ambrose McCarthy Patterson) Local Theme [Resources] Toppenish, Washington - Post Office (Andrew McDuffie Vincent) Lock on the Champlain Canal, Fort Edward Fort Edward, New York - Post Office (George Picken) Locomotive Repair Operation [Resources] Renovo, Pennsylvania - Post Office (Harold Lehman) Loggers Milaca, Minnesota - Post Office (Andre Boratko) Loggers Pendleton, Indiana - Post Office (William F. Kaeser) Loggers and Millworkers [Resources] Sedro Woolley, Washington - Post Office (Albert C. Runquist) Logging Manistique, Michigan - Post Office (David Fredenthal) Logging in the Louisiana Swamps Winnsboro, Louisiana - Former Post Office (Datus Ensign Myers) Logging in the Main Woods Millinocket, Maine - Post Office (John W. Beauchamp) Logging Scene Center, Texas - Post Office (Edward Chávez) Logging Scene Center, Texas - Post Office (Edward Chávez) The Long Hunters Discover Daniel Boone Bowling Green, Kentucky - William H. Natcher U.S. Courthouse (Edward Laning) Long Staple Cotton Madison, Florida - Post Office (George Snow Hill) Longhorns [Resources] Ogallala, Nebraska - Post Office (Frank Mechau) Los Angeles - Prehistoric and Spanish Colonial Los Angeles, California - U.S. Courthouse, Western Division (Edward Biberman) Lost Continents of Atlantis and Mu San Francisco, California - Aquatic Park Bathhouse (Maritime Museum) (Hilaire Hiler) Louisiana Bayou Ville Platte, Louisiana - Post Office (Paul Rohland) The Louisiana Purchase Exposition Saint Louis, Missouri - University City Station Post Office (Trew Hocker) Lover's Leap Columbus Junction, Iowa - Post Office (Sante Graziani) Lovers' Point Pacific Grove, California - Post Office (Victor Arnautoff) The Lumber Camp Grayling, Michigan - Post Office (Robert L. Lepper) Lumber Manufacturing Trinity, Texas - Post Office (Jerry Bywaters) Lumber Region of Mississippi Picayune, Mississippi - Post Office (Donald H. Robertson) Lumbering Wausau, Wisconsin - Federal Building Lofts (Gerrit Sinclair) Lumbering Greenville, Michigan - Post Office (John Thwaites) Lumbering - Black River Mill [Resources] Black River Falls, Wisconsin - Post Office (Frank E. Buffmire) Lumbering in Arkansas Siloam Springs, Arkansas - Former Post Office (Bertrand R. Adams) Lumbering in Early Lowell Lowell, Michigan - Post Office (Alfred Sessler) Lumbering, Agriculture and Mining Sonora, California - Sonora High School (George Post) Lumberjack Fight on the Flambeau River [Resources] Park Falls, Wisconsin - Post Office (James S. Watrous) Lumberman Log-Rolling Milford, New Hampshire - Post Office (Philip Von Saltza) Luray 1840, 1939 Luray, Virginia - Post Office (Sheffield Kagy) The Machine Age Bronx, New York - Monroe High Educational Campus Library (Domenico Mortellito) Magic and Medicine New York, New York - Harlem Hospital (Charles Alston) Magna Carta Terre Haute, Indiana - Indiana State University College of Business (Frederick Webb Ross) Magnolia in 1880 Magnolia, Mississippi - Post Office (John H. Fyfe) The Mail Upper Sandusky, Ohio - Post Office (Alois Fabry Jr.) Mail - the Connecting Link McConnelsville, Ohio - Post Office (Sally Haley) Mail and Travel by Stage Coach Stockton, California - Federal Building (Jose Moya del Pino) The Mail Arrives in Clare - 1871 Clare, Michigan - Post Office (Allan Thomas) Mail Coach Attacked by Bandits [Resources] Washington, District of Columbia - William Jefferson Clinton Federal Building (William C. Palmer) Mail Delivery to Tranquility - The First Post Office in Benton County Camden, Tennessee - Post Office (John H. Fyfe) Mail for New England Boston, Massachusetts - Back Bay Station Post Office (Stephen Etnier) The Mail Must go Through [Resources] Olathe, Kansas - Library (Albert T. Reid) Mail on the Farm Caro, Michigan - Post Office (David Fredenthal) Mail Service in the Arctic [Resources] Washington, District of Columbia - William Jefferson Clinton Federal Building (Rockwell Kent) Mail Service in the Tropics [Resources] Washington, District of Columbia - William Jefferson Clinton Federal Building (Rockwell Kent) Mail to Cape Lookout Beaufort, North Carolina - Post Office (Simka Simkhovitch) The Mail Train - 1885 [Resources] Prosser, Washington - Post Office (Ernest Norling) Mail Transportation San Pedro, California - Post Office (Fletcher Martin) Mail Transportation and Delivery [Resources] Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - North Philadelphia Station Post Office (George Harding) Maisel's Indian Trading Post Murals Albuquerque, New Mexico - Skip Maisel's Indian Jewelry & Crafts (Olive Rush) Major William Chronicle's South Fork Boys [Resources] Belmont, North Carolina - Belmont City Hall (Peter DeAnna) Making Cheese [Resources] Plymouth, Wisconsin - Post Office (Charles W. Thwaites) The Making of a Fresco Showing the Building of a City San Francisco, California - San Francisco Art Institute (Diego Rivera) Male and Female Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - Philadelphia Museum of Art (Jackson Pollock) Mammals of Connecticut Norwalk, Connecticut - Norwalk Community College, Baker Library (Alexander Rummler) Man Held Down by Gravity Cincinnati, Ohio - Lunken Airport (William Harry Gothard) Man Up-lifted by the Power of Flight Cincinnati, Ohio - Lunken Airport (William Harry Gothard) Man's Struggle for Justice Washington, District of Columbia - Department of Justice (Maurice Sterne) Manhattan Bridges [Resources] New York, New York - James Farley Post Office (Louis Lozowick) The Manor House Larchmont, New York - Public Library (Thomas Donnelly) Manufacture of Farm Implements Springfield, Ohio - Post Office (H.H. Wessel) Manufacture of Furniture Bassett, Virginia - Post Office (Walter Carnelli) The Map Makers of the World Los Angeles, California - Virgil Middle School (Bessie Pierce Heller) Map of the Hudson Valley [Resources] Beacon, New York - Post Office (Charles Rosen) Map of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Chicago, Illinois - UI Medical Center, College of Medicine, Room 106 Foyer (Rainey Bennett) Maple Sugar Northfield, Vermont - Post Office (Charles M. Daugherty) Maple Sugar Camp Chardon, Ohio - County Office Building (George Picken) Marco Polo's Journey to China Denver, Colorado - East High School (Hugh Weller) Marquette Exploring Shores of Lake Superior [Resources] Marquette, Michigan - U.S. Post Office and Federal Courthouse (Dewey Albinson) The Marsh Kearny, New Jersey - Post Office (Albert Kotin) Materials for Relaxation: Agriculture [Resources] New York, New York - Bellevue Hospital (David Margolis) Materials for Relaxation: Construction [Resources] New York, New York - Bellevue Hospital (David Margolis) Materials for Relaxation: Destruction [Resources] New York, New York - Bellevue Hospital (David Margolis) Materials for Relaxation: Fruit Processing [Resources] New York, New York - Bellevue Hospital (David Margolis) Materials for Relaxation: Industry [Resources] New York, New York - Bellevue Hospital (David Margolis) Materials for Relaxation: Nature [Resources] New York, New York - Bellevue Hospital (David Margolis) Materials for Relaxation: Reconstruction [Resources] New York, New York - Bellevue Hospital (David Margolis) Materials for Relaxation: Recreation and Education [Resources] New York, New York - Bellevue Hospital (David Margolis) Materials for Relaxation: Research [Resources] New York, New York - Bellevue Hospital (David Margolis) Matthew Henson Planting the American Flag at the North Pole Washington, District of Columbia - Recorder of Deeds Building (Austin Mecklem) Maury County Landscape Columbia, Tennessee - Federal Building (Henry Billings) Maury County Landscape Columbia, Tennessee - Post Office (Henry Billings) McLennan Looking for a Home Mart, Texas - Post Office (Jose Aceves) Meal Time with the Early Coal Miners [Info] [Resources] Plymouth, Pennsylvania - Post Office (Jared French) The Meaning of Social Security: Child Labor Washington, District of Columbia - Department of Health and Human Services (Ben Shahn) The Meaning of Social Security: Harvest Washington, District of Columbia - Department of Health and Human Services (Ben Shahn) The Meaning of Social Security: Housing Washington, District of Columbia - Department of Health and Human Services (Ben Shahn) The Meaning of Social Security: Old Age Washington, District of Columbia - Department of Health and Human Services (Ben Shahn) The Meaning of Social Security: Public Works Washington, District of Columbia - Department of Health and Human Services (Ben Shahn) The Meaning of Social Security: Recreation Washington, District of Columbia - Department of Health and Human Services (Ben Shahn) The Meaning of Social Security: Unemployment Washington, District of Columbia - Department of Health and Human Services (Ben Shahn) Meat Industry [Resources] San Francisco, California - Coit Tower (Ray Bertrand) Mechanics of Flying Newark, New Jersey - Newark Museum (Arshile Gorky) Medieval Scene San Jose, California - Herbert Hoover Middle School (Edgar Dorsey Taylor) Meeting of the Original Directors of Clemson College Clemson, South Carolina - Clemson University, Hardin Hall (John Carroll) Meeting the Train Anchorage, Kentucky - Post Office (Loren R. Risher) Memories of Marion County Palmyra, Missouri - Post Office (James Penney) Men and Wheat [Resources] Seneca, Kansas - Post Office (Joe Jones) Men at Rest Morrilton, Arkansas - Conway County Courthouse (Richard Sargent) Men at Work Santa Barbara, California - Santa Barbara Veterans' Memorial (Samuel Vaughan) Men Hoeing Harrington, Delaware - Post Office (Eve Salisbury) Men of Coal and Steel Rostraver Township, Pennsylvania - Belle Vernon Post Office (Michael Loew) Merlin [Resources] Norwalk, Connecticut - City Hall (Justin C. Gruelle) Mesas Portales, New Mexico - Eastern New Mexico University, Golden Library (Cady Wells) Messenger of Sympathy and Love Washington, District of Columbia - William Jefferson Clinton Federal Building (Eugene Francis Savage) Michelangelo in the Medici Gardens, 1490 Chicago, Illinois - Mozart School (Helen Finch) Military Courage Mobile, Alabama - Museum of Mobile (John Augustus Walker) Milking Time New Albany, Mississippi - Union County Development Association (Robert Cleaver Purdy) Mill Point Marlinton, West Virginia - Post Office (Edwin Dorsey Doniphan) Milwaukee Industries Milwaukee, Wisconsin - Milwaukee Theater (Thorsten Lindberg) The Miners [Resources] Fayetteville, West Virginia - Post Office (Nixford Baldwin) Miners at Work Renton, Washington - Renton - Highland Branch Library (Jacob Elshin) Mining [Resources] Tazewell, Virginia - Post Office (William H. Calfee) Mining [Resources] Mount Hope, West Virginia - Post Office (Michael Lenson) Mining and Forestry McKinleyville, California - Federal Courthouse (Thomas Laman) Mining in Illinois Eldorado, Illinois - Post Office (William S. Schwartz) Mining Village Elkins, West Virginia - U.S. Department of Agriculture Building (Stevan Dohanos) Minnesota Minneapolis, Minnesota - Minneapolis Armory (Elsa Jemne) Mission San Francisco de Asis San Francisco, California - Mission High School (Edith Hamlin) Mississippi Packets Hickman, Kentucky - Post Office (William E. L. Bunn) Modern and Ancient Science San Francisco, California - George Washington High School (Gordon Langdon) The Modern City Framed by the Architectural Essentials of the Pre-Fire Era San Francisco, California - City Hall, Treasurer's Office (Ben Cunningham) Modern Education Piedmont, California - Piedmont High School (Edgar Dorsey Taylor) Modern Education/School Activities Pasadena, California - McKinley Elementary School (Frank Tolles Chamberlin) Modern Fire Fighting Equipment Hempstead, New York - Southside Hose Company Number 2 (Carl E. Noble) Modern Hat Industry Norwalk, Connecticut - City Hall (James Steuart Curry) The Modern Man I Sing East Lansing, Michigan - Michigan State University, Auditorium (Charles Pollock) Modern Mural [Resources] Palm Beach, Florida - Former Post Office (Barbara Lawless) Modern Surgery and Anesthesia New York, New York - Harlem Hospital (Alfred D. Crimi) Modern Transport of the Mail Stockton, California - Federal Building (Frank Bergman) Molly Pitcher at the Battle of Monmouth Manalapan, New Jersey - Monmouth County Public Library (Gerald Foster) Monkey Whittier, California - East Whittier Middle School (Caspar Duchow) Monongahela River California, Pennsylvania - Post Office (Saul Berman) Montana's Progress Glasgow, Montana - Post Office (Forrest Hill) Monterey Bay Monterey, California - Post Office (Henrietta Shore) Monterey Scene Monterey, California - Monterey High School (Bruce Ariss) Montgomery County Farm Women's Co-op [Resources] Bethesda, Maryland - Bethesda-Chevy Chase Regional Services Center (Robert Gates) Monument Rock - Canyon de Chelly Santa Fe, New Mexico - Santiago E. Campos U.S. Courthouse (William Henderson) Mopping for Starfish [Resources] Norwalk, Connecticut - City Hall (Alexander Rummler) Morgan's Raiders Greensboro, Georgia - Federal Courthouse, Third Floor (Daniel Boza) Mormon Saw Mill San Bernardino, California - San Bernardino High School (Rex Brandt) Morning Watch Sunrise [Info] [Resources] New London, Connecticut - Post Office (Thomas Sergeant Lafarge) The Morris Canal Newark, New Jersey - Pennsylvania Station (Domenico Mortellito) Morris Canal Scene Newark, New Jersey - Washington Street Light Rail Station (Domenico Mortellito) Moses the Law Giver Taos, New Mexico - Former Taos County Courthouse (Victor Higgins) Mother Goose Newport Beach, California - Newport Elementary School (Jaine Ahring) Mount Kisco in 1850 Mount Kisco, New York - Former Post Office (Thomas Donnelly) Mount Pleasant in the Forties Mount Pleasant, Iowa - Post Office (Dorothea Tomlinson) Mountain Landscape [Resources] Roaring Spring, Pennsylvania - Post Office (Elizabeth Shannon Phillips) Mountains and Yucca Deming, New Mexico - Post Office (Kenneth M. Adams) Mountains in the Snow Washington, District of Columbia - Department of Health and Human Services (Ethel Magafan, Jenne Magafan) Moving West [Resources] Iron Mountain, Michigan - Post Office (Vladimir Rousseff) Moving Westward [Resources] Red Cloud, Nebraska - Post Office (Archie Musick) Mozart at the Court of Maria Theresa, 1762 Chicago, Illinois - Mozart School (Elizabeth Gibson) Mt. Hood Government Camp, Oregon - Timberline Lodge (William Givler) Mural for Studio B, WNYC Staten Island, New York - Staten Island Courthouse (Byron Browne) Mural for Studio B, WNYC New York, New York - Metropolitan Museum of Art (Stuart Davis) Mural for Studio B, WNYC New York, New York - Municipal Building, 25th Floor (Louis Schanker) Mural for Studio B, WNYC New York, New York - Brooklyn Public Library, Grand Army Plaza Branch (John Von Wicht) Murals and Frescoes Oakland, California - Littlefield Concert Hall (Ray Boynton) The Muses Piedmont, California - Piedmont High School (David Park) Music Sherman, Texas - Sherman Museum (James Swann) Music Winnetka, Illinois - New Trier Township High School, Room M284 (Unknown) Music and Painting Berkeley, California - University of California, Old Art Gallery (F. Alston Swift) Music of the Plains Kilgore, Texas - East Texas Oil Museum (Xavier Gonzalez) The Naming of Quanah Quanah, Texas - Post Office (Jerry Bywaters) The Naming of Royal Oak Royal Oak, Michigan - Royal Oak Middle School (Andrew Maglia) Nation at Play Des Moines, Iowa - Callahan Middle School (Glenn Chamberlain) Nation at Work Des Moines, Iowa - Callahan Middle School (George Grooms) National Park Service: North Country Washington, District of Columbia - Department of The Interior (Gifford Beal) National Park Service: North Country Washington, District of Columbia - Department of Interior (Gifford Reynolds Beal) National Park Service: Tropical Country Washington, District of Columbia - Department of The Interior (Gifford Beal) National Park Service: Tropical Country Washington, District of Columbia - Department of Interior (Gifford Reynolds Beal) Native American History Fall River, Massachusetts - Resiliency Preparatory School (John Mann) Native American Theme Santa Ynez, California - Santa Ynez High School (Lyla Harcoff) Native Americans Chicago, Illinois - Palmer Park (Edward McBurney) The Native Americans and Vlissingen Flushing, New York - Flushing High School (Unknown) Native Life on Cape Ann Gloucester, Massachusetts - O'Maley Middle School (Frederick Mulhaupt) Natural History Murals Milwaukee, Wisconsin - Milwaukee Public Museum (Myron Nutting) Natural History of Plant and Animal Life Las Cruces, New Mexico - New Mexico State University, Biology Building (Olive Rush) Natural Resources of Illinois Decatur, Illinois - Post Office (Edgar Britton) Natural Resources of Northern Michigan East Lansing, Michigan - Michigan State University, Museum (Carl H. Frezell) Nature San Francisco, California - John Muir Elementary School (David Park) Nature's Storehouse [Resources] Scranton, Pennsylvania - West Scranton Post Office (Herman Maril) Nautical Abstractions San Francisco, California - Aquatic Park Bathhouse (Maritime Museum) (Richard Ayer) Nautical Themes Detroit, Michigan - R. Thornton Brodhead Armory (David Fredenthal, Gustave Hildebrand, John Tabaczuk, Edgar Yaeger) The Negro's Contribution in the Social and Cultural Development of America Washington, District of Columbia - Department of The Interior (Millard Sheets) Neodesha's First Inhabitants Neodesha, Kansas - Post Office (Bernard J. Steffen) Net Menders Monterey, California - Monterey Bay Aquarium, Portola Restaurant (Jim Fitzgerald) New and Old Methods of Transportation Mineola, Texas - Mineola Historical Museum (Bernard Zakheim) The New Calf [Resources] Jefferson, Iowa - Post Office (Thomas Michael Savage) New Hampshire Post in Winter Peterborough, New Hampshire - Post Office (Marguerite Zorach) New Hampshire Sugar Camp Wolfeboro, New Hampshire - Post Office (Andrew Winter) New London Facets [Info] [Resources] New London, Ohio - Post Office (Lloyd R. Ney) The New Stagecoach [Resources] Westfield, New Jersey - Post Office (Roy Hilton) New York Harbor Scenes New York, New York - National Museum of the American Indian (Reginald Marsh) New York Old and New Brooklyn, New York - P.S. 164 (Caesar Rodney School) (Sacha Moldovan) The Newcomers Livingston, Tennessee - Post Office (Margaret Covey Chisholm) News from Afar Jasper, Florida - Post Office (Pietro Lazzari) News from the States [Resources] Dillon, Montana - Post Office (Elizabeth Lochrie) Newsgathering [Resources] San Francisco, California - Coit Tower (Hebe Daum, Suzanne Scheuer) Noah and His Ark - The Waters Subsiding and Renewal San Francisco, California - San Francisco Zoo, Mothers Building (Helen Forbes, Dorothy Puccinelli) Noah's Ark Washington, District of Columbia - National Zoological Park (Domenico Mortellito) Noble County - Ohio Caldwell, Ohio - Post Office (Robert L. Lepper) Noon Washington, District of Columbia - National Museum of Health and Medicine (Jack McMillen) North America Santa Barbara, California - Santa Barbara High School (Campbell Grant) North Beach, San Francisco South San Francisco, California - Public Library (Unknown) North Carolina Cotton Industry Mooresville, North Carolina - Mooresville Graded School District Administration Offices (Alicia Weincek) North Carolina Pastoral Warrenton, North Carolina - Post Office (Alice Dineen) North Platte Country Against the Mountains [Resources] Littleton, Colorado - City Council Chamber (John H. Fraser) Northern Georgia Cornelia, Georgia - Post Office (Charles Trumbo Henry) Northwest Logging [Resources] Bremerton, Washington - Post Office (Ernest Norling) Norwalk High School [Resources] Norwalk, Connecticut - City Hall (Alexander Rummler) NRA Packages San Diego, California - San Diego State University, Hardy Memorial Tower (Genevieve Burgeson Bredo) Numbers Chicago, Illinois - Pasteur School, Room 112 (Lucile Ward) Obedience Casts Out Fear Taos, New Mexico - Former Taos County Courthouse (Bert Phillips) Occupational Studies and Their Application Chicago Heights, Illinois - Bloom Township High School (Edgar Britton) Occupations of Port Chester Port Chester, New York - Post Office (Domenico Mortellito) Off to Northern Markers Gatesville, Texas - Post Office (Joe De Young) Ohio [Resources] Bellevue, Ohio - Post Office (Paul Meltsner) The Ohio Canal Cleveland, Ohio - Main Library (August Biehle Jr.) Ohio City in 1834 Cleveland, Ohio - Public Library (William Adelbert Dolwick) Ohio Harvest [Resources] Bridgeport, Ohio - Post Office (Richard Kenah) Oil Amarillo, Texas - J. Marvin Jones Federal Building (Julius Woeltz) Oil Fields of Graham Graham, Texas - Young County Historical Museum (Alexandre Hogue) The Oklahoma Land Rush Washington, District of Columbia - Department of The Interior (John Steuart Curry) Oklahoma Land Rush Drumright, Oklahoma - Post Office (Frank Weathers Long) Old Bennett Pottery Plant East Liverpool, Ohio - East Liverpool Museum of Ceramics (Roland Schweinsburg) The Old Bronx Bronx, New York - Public School 11 (Francis Costa) Old Bull Pen Peabody, Massachusetts - Former Post Office (Waldo Peirce) The Old Butterfield Stage Station at Vallecito Rancho Cucamonga, California - Chaffey College Library (Milford Zornes) Old Levee and Market at St. Louis Saint Louis, Missouri - Gwen B Giles Station Post Office (Lumen Martin Winter) Old Pioneers Big Spring, Texas - 118th District Courthouse (Peter Hurd) Old Reservoir Walk Cleveland, Ohio - Main Library (Joseph Egan) Old Settlers Fairfield, Illinois - Post Office (William S. Schwartz) Old State Capital in Vandalia, Illinois Vandalia, Illinois - Post Office (Aaron Bohrod) The Old Tavern Silver Spring, Maryland - Post Office (Nicolai Cikovsky) Old Time Camp Meeting Lewisburg, West Virginia - Post Office (Robert F. Gates) Old Time Fire Gong Hempstead, New York - Southside Hose Company Number 2 (Carl E. Noble) Old Town in Alaska Wrangell, Alaska - Post Office (Marianne Appel, Austin Mecklem) Olympic Sports Santa Barbara, California - Santa Barbara Junior High School (Douglass Parshall) On Board the Car Ferry Frankfort, Michigan - Post Office (Henry Bernstein) On the Morris Canal Newark, New Jersey - Warren Street Light Rail Station (Domenico Mortellito) On the River Hamilton, Illinois - Post Office (Edmund D. Lewandowski) On the Shores of the Lake La Follette, Tennessee - Post Office (Dahlov Ipcar) One Hundreth Anniversary Columbus, Wisconsin - Post Office (Arnold Blanch) One Third of a Nation New York, New York - Metropolitan Museum of Art (O. Louis Guglielmi) The Onion Fields Canastota, New York - Post Office (Alison Mason Kingsbury) The Opening of the Cheyenne and Arapaho Country Sayre, Oklahoma - Post Office (Vance Kirkland) The Opening of the Midwest [Resources] Cedar Rapids, Iowa - City Hall (Francis Robert White) Opening of the Southwest [Resources] Washington, District of Columbia - William Jefferson Clinton Federal Building (Ward Lockwood) Orange Pickers Fullerton, California - Post Office (Paul Julian) Orange Picking Monterey, California - Monterey High School (Moira Wallace) Ore Docks and Steel Mills Cleveland, Ohio - Pearlbrook Station Post Office (Richard Zoellner) Organic and Inorganic Science San Francisco, California - City College of San Francisco (Herman Volz) Osage Treaties Pawhuska, Oklahoma - Post Office (Olive Rush) Osceola Holding Informal Court with His Chiefs Fort Pierce, Florida - City Hall (Lucile Blanch) The Osceola: First Shipment of Wheat from Chicago, 1839 Oak Park, Illinois - Post Office (J. Theodore Johnson) Our Daily Bread Gloucester, Massachusetts - O'Maley Middle School (Frederick Stoddard) Out of Soil Columbus, Mississippi - Post Office (Beulah Bettersworth) Out of the Past, the Present; Out of the Material, the Spiritual Cleveland, Ohio - Public Library (Ambrozi Paliwoda) Outdoor Activites of South Orange South Orange, New Jersey - Post Office (Bernard Perlin) Outdoor Life San Francisco, California - Coit Tower (Ben Cunningham) Outdoor Sports [Resources] Westhampton Beach, New York - Post Office (Sol Wilson) Oxnard Panorama Oxnard, California - Post Office (Daniel M. Mendelowitz) Oyster Bay: 1653-1936 Oyster Bay, New York - Post Office (Ernest Peixotto) Oyster Houses [Resources] Norwalk, Connecticut - City Hall (Alexander Rummler) Packet Day at the Five Mile River Norwalk, Connecticut - Rowayton Library (George Avison) The Packet Sails from Greenwich [Resources] Greenwich, Connecticut - Havemeyer Building (Victoria Hutson Huntley) The Pageant of Arizona Progress Phoenix, Arizona - State Capitol Annex (Jay Datus) Pageant of Texas Goliad, Texas - Goliad State Park and Historical Site (Harold Everett "Bubi" Jessen) Palomino Ponies - 1840 Canoga Park, California - Post Office (Maynard Dixon) Pan-American Unity San Francisco, California - Diego Rivera Theater (Diego Rivera) Panther Mural New York, New York - Radio City Music Hall (Henry Billings) Parks and Recreational Activities New York, New York - Central Park: Arsenal (Allen Saalburg) The Partnership of Man and Nature Crossville, Tennessee - Post Office (Marion Greenwood) Pass of the North El Paso, Texas - Federal Courthouse (Tom Lea) Passenger Pigeons Dennison, Ohio - Post Office (Edmund J. Sawyer) Past and Present Agriculture and Industry of Colleton County [Resources] Walterboro, South Carolina - Canady Agency (Sheffield Kagy) The Past as Connecting Threads in Human Life [Resources] Rockingham, North Carolina - Richmond County Administrative Building (Edward Laning) Past Products of South Norwalk Norwalk, Connecticut - Post Office, Postmaster's Office (Kindred McLeary) Past Visions the Future Marlinton, West Virginia - Post Office (Edwin Dorsey Doniphan) Pastoral Lee's Summit, Missouri - Lee's Summit Historical Society (Ted Gilien) Pastoral California Fullerton, California - Fullerton Union High School, Louis Plummer Auditorium (Charles Kassler) Patio Murals Santa Fe, New Mexico - New Mexico Museum of Art (Will Shuster) Paul Bunyan Straightening Out the Round River Iron River, Michigan - Post Office (Milton Horn) Paul Cuffee, Shinnecock Preacher Yaphank, New York - Suffolk County Office Building (Robert Gaston Herbert) Paul Revere - 1801 Canton, Massachusetts - Post Office (Ernest Fiene) Paul Revere's Ride Lexington, Massachusetts - Post Office (Aiden Lassell Ripley) Peace: Work and Knowledge [Resources] Red Springs, North Carolina - Post Office (John W. De Groot) Peacetime Activities of the Army San Francisco, California - Presidio Main Post Chapel (Victor Arnautoff) Peach Growing Nashville, Arkansas - Post Office (John T. Robertson) Peach Orchard Batesburg-Leesville, South Carolina - Former Post Office (Irving Block) Pelham Landscape Pelham, Georgia - Post Office (Georgina Klitgaard) Penitente Friday Portales, New Mexico - Eastern New Mexico University, Golden Library (Gene Kloss) Pennsylvania-German Riflemen [Resources] Allentown, Pennsylvania - Post Office (Gifford Reynolds Beal) Peony Festival at Hamburg Hamburg, Iowa - Post Office (William E. L. Bunn) People of Burbank Burbank, California - Downtown Station Post Office (Barse Miller) People of the Soil [Resources] Cambridge, Minnesota - Post Office (Seymour Fogel) People of the Soil Dickson, Tennessee - Former Post Office (Edwin Boyd Johnson) Pepe's Gang Linwood, New Jersey - Borough Hall (Haring) The Perils of the Mail Gloucester City, New Jersey - Post Office (Vincent D'Agostino) Perrault's Trading Fort Menomonie, Wisconsin - University of Wisconsin - Stout, R.S. Swanson Library and Learning Center (Clarence Peters) Petroleum Industry: Distribution Washington, District of Columbia - Department of The Interior (Edgar Britton) Petroleum Industry: Production Washington, District of Columbia - Department of The Interior (Edgar Britton) Peyote Bird Washington, District of Columbia - Department of The Interior (Woodrow Wilson Crumbo) Philip Hone and Washington Irving [Info] [Resources] Honesdale, Pennsylvania - Post Office (Walter Gardner) Physical Growth of Man Duarte, California - City of Hope (Philip Guston, Reuben Kadish) Picking Cotton Bolivar, Tennessee - Post Office (Carl Nyquist) The Picnic Berwyn, Illinois - Post Office (Richard Haines) Picnic in Kansas Horton, Kansas - Post Office (Kenneth Evett) Picnic, Lake of the Ozarks Eldon, Missouri - Post Office (Frederick Shane) Pied Piper of Hamlin Cleveland Heights, Ohio - Oxford Elementary School (Gladys Carambella) The Pied Piper of Hamlin Erie, Pennsylvania - Eric Public Library (Harry Klopp) The Pioneer [Resources] Sheboygan, Wisconsin - Post Office (Schomer Lichtner) The Pioneer and Democracy Oregon, Illinois - Post Office (David Cheskin) Pioneer Communication Phoenix, Arizona - Former Federal Building and Post Office (Oscar E. Berninghaus) Pioneer Family Rochester, New York - Joseph C. Wilson Magnet High School (Carl W. Peters) Pioneer Fire Fighting Hempstead, New York - Southside Hose Company Number 2 (Carl E. Noble) Pioneer Group at the Red Rock line -- 1845 Knoxville, Iowa - Post Office (Marvin Beerbohm) Pioneer Home Builders Dallas, Texas - Terminal Annex Federal Building (Peter Hurd) Pioneer Home in Bushnell Bushnell, Illinois - Post Office (Reva Jackman) Pioneer in Kansas Wichita, Kansas - Courthouse (Ward Lockwood) Pioneer Postman Elkhorn, Wisconsin - Post Office (Tom Rost) Pioneer Saga Kilgore, Texas - East Texas Oil Museum (Xavier Gonzalez) The Pioneer: First Train to Oak Ridge Oak Park, Illinois - Post Office (J. Theodore Johnson) The Pioneering Society's Picnic Birmingham, Michigan - Former Post Office (Carlos Lopez) Pioneering to Progress Mt. Gilead, Ohio - Post Office (Julius Wyhof) Pioneers Oak Park, Illinois - Percy Julian Middle School (Karl Kelpe) Pioneers - Tilling the Soil and Building Log Cabin Carthage, Illinois - Post Office (Karl Kelpe) Pioneers Arriving in Marshall by Wagon Train Marshall, Minnesota - Post Office (Henry Holmstrom) Pioneers Being Refreshed at the Spring in Fort Harrod Harrodsburg, Kentucky - Post Office (Orville Carroll) Pioneers Crossing the Ohio River [Resources] Amherst, Ohio - Post Office (Michael Loew) Pioneers of Altoona [Resources] Altoona, Pennsylvania - Post Office (Lorin Thompson) Pioneers of the Community Mifflinburg, Pennsylvania - Post Office (Marguerite Bennett Kassler) Pioneers on the Oregon Trail Along the Snake River [Resources] Burley, Idaho - Post Office (Elizabeth Lochrie) Pittsburgh Panorama Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania - U.S. Courthouse and Post Office (Stuyvesant Van Veen) Placer Mining Washington, District of Columbia - Department of The Interior (Ernest Fiene) Planning the Route Hollis, Oklahoma - Post Office (Lloyd Goff) Plantation Scene [Resources] Adel, Georgia - Post Office (Alice Flint) Plantation, Transportation, Education Augusta, Georgia - Augusta Convention and Visitor's Bureau (Abraham Harriton) The Pleasures of Beach Bathing [Resources] Long Beach, New York - Post Office (Jon Corbino) The Ploughman Conyers, Georgia - Post Office (Elizabeth Terrell) Ploughshare Manufacturing [Resources] Moline, Illinois - Post Office (Edward Millman) Plymouth Trail Plymouth, Michigan - Purcell Station Post Office (Carlos Lopez) Pocahontas Saving the Life of Captain John Smith Richmond, Virginia - Lewis F. Powell Jr. United States Courthouse (Paul Cadmus) Point Loma San Diego, California - Balboa Park: Casa de Balboa (Charles Reiffel) Point Loma San Diego, California - Balboa Park: Casa de Balboa (Charles Reiffel) Polo Ponies Santa Fe, New Mexico - New Mexico State Capitol (Randall Davey) Pony Express [Resources] Washington, District of Columbia - William Jefferson Clinton Federal Building (Frank Mechau) Pony Express Kansas City, Missouri - Post Office (Eduard Buk Ulreich) Pony Express Fremont, Michigan - Post Office (Lumen Martin Winter) The Pony Express Station Lockhart, Texas - Post Office (John Law Walker) Port of Wilmington [Resources] Wilmington, North Carolina - Post Office (William F. Pfohl) Portola's Northern Expedition San Diego, California - Museum of San Diego History (Belle Baranceanu) Portrait of Contemporary DeWitt DeWitt, Arkansas - Post Office (William Traher) Portraits [Resources] San Francisco, California - Coit Tower (Clifford Wight) Post Dispatch Rider [Resources] Washington, District of Columbia - William Jefferson Clinton Federal Building (George Harding) Post near Houston, Natchez Trace, 1803 Houston, Mississippi - Post Office (Byron Burford Jr.) Post Office Interiors Cleveland, Ohio - Tower City Center (Jack J. Greitzer) Post Office Work Room [Resources] Washington, District of Columbia - William Jefferson Clinton Federal Building (Alfred D. Crimi) Post Rider [Resources] Portland, Oregon - East Portland Post Office (Paul Grellert) Post Rider Beverly Hills, California - Former Post Office (Charles Kassler) The Post Rider Brings News of the Battle of Lexington New Rochelle, New York - Post Office (David Hutchison) The Post Road in Connecticut [Resources] Clinton, Connecticut - Post Office (William Meyerowitz) The Post War Period -- Reconstruction [Info] [Resources] St Louis, Missouri - Post Office (Mitchell Siporin) Postman in Storm Independence, Iowa - Post Office (Robert Tabor) Powell Street San Francisco, California - Coit Tower (Lucien Labaudt) Powell's Agriculture Resulting from the Shoshone Irrigation Project [Resources] Powell, Wyoming - Post Office (Verona Burkhard) Power Bronx, New York - Former Samuel Gompers High School (Eric Mose) Power San Francisco, California - Coit Tower (Frederick E. Olmstead Jr.) Power of Local Opinion Mobile, Alabama - Museum of Mobile (John Augustus Walker) Prairie Fire Madill, Oklahoma - Post Office (Ethel Magafan) Pre Civil War Missouri [Info] [Resources] St Louis, Missouri - Post Office (Edward Millman) Pre-Settlement Days Edmond, Oklahoma - Post Office (Ila Turner McAfee) Prehistoric Life in Florida Sebring, Florida - Sebring Public Library (Charles R. Knight) Preparation for the First County Fair in Ida Grove -- 1872 Ida Grove, Iowa - Post Office (Andrene Kauffman) Preparations for Dunkirk Autumn Festival Dunkirk, Indiana - Post Office (Frances Foy) Preparing Rockport Granite for Shipment Rockport, Massachusetts - Post Office (W. Lester Stevens) Preparing Yarn for Weaving Washington, District of Columbia - Department of The Interior (Gerald Nailor) Present City [Resources] Sheboygan, Wisconsin - Post Office (Schomer Lichtner) The Present Day Fort Lee, New Jersey - Post Office (Henry Schnakenberg) Present Day Education Seattle, Washington - University Station Post Office (Jacob Elshin) Present Products of South Norwalk Norwalk, Connecticut - Post Office, Postmaster's Office (Kindred McLeary) Pride of Cambridge City [Resources] Cambridge City, Indiana - Post Office (Samuel F. Hershey) Printing in Springfield Springfield, Ohio - Post Office (H.H. Wessel) Prismatarium San Francisco, California - Aquatic Park Bathhouse (Maritime Museum) (Hilaire Hiler) Proclamation of Emancipation East Lansing, Michigan - Michigan State University, Auditorium (Charles Pollock) Production Buchanan, Michigan - Post Office (Gertrude Goodrich) Production [Resources] Saint Paul, Minnesota - North Saint Paul Branch Post Office (Donald Humphrey) Products of Grady County Cairo, Georgia - Grady County Museum (Paul L. Gill) Products of Industry and Agriculture Hamtramck, Michigan - Post Office (Schomer Lichtner) Products of Missouri Monett, Missouri - Post Office (James McCreery) Products of Nature and Inventions of Man Los Angeles, California - Hooper Avenue Elementary School (Stanton Macdonald-Wright) The Professions San Francisco, California - Laguna Honda Hospital (Glen Wessels) Professions and Industries of Hyde Park [Info] [Resources] Hyde Park, New York - Post Office (Olin Dows) Progress and Industry Trenton, New Jersey - Federal Courthouse (Charles W. Ward) Progress of Man San Diego, California - Balboa Park Club (Belle Baranceanu) The Progress of Power Lexington, Tennessee - Beech River Heritage Museum (Grace Greenwood) The Progress of the Pioneer Phoenix, Arizona - Former Federal Building and Post Office (LaVerne Nelson Black) Prominent Industries of Oklahoma Norman, Oklahoma - University of Oklahoma, Adams Hall (Craig Sheppard) Protection of Fishing Gloucester, Massachusetts - City Hall (Charles Allan Winter) The Protection of Youth Kingston, Rhode Island - University of Rhode Island, Edwards Hall (Gino Conti) Pueblo Life: Buffalo Chase Washington, District of Columbia - Department of The Interior (Velino Herrera) Pueblo Life: Buffalo Dance Washington, District of Columbia - Department of The Interior (Velino Herrera) Pueblo Life: Pottery Makers Washington, District of Columbia - Department of The Interior (Velino Herrera) The Pueblo Rebellion of 1680 Albuquerque, New Mexico - Federal Building and U.S. Courthouse (Loren Mozley) Pulpwood Logging Manchester, New Hampshire - Currier Museum of Art (Philip Guston) Purchase of Land and Modern Tilling of the Soil Arlington, Massachusetts - Post Office (William C. Palmer) Purchase of Land from the Indians Winchester, Massachusetts - Winchester Public Library (Aiden Lassell Ripley) Purchase of Norwalk [Resources] Norwalk, Connecticut - City Hall (Harry Townsend) Purchase of Territory of North Bergen from the Indians North Bergen, New Jersey - Post Office (Avery Johnson) Pursuit of Happiness New York, New York - Harlem Hospital (Vertis C. Hayes) Pursuit of Life in Mississippi Jackson, Mississippi - Former James O. Eastland Federal Building (Simka Simkhovitch) Pursuit of the Regicides [Resources] New Haven, Connecticut - Westville Station Post Office (Karl Anderson) Quaker Settlers [Resources] Quakertown, Pennsylvania - Borough Hall (Bertram Goodman) The Quakers Flushing, New York - Flushing High School (Unknown) Quests of Mankind Canoga Park, California - Canoga Park High School (Helen Lundeberg) Quilting Bee [Resources] Plainfield, New Jersey - Post Office (Anton Refregier) R.F.D. No. 2 Rancho Cucamonga, California - Chaffey College Library (Milford Zornes) Race for Land Clinton, Oklahoma - City Hall (Loren Mozley) Rachel Silverthorne's Ride Muncy, Pennsylvania - Post Office (John W. Beauchamp) Radio Station WBOE Cleveland, Ohio - The Idea Center (Louis Grebenak) Raft Milaca, Minnesota - Post Office (Andre Boratko) Rail Roading Chillicothe, Illinois - Post Office (Arthur Lidov) Railroad and Shipping [Resources] San Francisco, California - Coit Tower (William Hesthal) The Railroad Comes to Town Ashland, Massachusetts - Post Office (Saul Berman) Railroad Postal Service Vandergrift, Pennsylvania - Post Office (Fred Hogg Jr.) Rainbow Trail Nowata, Oklahoma - Post Office (Woodrow Crumbo) A Raising in Early New Jersey [Resources] Washington, New Jersey - Post Office (Frank D. Shapiro) Raising the Flag at Monterey by the Forces of Commander Sloat, July 7, 1846 Monterey, California - Post Office (Stanton Willard) Ranch Headquarters Canyon, Texas - Panhandle-Plains Historical Museum (Harold Bugbee) The Rancher's Trail Enid, Oklahoma - Garfield County Courthouse (Ruth Monro Augur) Ranchers of the Panhandle Fighting Prairie Fire with Skinned Steer Brownfield, Texas - Police Headquarters (Frank Mechau) Range Branding Down by the Big Tank Perry, Oklahoma - Cherokee Strip Museum (Thomas M. Stell Jr.) Ratification of the Constitution - 1788 [Resources] Poughkeepsie, New York - Post Office (Gerald Foster) Rational Medicine San Francisco, California - University of California, San Francisco, Health Sciences West (Bernard Zakheim) Reading of the Mail - Communication of Ideas [Resources] Worcester, Massachusetts - Public Library (Ralf Edgar Nickelsen) Reading the Family Letter Washington, District of Columbia - William Jefferson Clinton Federal Building (Alexander Brook) The Reality Ontario, California - Post Office (Nellie G. Best) Rebuilding Paris Paris, Texas - Public Library (Jerry Bywaters) Recapture of Corn Schooner from British Falmouth, Massachusetts - Post Office (Karl Oberteuffer) The Receiver of Taxes Covington, Indiana - Fountain County Courthouse (Eugene Savage) Receiving Mail on the Farm Stuart, Virginia - Post Office (John E. Costigan) Receiving the Mail on the Farm Rensselaer, Indiana - Post Office (John E. Costigan) Reconciliation Taos, New Mexico - Former Taos County Courthouse (Emil Bisttram) Reconstruction and Well-Being of the Family Washington, District of Columbia - Department of Health and Human Services (Philip Guston) Recording the Victory Painted Post, New York - Post Office (Amy Jones) Recreation San Diego, California - San Diego County Administration Center (Arthur Ames, Jean Goodwin) Recreation Lexington, Kentucky - Margaret King Library, University of Kentucky (Frank Weathers Long) Recreation Hours East Rochester, New York - Post Office (Bernard Gussow) Recreation in Harlem New York, New York - Harlem Hospital (Georgette Seabrooke) Recreation in Santa Monica Santa Monica, California - Santa Monica City Hall, Lobby (Stanton Macdonald-Wright) Red Foothills Raton, New Mexico - Miners' Hospital, Nurses Station (Howard Schleeter) Reforestation Haleyville, Alabama - Public Library (Hollis Holbrook) Reforestation Starke, Florida - Post Office (Elizabeth Terrell) Religious and Modern Music Brooklyn, New York - Abraham Lincoln High School (Seymour Fogel) Removal of the County Seat from Daphne to Bay Minette Bay Minette, Alabama - Post Office (Hilton Leech) Replanting the Wasteland Washington, District of Columbia - Department of The Interior (Ernest Fiene) Reptile House Murals Toledo, Ohio - Toledo Zoo Reptile House (Forrest "Woody" LaPlante) Resources of America Bronx, New York - Bronx General Post Office (Ben Shahn, Bernarda Bryson Shahn) Resources of the Soil Selma, California - Civic Center (Ben Cunningham) Retrospection Dresden, Tennessee - Post Office (Minetta Good) Return from the Fields [Resources] Mobridge, South Dakota - Post Office (Elof Wedin) The Return of Annie Oakley [Resources] Nutley, New Jersey - Post Office (Paul C. Chapman) The Return of Mary Draper Ingles Radford, Virginia - Post Office (Alexander Clayton) Return of Timothy Pickering to Reside at Danvers Danvers, Massachusetts - Post Office (Dunbar Beck) The Reverend John Eliot Preaching to the Indians Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts - Post Office (William Abbott Cheever) The Revolutionary Period Flushing, New York - Flushing High School (Unknown) Rice Growing Kingstree, South Carolina - Post Office (Arnold Friedman) Richmond - Industrial City Richmond, California - Richmond Museum of History (Victor Arnautoff) Riding to Hounds Petersburg, Virginia - Post Office (Edwin S. Lewis) Rip Van Winkle [Resources] Troy, New York - Post Office (Waldo Peirce) The River Paducah, Kentucky - Federal Building and U.S. Courthouse (John F. Folinsbee) The River [Info] [Resources] St Louis, Missouri - Post Office (Edward Millman) The River Tallulah, Louisiana - Post Office (Francisca Negueloua) River Driving Dover-Foxcroft, Maine - Post Office (Barrie Barstow Greenbie) River Landscape [Resources] Shelton, Connecticut - Post Office (Frede Vidar) Road Stand [Resources] Norwalk, Connecticut - City Hall (Alexander Rummler) The Road to Eldorado Martinez, California - Post Office (Maynard Dixon, Edith Hamlin) The Road to Tuskegee Tuskegee, Alabama - Post Office (Anne Goldthwaite) Robin Hood Erie, Pennsylvania - Eric Public Library (Harry Klopp) Robin Hood Highland Park, Illinois - Ravinia School (Mildred Waltrip) Rockport Goes to War Rockport, Massachusetts - Public Library (Samuel F. Hershey) The Rocky Coast of Maine Portland, Maine - Post Office (Henry Mattson) Rogue River Indians [Resources] Grants Pass, Oregon - Post Office (Louis DeMott Bunce) The Role of the Immigrant in the Industrial Development of America Brooklyn, New York - Federal Courthouse (Edward Laning) Roman Law Hackensack, New Jersey - Bergen County Courthouse, Room 357 (William Winter) Roman Nose Canyon Watonga, Oklahoma - Post Office (Edith Mahier) Romance of Monroe Monroe, Michigan - Post Office (Ralf Henricksen) Romance of Southington [Resources] Southington, Connecticut - Post Office (Ann Hunt Spencer) Romance of Steel, Modern [Resources] Warren, Ohio - Post Office (Glenn M. Shaw) Romance of Steel, Old [Resources] Warren, Ohio - Post Office (Glenn M. Shaw) Romance of the Mail Sulphur, Oklahoma - Post Office (Albert T. Reid) The Roots of American Law Hackensack, New Jersey - Bergen County Courthouse, Room 352 (William Winter) Roughing It [Resources] Norwalk, Connecticut - City Hall (Justin C. Gruelle) The Roundhouse at Willard [Resources] Willard, Ohio - Post Office (Mitchell Jamieson) The Roundup Purcell, Oklahoma - Post Office (Fred Conway) Rugby -- the Geographical Center of North America [Resources] Rugby, North Dakota - Post Office (Kenneth Callahan) The Run - April 22, 1889 Yukon, Oklahoma - Post Office (Dahlov Ipcar) A Run of the Stourbridge Lion [Info] [Resources] Honesdale, Pennsylvania - Post Office (Walter Gardner) Rural Arkansas Paris, Arkansas - Post Office (Joseph Vorst) Rural Delivery Howell, Michigan - Post Office (Jaroslaw Brozik) Rural Delivery Rice Lake, Wisconsin - Post Office (Forrest Flower) Rural Delivery Lafayette, Indiana - Post Office (Henrik Martin Mayer) Rural Delivery Trenton, New Jersey - Federal Courthouse (Charles W. Ward) Rural East Texas Longview, Texas - Post Office (Thomas M. Stell Jr.) Rural Free Delivery [Info] [Resources] Goodland, Kansas - Post Office (Kenneth M. Adams) Rural Free Delivery DeRidder, Louisiana - Beauregard Community Action Association (Conrad A. Albrizio) Rural Free Delivery Leon, Iowa - Post Office (Criss Glasell) The Rural Free Delivery Morehead, Kentucky - Municipal Building (Frank Weathers Long) Rural Free Delivery Morganfield, Kentucky - Post Office (Bert Mullins) Rural Highway Middleport, New York - Post Office (Marianne Appel) Rural Homestead Geneva, Ohio - Post Office (William Sommer) Rural Landscape San Geronimo, California - San Geronimo Valley Community Center (Maurice del Mue) Rural Landscape Hayward, California - Post Office (Tom E. Lewis) Rural Life Covington, Virginia - Post Office (Lenore Thomas) Rural Mail Carrier Paoli, Indiana - Post Office (Tom Rost) The Rural Mail Carrier West Bend, Wisconsin - Post Office (Peter Rotier) Rural Mississippi - From Early Days to Present Tylertown, Mississippi - Post Office (Lucile Blanch) Rural New Hampshire [Resources] Lebanon, New Hampshire - Post Office (Charles Anton Kaeselau) Rural Route #1 [Resources] Kutztown, Pennsylvania - New Post Office (Judson Smith) Rural Scenes - Wakurusa Valley Mount Carroll, Illinois - Post Office (Irene Bianucci) Rural Texas Gulf Coast El Campo, Texas - Post Office (Milford Zornes) Rutland City Buildings Rutland, Vermont - Evelyn Street (Persi Narvaez) Sad News Lafayette, Indiana - Post Office (Henrik Martin Mayer) The Saga of Wenatchee [Resources] Wenatchee, Washington - Wenatchee Valley Museum (Peggy Strong) The Saga of Wenatchee (2017 photos) [Resources] Wenatchee, Washington - Wenatchee Valley Museum (Peggy Strong) Sailor with Spyglass Oak Park, Illinois - Oak Park Historical Society (Frances Badger) Salisbury Salisbury, Maryland - Maude R. Toulson Federal Building and Post Office (Jacob Getlar Smith) Samuel Holton Danvers, Massachusetts - Town Hall (Thomas Baker, Richard V. Ellery, Solomon Levenson) San Antonio's Importance in History San Antonio, Texas - Hipolito F. Garcia Federal Building (Howard Cook) San Diego Back Country San Diego, California - Museum of San Diego History (Charles Reiffel) San Diego Harbor San Diego, California - Museum of San Diego History (Charles Reiffel) San Diego Harbor San Diego, California - Jacob Weinberger U.S. Courthouse (Unknown) San Diego Mural San Diego, California - Jacob Weinberger U.S. Courthouse (Belle Baranceanu) San Francisco Bay San Francisco, California - Coit Tower (Otis Oldfield) San Francisco Bay, North San Francisco, California - Coit Tower (Jose Moya del Pino) San Francisco Life [Resources] San Francisco, California - Beach Chalet (Lucien Labaudt) San Gabriel County San Gabriel, California - Post Office (Ray Strong) San Rafael Creek - 1851 San Rafael, California - Post Office (Oscar Galgiani) Sand Ponies Beaufort, North Carolina - Post Office (Simka Simkhovitch) Sangre de Cristos from Old Santa Fe Trail Santa Fe, New Mexico - Santiago E. Campos U.S. Courthouse (William Henderson) Santa Monica in the 1930s Santa Monica, California - Santa Monica City Hall, West Wall (Stanton Macdonald-Wright) Santa Paula Santa Paula, California - Santa Paula High School (Buckley MacGurrin) Saratoga in Racing Season Saratoga Springs, New York - Post Office (Guy Pene du Bois) Saturday Afternoon on Main Street Sullivan, Missouri - Post Office (Lawrence Adams) Saturday at Enterprise Enterprise, Alabama - Public Library (Paul Arlt) Saturday Night New York, New York - Metropolitan Museum of Art (Morris Neuwirth) Sauk and Fox Indians - Summer Long House [Resources] Rock Island, Illinois - Watchtower Lodge, Black Hawk State Historic Site (Otto Hake) Sawmill Portales, New Mexico - Eastern New Mexico University, Golden Library (Brooks Willis) The Scene Changes Cordell, Oklahoma - Post Office (Ila Turner McAfee) Scene in Poughkeepsie - 1850 [Resources] Poughkeepsie, New York - Post Office (Gerald Foster) Scene of Old Wauwatosa Wauwatosa, Wisconsin - Wauwatosa East High School (Myron Nutting) Scene of Town Defuniak Springs, Florida - Post Office (Thomas I. Laughlin) Scenes and Activities of Hudson Hudson Falls, New York - Post Office (George Picken) Scenes from California History Los Angeles, California - Central Library (Dean Cornwell) Scenes from Early Lexington Lexington, Kentucky - Memorial Hall, University of Kentucky (Ann Rice O'Hanlon) Scenes from English Language Classics Long Beach, California - Long Beach Public Library (Suzanne Miller) Scenes from English Language Classics Long Beach, California - Long Beach Public Library (Suzanne Miller) Scenes from Navajo Life Santa Fe, New Mexico - Santiago E. Campos U.S. Courthouse (Warren Rollins) Scenes from Six American Wars Brooklyn, New York - Pershing Hall (Tom Loftin Johnson) Scenes from Tennessee History Nashville, Tennessee - Tennessee State Capitol, Governor's Reception Hall (Jirayr H. Zorthian) Scenes from the European Discovery of America Through the Settlement of Western Indiana Covington, Indiana - Fountain County Courthouse (Eugene Savage) Scenes of Community Service [Resources] Cedar Rapids, Iowa - City Hall (Don Glasell) Scenes of Indian Life Washington, District of Columbia - Department of The Interior (Allan Cafran Houser) Scenes of Indian Life El Monte, California - El Monte Historical Society (R.W.R. Taylor) Scenes of Industry Highland Park, Illinois - Highland Park High School (Edgar Britton) Scenes of International Progress and Cooperation Evanston, Illinois - Haven Middle School, Music Room (Carl Scheffler) Scenes of Local History [Resources] Rhinebeck, New York - Post Office (Olin Dows) Scenes of Local History in the Colonial Period Nyack, New York - Post Office (Jacob Getlar Smith) Scenes of Local History: Fiesta Lawndale, California - Lawndale High School (Virgil Zenor) Scenes of Native American Life Hooksett, New Hampshire - Municipal Building (William Abbott Cheever) Scenes of New York [Info] [Resources] New York, New York - Madison Square Post Office (Kindred McLeary) Scenes of Old Ellicott City Ellicott City, Maryland - Former Post Office (R. Dunne) Scenes of Postal Service, Local Industries and Other Activities Typical of the Community [Resources] Johnson City, New York - Post Office (Frederick Knight) Scenes of the Region Gloucester, Massachusetts - Sawyer Free Library (Howard Curtis, Frederick Stoddard) Scenes of Winter Sports Lake Placid, New York - Post Office (Henry Billings) Scenic and Historic Booneville Booneville, Mississippi - Prentiss County Chancery Court Building (Stefan Hirsch) Scenic View of the Village La Jolla, California - Post Office (Belle Baranceanu) School Activities Stamford, Connecticut - Stamford Branch of the University of Connecticut, Jeremy Richard Library (James H. Daugherty) School Days Beverly Hills, California - El Rodeo School (Hugo Ballin) School Scenes Smyra, Delaware - John Bassett Moore School (Stafford Good, Walter Pyle Jr.) Science Portales, New Mexico - Eastern New Mexico University, Golden Library (Raymond Jonson) Science Brooklyn, New York - Midwood High School (Abraham Joel Tobias) Science and Industry [Resources] Manhattan, Kansas - Hale Library (David Hicks Overmyer) Science and Invention Mobile, Alabama - Museum of Mobile (John Augustus Walker) Scientist-Inventor [Resources] San Francisco, California - Coit Tower (Mallette Dean) Sculpture and Dance Berkeley, California - University of California, Old Art Gallery (Helen Bruton) The Sea Portland, Maine - Post Office (Henry Mattson) Sea Forms San Francisco, California - Aquatic Park Bathhouse (Maritime Museum) (Sargent Johnson) The Sea: Port Activities and Harbor Fisheries Corpus Christi, Texas - Nueces County Courthouse (Howard Cook) The Search for Truth Washington, District of Columbia - Department of Justice (Maurice Sterne) Seasons of Splendor Ely, Minnesota - Jasper Company Lodging (Nancy Scheibe) The Second Battle of Trenton Trenton, New Jersey - Federal Courthouse (Charles W. Ward) Security of the People Washington, District of Columbia - Department of Health and Human Services (Seymour Fogel) Seekonk River East Providence, Rhode Island - Post Office (Eugene Kingman) Self-Portrait [Resources] Norwalk, Connecticut - City Hall (Alexander Rummler) Seminole Indian Village Scene Seminole, Oklahoma - Post Office (Acee Blue Eagle) Seminole Indians [Resources] Palm Beach, Florida - Former Post Office (Charles Rosen) Sending Mail to North America Oyster Bay, New York - Post Office (Arthur Sturges) Sepia Seascape San Francisco, California - Aquatic Park Bathhouse (Maritime Museum) (Charles Nunemaker) Service to the Farmer Carmi, Illinois - Post Office (Davenport Griffen) The Settlement of Hempstead [Resources] Hempstead, New York - Post Office (Peppino Mangravite) Settlement of Skenesborough Whitehall, New York - Post Office (Axel Horn) Settler Fighting Alligator from Rowboat [Resources] Lake Worth, Florida - Post Office (Joseph D. Myers) Settlers Building Glen Ellyn, Illinois - Post Office (Daniel Rhodes) Settlers in Collingsworth County Wellington, Texas - Post Office (Bernard Arnest) Settling of California Oakland, California - Alameda County Courthouse (Gaetano Duccini) Shade Grown Tobacco [Resources] Portland, Connecticut - Post Office (Austin Mecklem) The Shadow of Crime Taos, New Mexico - Former Taos County Courthouse (Bert Phillips) Sheep - Mother and Child - Cow [Resources] Tazewell, Virginia - Post Office (William H. Calfee) Sheep Farming and Ocean Near Redondo Redondo Beach, California - Post Office (Paul Sample) Shelby County Fair - 1900 Shelbyville, Illinois - Post Office (Lucia Wiley) Shell Pile for Planting [Resources] Norwalk, Connecticut - City Hall (Alexander Rummler) Shipment of the First Iron Produced in Russellville Russellville, Alabama - Post Office (Conrad A. Albrizio) Shipping Industry Smyra, Delaware - John Bassett Moore School (Stafford Good, Edward Grant, Walter Pyle Jr.) Shipwreck at Night South Portland, Maine - Post Office (Alzira Peirce) Shipyards at Southwark - 1800 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - Southwark Station Post Office (Robert E. Larter) Shotput Albuquerque, New Mexico - University of New Mexico Art Museum (Willard Nash) Showing the People in the Early Days Transferring from Stagecoach to Boat [Resources] Brownsville, Pennsylvania - Post Office (Richard Lahey) Shucking Corn [Resources] DeWitt, Iowa - City Hall (John V. Bloom) Shucking Oysters [Resources] Norwalk, Connecticut - City Hall (Alexander Rummler) Signing of the Treaty of Dancing Rabbit Creek Macon, Mississippi - Post Office (S. Douglass Crockwell) Singing Love Songs Washington, District of Columbia - Department of The Interior (Allan Cafran Houser) Sir Walter Raleigh Richmond, Virginia - Lewis F. Powell Jr. United States Courthouse (Paul Cadmus) Sir William Johnson Conferring with the Indians Amsterdam, New York - Post Office (Henry Schnakenberg) Skaters [Resources] New Concord, Ohio - Post Office (Clyde Singer) Skating on Bonaparte's Pond Bordentown, New Jersey - Post Office (Avery Johnson) Skid Row Shelton, Washington - Post Office (Richard Haines) Skiers Northfield, Vermont - Post Office (Charles M. Daugherty) A Skirmish between British and Colonists Somerville, Massachusetts - Former Post Office (Ross E. Moffett) Slate Belt People [Info] [Resources] Bangor, Pennsylvania - Post Office (Barbara Crawford) The Sledding Party Alexandria, Indiana - Post Office (Roland Schweinsburg) The Smoke Message [Resources] Wabasha, Minnesota - Post Office (Allan Thomas) Smoky Hill Valley [Resources] Lindsborg, Kansas - Post Office (Birger Sandzén) Snake River Ferry [Resources] Buhl, Idaho - Post Office (Richard Guy Walton) Snow and Wind Cleveland, Ohio - Public Library (Max Bachofen) Snow White Oakdale, California - Magnolia Elementary School, Library (Herman Struck) A Social History of Des Moines Des Moines, Iowa - World Food Prize Hall of Laureates (Harry Donald Jones) Society Freed Through Justice Washington, District of Columbia - Department of Justice (George Biddle) Soil Conservation in Collin County Farmersville, Texas - Post Office (Jerry Bywaters) Soil Erosion and Control [Resources] Onawa, Iowa - Post Office (Lee Allen) Soldiers and Sailors Los Angeles, California - Bob Hope Patriotic Hall (Arthur Leitner) Solomon Juneau Milwaukee, Wisconsin - Milwaukee Theater (Thorsten Lindberg) Solomon Juneau and Josette Vieau Milwaukee, Wisconsin - Milwaukee Theater (Thorsten Lindberg) Sorghum Alamagordo, New Mexico - Lincoln National Forest Service Building (Peter Hurd) Sorting the Mail [Resources] Washington, District of Columbia - William Jefferson Clinton Federal Building (Reginald Marsh) Source of Power Hardinsburg, Kentucky - Post Office (Allan Gould) South America Santa Barbara, California - Santa Barbara High School (Campbell Grant) South San Francisco, Past and Present South San Francisco, California - Post Office (Victor Arnautoff) South Texas Panorama Alice, Texas - Jim Wells County Courthouse (Warren Hunter) Southern Pattern Ferriday, Louisiana - Delta Music Museum (Stuart R. Purser) Southern Pines Idyll [Resources] Southern Pines, North Carolina - Post Office (Josef Presser) Southwest El Paso, Texas - El Paso Public Library (Tom Lea) Spanish American Theme Santa Ynez, California - Santa Ynez High School (Lyla Harcoff) Spanish Hill and the Early Inhabitants of the Vicinity [Resources] Waverly, New York - Post Office (Musa McKim) The Spanish Peaks Walsenburg, Colorado - Post Office (E.L. Blumenschein) Speed is the Greatest Factor in Modern Life Long Beach, California - Polytechnic High School (Unknown) Spirit of 1776 Chicago, Illinois - Independence Park (M.R. Decker) Spirit of Beresford [Resources] Beresford, South Dakota - Post Office (David McCosh) The Spirit of Kansas Wichita, Kansas - Southwest National Bank (Arthur Covey) The Spirit of Music La Verne, California - Damien High School (Grace Clements) Spirit of St. Louis Saint Louis, Missouri - City Hall (Carl Bonfig) Spirit of Steel Fairfield, Alabama - Post Office (Frank Anderson) Sports San Francisco, California - Coit Tower (Edward Terada) Sports Related to Food Washington, District of Columbia - Department of Health and Human Services (Dorothy Farr, Fred Farr) Spreading Nets Provincetown, Massachusetts - Town Hall (Ross E. Moffett) Spring Chicago, Illinois - Manley High School (Gustaf Dahlstrom) Spring Stateboro, Georgia - Georgia Southern University Museum (Caroline Speare Rohland) Spring Dover, Delaware - Wesley United Church Education Center (William D. White) Spring and Fall Chicago, Illinois - Mason Elementary School (Grace Spongberg) Spring in Georgia Athens, Georgia - Post Office and Courthouse (Andree Ruellan) Spring on the Mountain Government Camp, Oregon - Timberline Lodge (Virginia Darce, Peter Ferrarin, Charles Haller, Thomas Laman) Spring Pastoral Mount Vernon, Missouri - Post Office (Joseph Meert) Springtime Webster Springs, West Virginia - Post Office (Lenore Thomas) Squaw's Rest Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania - Post Office (Lee Gatch) St. Clair River Saint Clair, Michigan - Post Office (James Calder) St. Mary's and the Industries of the Region Saint Marys, West Virginia - Post Office (Alexander Clayton) Stage at Byrd's Inn Salisbury, Maryland - Maude R. Toulson Federal Building and Post Office (Jacob Getlar Smith) The Stage at Dawn Dwight, Illinois - Post Office (Carlos Lopez) Stage Coach [Resources] Iron Mountain, Michigan - Post Office (Vladimir Rousseff) The Stage Coach South Pasadena, California - Post Office (John Law Walker) Stage Coach to Richmond Stops at Black Horse Tavern Staten Island, New York - Borough Hall (Frederick Charles Stahr) Stagecoach and Mail Wood River, Illinois - Post Office (Archibald Motley Jr.) Stagecoach and Modern Transportation [Resources] Bridgeport, Connecticut - Main Post Office (Robert Lambdin) The Stampede Odessa, Texas - Post Office (Tom Lea) Stampeding Buffaloes Stopping the Train [Resources] Hebron, Nebraska - Post Office (Eldora Lorenzini) Steamboats on the Mississippi [Info] [Resources] Gretna, Louisiana - Finance Station Post Office (Stuart R. Purser) Steel Industry Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania - U.S. Courthouse and Post Office (Howard Cook) Steel Industry [Resources] Hubbard, Ohio - Post Office (Hubert Mesibov) Steel Industry [Resources] Canton, Ohio - Frank T. Bow Building (Glenn M. Shaw) Steelworker San Francisco, California - Coit Tower (Clifford Wight) Stephen Foster Chicago, Illinois - Chopin School (Florian Durzynski) Stockade Builders [Resources] Red Cloud, Nebraska - Post Office (Archie Musick) Stockbroker [Resources] San Francisco, California - Coit Tower (Mallette Dean) The Stop of Hooker's Band in East Hartford before Crossing the River [Resources] East Hartford, Connecticut - Post Office (Alton Tobey) Storm Lake Storm Lake, Iowa - Public Library (Daniel Rhodes) The Story of Food Plants Chicago, Illinois - Field Museum (Julius Moessel) The Story of Natural Drugs Chicago, Illinois - UI Medical Center, College of Pharmacy, Room 177 (Jefferson League) The Story of Paul Bunyan Madison, Wisconsin - University of Wisconsin Memorial Student Union (James S. Watrous) The Story of Richmond Hill Richmond Hill, New York - Richmond Hill Public Library (Philip Evergood) The Story of Shakopee Shakopee, Minnesota - Shakopee High School Library (Harmon Arndt) Story of the Big Fish Liberty, Texas - Post Office (Edward Fisher) The Story of the Recorded Word [Resources] New York, New York - New York Public Library (Edward Laning) The Story of Venice Venice, California - Former Post Office (Edward Biberman) Strawberry Farming Hammond, Louisiana - Southeastern Louisiana University, Fayard Hall (Xavier Gonzalez) Strays Canyon, Texas - Post Office (Frances Ankrom) Street Building - The Foundation of All Communication [Resources] Worcester, Massachusetts - Public Library (Ralf Edgar Nickelsen) Street Scene Litchfield, Minnesota - Post Office (Elof Wedin) The Streets of Philadelphia [Resources] Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - Spring Garden Station Post Office (Walter Gardner) Strife Albuquerque, New Mexico - Federal Building and U.S. Courthouse (Emil Bisttram) The Struggle for Statehood [Info] [Resources] St Louis, Missouri - Post Office (Edward Millman) Stuart's Raiders at the Swollen Ford Richmond, Virginia - Lewis F. Powell Jr. United States Courthouse (Jared French) Student Activities Smyra, Delaware - John Bassett Moore School (Stafford Good, Walter Pyle Jr.) (student activities) Baldwin, New York - Baldwin High School (George Kanelous) Students Going to Class Albuquerque, New Mexico - University of New Mexico Art Museum (Willard Nash) Studio Lot Culver City, California - Post Office (George Samerjan) Suburban Post in Winter [Resources] Freeport, New York - Post Office (William Gropper) Suburban Street Indianapolis, Indiana - Broad Ripple Station (Alan Tompkins) Sufficient Law Protects Taos, New Mexico - Former Taos County Courthouse (Ward Lockwood) The Suffolk Resolves - Oppression and Revolt in the Colonies Milton, Massachusetts - Post Office (Elizabeth Tracy) Sugar Cane Mill Jeanerette, Louisiana - Post Office (Hollis Holbrook) Sugaring Off Saint Albans, Vermont - Former Post Office (Philip Von Saltza) Sugarloaf Mountain [Resources] Rockville, Maryland - Police Station (Judson Smith) Summer Rockwell City, Iowa - Post Office (John Sharp) Summer Dover, Delaware - Wesley United Church Education Center (William D. White) Sun and Rain Alamagordo, New Mexico - Lincoln National Forest Service Building (Peter Hurd) Superfluous Laws Oppress Taos, New Mexico - Former Taos County Courthouse (Ward Lockwood) Superstitious Medicine San Francisco, California - University of California, San Francisco, Health Sciences West (Bernard Zakheim) Susquehanna Trail Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania - Post Office (George Rickey) A Swimmer Albuquerque, New Mexico - University of New Mexico Art Museum (Willard Nash) Swimming in the Morris Canal Newark, New Jersey - Broad Street Light Rail Station (Domenico Mortellito) Swing Landscape Bloomington, Indiana - Eskenazi Museum of Art (Stuart Davis) Symbolic Negro History Nashville, Tennessee - Cravath Hall, Fisk University (Aaron Douglas) Taking Toll [Resources] Langdon, North Dakota - Post Office (Leo Beaulaurier) Taking Up Arms - 1776 Norwich, Connecticut - Post Office (George Kanelous) Taos Mountains Santa Fe, New Mexico - Santiago E. Campos U.S. Courthouse (William Henderson) Teaching of the Arts Chicago, Illinois - Lane Tech College Prep High School Auditorium (Mitchell Siporin) Technology Advancement Peekskill, New York - Peekskill Middle School (B. James Thornley) Tempora Mutantur et Nos Mutamur in Illis [Resources] Fairfield, Connecticut - Sullivan Independence Hall (Alice Flint) Ten Eyck's Tavern on Chicago Road Dearborn, Michigan - Henry Ford Community College (Rainey Bennett) Tennessee Valley Authority Huntsville, Alabama - Federal Courthouse (Xavier Gonzalez) Terminus of the Railroad, 1898-1901 Weatherford, Oklahoma - Post Office (Oscar E. Berninghaus) The Territory of Missouri [Info] [Resources] St Louis, Missouri - Post Office (Edward Millman) Tertiary Aquatic Life [Resources] Kemmerer, Wyoming - Post Office (Eugene Kingman) Texas Baytown, Texas - Baytown Historical Museum (Barse Miller) Texas Farm Elgin, Texas - Post Office (Julius Woeltz) Texas Immigrant Brady, Texas - Post Office (Gordon Grant) Texas Longhorn - A Vanishing Breed Clifton, Texas - Post Office (Ila Turner McAfee) Texas of History Dallas, Texas - Fair Park, Hall of State (Eugene Savage) Texas Plains Decatur, Texas - Former Post Office (Ray Strong) Texas Rangers in Camp Hamilton, Texas - Post Office (Ward Lockwood) Textile Mills in Wappingers Falls - 1880 [Resources] Wappingers Falls, New York - Former Post Office (Henry Billings) Theme of the South Camilla, Georgia - Post Office (Laura G. Douglas) Themes of the National Parks: Bryce Canyon Washington, District of Columbia - Department of The Interior (David McCosh) Themes of the National Parks: Yosemite Washington, District of Columbia - Department of The Interior (David McCosh) Theory and Science San Francisco, California - City College of San Francisco (Frederick E. Olmstead Jr.) There Was Vision [Resources] Elmhurst, Illinois - Post Office (George Melville Smith) They Came as Wadsworth's First Settlers after the War of 1812 [Resources] Wadsworth, Ohio - City Hall (F. Thornton Martin) Thompsonville, Connecticut Enfield, Connecticut - Post Office (Saul Berman) Three Ages of Phoebe Goodell Judson [Resources] Lynden, Washington - Post Office (Mordi Gassner) The Three Peoples Albuquerque, New Mexico - Zimmerman Library (Kenneth M. Adams) Three Periods in the Development of the Mohawk Valley Saint Johnsville, New York - Post Office (Jirayr H. Zorthian) Threshing Magnolia, Arkansas - Former Post Office (Joe Jones) Threshing [Resources] Auburn, Nebraska - Post Office (Ethel Magafan) Threshing Barley Chilton, Wisconsin - Post Office (Charles W. Thwaites) Threshing Grain [Resources] Lincolnton, North Carolina - Post Office (Richard H. Jansen) Threshing in Kansas Hutchinson, Kansas - Post Office (Lumen Martin Winter) Threshing Wheat [Resources] Sauk Centre, Minnesota - Post Office (Richard H. Jansen) Timberline Lodge Carvings Government Camp, Oregon - Timberline Lodge (Florence Thomas) Timberline Lodge Paintings Government Camp, Oregon - Timberline Lodge (Darrell Austin) Timberline Lodge Paintings Government Camp, Oregon - Timberline Lodge (Charles Heaney) Timberline Lodge Paintings Government Camp, Oregon - Timberline Lodge (C.S. Price) Timberline Lodge Paintings Government Camp, Oregon - Timberline Lodge (Howard S. Sewall) Timberline Lodge Panels Government Camp, Oregon - Timberline Lodge (Aimee Spencer Gorham) Time Out Bethany, Missouri - Post Office (Joseph P. Vorst) Tobacco Reidsville, North Carolina - Post Office (Gordon Samstag) Tobacco Auction Louisburg, North Carolina - Post Office (Richard Kenah) Tobacco Cutters Upper Marlboro, Maryland - Prince George's County Library (Mitchell Jamieson) Tobacco Harvest [Resources] Edgerton, Wisconsin - Post Office (Vladimir Rousseff) Tobacco Harvest Georgetown, Ohio - Post Office (Richard Zoellner) Toledo, Art and Literature in Spain Houston, Texas - Houston Public Library, Julia Ideson Building (Angela McDonnell) Town Meeting Evanston, Illinois - Nichols Middle School (Archibald Motley Jr.) The Town of Progress - 1855 Riverside, New Jersey - Post Office (John Poehler) Toy Parade New York, New York - Harlem Hospital (Elba Lightfoot) Track and Tennis Albuquerque, New Mexico - University of New Mexico Art Museum (Willard Nash) Trail to Oregon [Resources] Ontario, Oregon - Post Office (Edmond J. Fitzgerald) Trailing Cattle [Resources] Billings, Montana - Federal Building (Leo Beaulaurier) Train Time - Summerville Summerville, South Carolina - Former Post Office (Bernadine Custer) Transgression Taos, New Mexico - Former Taos County Courthouse (Emil Bisttram) Transportation [Resources] Allentown, Pennsylvania - Post Office (Gifford Reynolds Beal) Transportation Cedar Rapids, Iowa - Harrison Elementary School (William Henning) Transportation Clifton, New Jersey - Post Office (John Sitton) Transportation Mobile, Alabama - Museum of Mobile (John Augustus Walker) Transportation of Mail [Resources] Washington, District of Columbia - William Jefferson Clinton Federal Building (Alfred D. Crimi) Transportation of the Mail [Resources] Hagerstown, Maryland - Post Office (Frank Weathers Long) Treasure Island Oak Park, Illinois - Oak Park Historical Society (Frances Badger) Tree of Life Carmel-By-The-Sea, California - City Hall, Council Chambers (Armin Hansen) Trek of the Covered Wagon to Indiana Attica, Indiana - Post Office (Reva Jackman) Tropical Birds Whittier, California - East Whittier Middle School (Caspar Duchow) Trotting Races [Resources] Norwalk, Connecticut - City Hall (Alexander Rummler) Trout Hall [Resources] Allentown, Pennsylvania - Post Office (Gifford Reynolds Beal) Tugboats San Francisco, California - Aquatic Park Bathhouse (Maritime Museum) (Richard Ayer) Tung Oil Industry Covington, Louisiana - Covington School Board Annex (Xavier Gonzalez) Turning a Corner Anthony, Kansas - Post Office (Joe Jones) TVA Power Newport, Tennessee - Newport Community Center (Minna Citron) The Two Rivers Rome, Georgia - U.S. Courthouse and Post Office (Peter Blume) Typical Activities of a Beach and Harbor City Long Beach, California - Harvey Milk Promenade Park (Louisa Etcheverry, Albert Henry King, Henry Allen Nord, Stanton Macdonald-Wright) U.S. Mail Norristown, Pennsylvania - Post Office (Paul Mays) The Uncovering of the Comstock Lode [Resources] Lovelock, Nevada - Post Office (Ejnar Hansen) The Underground Railroad Dolgeville, New York - Post Office (James Michael Newell) Undersea Life San Francisco, California - Maritime Museum (Hilaire Hiler) The Union of the Mountains [Resources] Mount Union, Pennsylvania - Post Office (Paul Rohland) Union Pacific [Resources] Laramie, Wyoming - Laramie Plains Civic Center (Florence E. Ware) Union Station Murals Cincinnati, Ohio - Cincinnati Museum Center (Winold Reiss) Union Station Murals Hebron, Kentucky - Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airport (Winold Reiss) United Nations New York, New York - Adlai E. Stevenson High School (Alfred D. Crimi) Unlimited Possibilities Ames, Iowa - Parks Library (Doug Shelton) Unloading a River Barge West Bend, Wisconsin - Museum of Wisconsin Art (Ruth Grotenrath) Unloading the Mail [Resources] Washington, District of Columbia - William Jefferson Clinton Federal Building (Reginald Marsh) Unloading the Mail at Raton Raton, New Mexico - Post Office (Joseph Flecks) Untitled Shreveport, Louisiana - Louisiana State Exhibit Museum (Conrad A. Albrizio) Untitled Brooklyn, New York - Brooklyn Museum (Ilya Bolotowsky) Untitled Riverside, California - Chemawa Middle School (Rex Brandt) Untitled Stamford, Connecticut - Ferguson Public Library (James H. Daugherty) Untitled Kentfield, California - College of Marin, Science Building (Maurice del Mue) Untitled Brooklyn, New York - Brooklyn Museum (Balcomb Greene) Untitled Portales, New Mexico - Eastern New Mexico University, Golden Library (Nils Hogner) Untitled Fort Worth, Texas - Former Main Post Office (W.H. Baker, Dwight Holmes) Untitled Brooklyn, New York - Brooklyn Museum (Paul Kelpe) Untitled San Francisco, California - Beach Chalet (Lucien Labaudt) Untitled Dallas, Texas - Fair Park, Hall of State (Tom Lea) Untitled Ypsilanti, Michigan - Brick Elementary School (Bronislaw Makielski, Leon Makielski) Untitled Clare, Michigan - Clare High School (Gerald Mast) Untitled Burlingame, California - Burlingame High School (Frederick Alexander Pawla) Untitled Romulus, Michigan - UAW, West Side Local 174 (Walter Speck) Untitled Brooklyn, New York - Brooklyn Museum (Albert Swinden) Untitled San Francisco, California - West Portal Library (Unknown) Untitled Auburn, California - Placer High School (Unknown) Untitled Bridgeport, Connecticut - Popular Library (Unknown) Untitled Long Beach, California - Thomas Edison Elementary School (Unknown) Untitled Darien, Connecticut - Town Hall (James Daugherty, Arthur Gibson Hull, Robert Pallesen, William J. Schaldach, Remington Schulyer, Loran Wilford) Untitled Rancho Cucamonga, California - Chaffey College Library (Milford Zornes) (Untitled) Cleveland, Ohio - CMHA Boardroom (Louis Grebenak) Upland Pastures Orange, Virginia - Post Office (Arnold Friedman) (Urban Muse) Cleveland, Ohio - Woodhill Homes Community Center (Leroy Flint) US Army in Europe Santa Barbara, California - Santa Barbara Veterans' Memorial (Samuel Vaughan) Vacheros Merced, California - Post Office and Federal Building (Dorothy Puccinelli) Valley of the Seven Hills Cortland, New York - Post Office (Ryah Ludins) Valleyview Map Cleveland, Ohio - Tremont Pointe (Leroy Flint, Henry Olmer) The Value of Arts, Culture and Science Royal Oak, Michigan - Royal Oak Middle School (Andrew Maglia) Van Ausdal's Trading Post [Resources] Eaton, Ohio - Post Office (Roland Schweinsburg) Various Port Activities in Philadelphia [Resources] Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - U.S. Custom House (George Harding) Vermont Industries [Resources] White River Junction, Vermont - Former Post Office (S. Douglass Crockwell) Vicksburg - Its Character and Industries Vicksburg, Mississippi - Old Vicksburg Courthouse (H. Amiard Oberteuffer) View from Johnson's Bluff Dayton, Tennessee - Dayton Water & Electric Building (Bertram Hartman) View From the Palisades - West New York 1939 West New York, New Jersey - Post Office (William Dean Fausett) View of Alpine Alpine, Texas - Former Post Office (Jose Moya del Pino) View of Burgettstown Burgettstown, Pennsylvania - Post Office (John F. Folinsbee) View of Poughkeepsie in 1840 [Resources] Poughkeepsie, New York - Post Office (Georgina Klitgaard) Vigilante Justice, Witchcraft, Modern Medicine [Resources] Cedar Rapids, Iowa - City Hall (Everett Jeffrey, Harry Donald Jones) Vineyard Geneva, New York - Post Office (Peter Blume) Vineyard Geneva, New York - Post Office (Peter Blume) The Virgin Islands, U.S. - The Leisurely Native Tempo Charlotte Amalie, Virgin Islands - Emancipation Gardens Post Office (Stevan Dohanos) The Virgin Islands, U.S. - The Outer World Significance Charlotte Amalie, Virgin Islands - Emancipation Gardens Post Office (Stevan Dohanos) Visions of the Development of Salem Salem, West Virginia - Post Office (Berni Glasgow) A Visit to the Jungle Long Beach, California - Jane Addams Elementary School, Library (Wilbur Broderick, Jesse M. Lynch, Suzanne Miller) Volunteer Fire Department Corydon, Iowa - Post Office (Marion Gilmore) The Voyage of Marco Polo: Venice, Panel 1 [Resources] Norwalk, Connecticut - Norwalk Transit District (Arthur Gibson Hull) The Voyage of Marco Polo: Venice, Panel 2 [Resources] Norwalk, Connecticut - Norwalk Transit District (Arthur Gibson Hull) Waiting for the Mail Grand Ledge, Michigan - Post Office (James Calder) Waiting for the Mail Nappanee, Indiana - Post Office (Grant Christian) Waiting for the Mail Spring Valley, New York - Post Office (Stephen Etnier) The Walking Purchase [Resources] Allentown, Pennsylvania - Post Office (Gifford Reynolds Beal) Wapakoneta and American History Wapakoneta, Ohio - Post Office (Joseph Limarzi) War Party Viroqua, Wisconsin - Post Office (Forrest Flower) War: The Battle of Little Raft Swamp [Resources] Red Springs, North Carolina - Post Office (John W. De Groot) Washing and Carrying Gold [Resources] Iron Mountain, Michigan - Post Office (Vladimir Rousseff) Washing Oysters [Resources] Norwalk, Connecticut - City Hall (Alexander Rummler) Washington and the Battle of the Bronx Bronx, New York - Wakefield Station Post Office (Irving Block, Abraham Lishinsky) Washington at Fort Lee Fort Lee, New Jersey - Post Office (Henry Schnakenberg) Washington Bridge [Resources] Ridgefield Park, New Jersey - Post Office (Thomas Donnelly) Washington Retreating from New Brunswick New Brunswick, New Jersey - Post Office (George Biddle) Waste Terre Haute, Indiana - Bayh College of Education (Gilbert Brown Wilson) Watching an Early Train [Resources] Iron Mountain, Michigan - Post Office (Vladimir Rousseff) Water Kingston, Rhode Island - University of Rhode Island, Edwards Hall (Gino Conti) Water San Francisco, California - Laguna Honda Hospital (Glen Wessels) Water As Destructive Element [Resources] Lansing, Michigan - Board of Water and Light Dye Conditioning Plant (Frank Cassara) Water as Hydro-Electric Power Lansing, Michigan - Board of Water and Light Dye Conditioning Plant (Charles Pollock) Waterfowl Whittier, California - East Whittier Middle School (Caspar Duchow) Waterfront Portsmouth, Ohio - Post Office (Richard Zoellner) The Way of Life Chelsea, Michigan - Post Office (George Fisher) Waynesboro Landscape Waynesboro, Mississippi - Post Office (Ross E. Braught) Wayzata (Pines of the North) Wayzata, Minnesota - Post Office (Ruth Grotenrath) We Assure Freedom to the Free East Lansing, Michigan - Michigan State University, Auditorium (Charles Pollock) Wealth of a Nation Washington, District of Columbia - Department of Health and Human Services (Seymour Fogel) The Wealth of the West Gunnison, Colorado - Post Office (Ila Turner McAfee) The Wedding of Ortez and SaOwana - Christmas 1540 Pontotoc, Mississippi - Post Office (Joseph Pollet) West Texas Landscape Mission, Texas - Mission Historical Museum (Xavier Gonzalez) Western Reserve and the Firelands of Ohio Cleveland, Ohio - Main Library (Stanley Dale) Western Scene [Resources] Burns, Oregon - Harney County Courthouse (E. B. Quigley) Western Town Helper, Utah - Post Office (Jenne Magafan) Western Welcome [Resources] Laramie, Wyoming - University of Wyoming Union (Lynn Fausett) Westmoreland Homesteads (Norvelt) Norvelt, Pennsylvania - Jay A. Hoffer Funeral Home (Richard Kenah) Westward II Santa Monica, California - Santa Monica High School, Barnum Hall (Conrad Buff) Westward Movement Aurora, Illinois - Greenman Elementary School, Auditorium (Florian Durzynski) Wheat Center [Resources] Hoisington, Kansas - Post Office (Dorothea Tomlinson) Wheat Harvest Monterey, California - Monterey High School (Moira Wallace) Wheat in the Shock Flandreau, South Dakota - Post Office (Matthew E. Ziegler) Wheat Workers [Resources] Russell, Kansas - Post Office (Martyl Schweig) The Wheelwright Des Moines, Iowa - U.S. District Courthouse (Daniel Rhodes) When Tillage Begins, Other Arts Follow Ames, Iowa - Parks Library (Grant Wood) Where Kit Carson Camped Halstead, Kansas - Post Office (Birger Sandzén) White Fawn Forest Park, Illinois - Post Office (Miriam McKinnie Hofmeier) Wild Boar Hunt Sweetwater, Tennessee - Post Office (Thelma Martin) Wild Geese Waurika, Oklahoma - Post Office (Theodore Van Soelen) Wild Horses Washington, District of Columbia - Department of The Interior (Woodrow Wilson Crumbo) Wild Horses [Resources] Colorado Springs, Colorado - Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center (Frank Mechau) Wild Horses by Moonlight [Resources] Schuyler, Nebraska - Post Office (Philip Von Saltza) Wilderness Ely, Minnesota - Post Office (Elsa Jemne) Wildlife Conservation in Arkansas De Queen, Arkansas - Post Office (Henry Simon) Wildlife in White Mountains Manchester, New Hampshire - Currier Museum of Art (Musa McKim) Will Rogers Claremore, Oklahoma - Post Office (Randall Davey) Willamette Valley Lumber [Resources] Eugene, Oregon - Post Office (Carl Morris) William Byrd Richmond, Virginia - Lewis F. Powell Jr. United States Courthouse (Paul Cadmus) William Markham Purchases Bucks County Territory Doylestown, Pennsylvania - Post Office (Charles Child) William Penn Welcomed at New Castle New Castle, Delaware - Post Office (J. Scott Williams) Winona's Early Settlers [Info] [Resources] Winona, Minnesota - Somsen Hall, Winona State University (John Martin Socha) Winter Washington, District of Columbia - Smithsonian American Art Museum (Dacre F. Boulton) Winter Chicago, Illinois - Manley High School (Gustaf Dahlstrom) Winter and Spring Chicago, Illinois - Dixon School (Mary C. Hague) Winter in Nebraska [Resources] Albion, Nebraska - Post Office (Jenne Magafan) Winter Landscape Lake Geneva, Wisconsin - Post Office (George Dietrich) Winter Landscape Hanover, New Hampshire - Dartmouth Library (Thomas Donnelly) Winter Landscape Canton, Missouri - Post Office (Jessie Hull Mayer) Winter Roundup Washington, District of Columbia - Department of The Interior (Ernest Fiene) Winter Sports [Resources] Kewaunee, Wisconsin - Post Office (Paul Faulkner) Winter Sports Oconomowoc, Wisconsin - Post Office (Edward Morton) Wisconsin Agriculture Milwaukee, Wisconsin - Milwaukee Theater (Thorsten Lindberg) Wisconsin Countryside Waupaca, Wisconsin - Post Office (Raymond Redell) Wisconsin Loggers Milwaukee, Wisconsin - Milwaukee Theater (Thorsten Lindberg) Wisconsin Rural Scene Mayville, Wisconsin - Post Office (Peter Rotier) Wisconsin Wild Flowers [Resources] Milwaukee, Wisconsin - West Allis Post Office (Frances Foy) Women's Contribution to American Progress Chicago, Illinois - Lucy Flower High School (Edward Millman) Women's Sports Albuquerque, New Mexico - University of New Mexico Art Museum (Willard Nash) Woodsmen in the Woods of Maine Portland, Maine - Portland Museum of Art (Waldo Peirce) Work, Religion and Education [Resources] Northampton, Massachusetts - Hampshire County Courthouse (Alfred D. Crimi) Work, the Soul of Progress Norwalk, Connecticut - Benjamin Franklin Middle School, Auditorium (Harry Townsend) Workers in the Soil Kingston, Rhode Island - University of Rhode Island, Edwards Hall (Gino Conti) Working Cattle on the Open Range Canyon, Texas - Panhandle-Plains Historical Museum (Harold Bugbee) World War Mothers Boston, Massachusetts - Massachusetts State House (Edward Brodney) The Wright Brothers in Ohio Fairborn, Ohio - Post Office (Henry Simon) Writing the Family Letter Washington, District of Columbia - William Jefferson Clinton Federal Building (Alexander Brook) Yellow Springs - Preparation for Life Work Yellow Springs, Ohio - Post Office (Axel Horn) Yoke [Resources] Torrington, Connecticut - Post Office (Arthur Covey) Young People Gloucester, Massachusetts - City Hall (Unknown) The Youngs Mansion Mineola, New York - Theodore Roosevelt Executive and Legislative Building (Robert Gaston Herbert) Youth Santa Paula, California - Santa Paula High School (Buckley MacGurrin) Youth Atlantic City, New Jersey - Post Office (Peppino Mangravite) Youth and Ambition [Resources] Laramie, Wyoming - Albany County Library (Virginia Pitman) Youth and Democracy Los Angeles, California - Hollenbeck Middle School (Dorr Bothwell) Youth and Freedom Seattle, Washington - Colman Pool (Ernest Norling) Yucca Alamagordo, New Mexico - Lincoln National Forest Service Building (Peter Hurd) The Zuni Potters Gallup, New Mexico - McKinley County Courthouse (Anna Keener Wilton)