Using the search box below the map, you can search for sets of murals
with a given artist, title or location. The results are displayed with
blue markers on a map zoomed to fit the screen. Yellow markers show
items not selected by your search.
Location: 126 North Church Street, Oak Harbor, Ohio
Find murals on map:
Markers represent locations where there are Depression Era murals.
Markers with a black dot represent sites for which we have original
photographs on this Web site. Markers with no dots show locations for
which we currently have no photographs. This enumeration is by no means
With a desktop viewer, locations are shown when your mouse pointers hovers
over any given marker. If you click on the marker, further information is
given -- the name of the artist and the title of the mural, along with a
thumbnail image of the mural. If you click on the thumbnail image, you
can view a Web page showing all the photographs we have for this mural.
There are several limitations to this diplay:
When the map is zoomed out (as in its initial presentation), many of the
markers overlap. Only by zooming in (using the "+" button in the lower
right corner of the map) can you distinguish all the markers.
Even when you zoom in far enough to distinguish all the markers visible
on the map, you may be missing multiple markers present in a single
city. You'll see these as separate markers only when you zoom in on
the city in question.
Some locations have several murals by the same artist; and some
locations have murals by different artists. The map display currently
only shows one of these murals. If you click on the thumbnail image
for this mural and go to the Web page with photographs for this
mural, you can find if there are other murals at this location.