Resources for A. Grignon Trading with the Indians

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  • ID: 1315
  • Key: Kaukauna1
  • Type: nrhp
  • Title: Kaukauna Post Office
  • Year: 1991
  • Tags: Kaukauna, Wisconsin, Vladimir Rousseff
  • Comment: Registration form for the Kaukauna Post Office. There is biographical information on Vladimir Rousseff and historical background for his Kaukauna mural but no information on the mural's dimensions.
  • URL:
  • ID: 1316
  • Key: LH16
  • Type: article
  • Author: Lyle Hansen
  • Title: Time Machine Trip to October 1938
  • Year: 2016
  • Tags: Kaukauna, Wisconsin
  • Comment: Brief description of the Rousseff mural, giving its dimensions as 6'x4', or an aspect ratio of 1.50:1.
  • URL:
  • Source: Kaukauna Time Machine
  • Issue: October 19
  • ID: 392
  • Key: VWR1
  • Type: web
  • Title: Walter Rousseff
  • Tags: Vladimir Walter Rousseff
  • Comment: Biographical text by Lisa Meyerowitz for an art collection selected by Bernard Friedman.
  • URL:
  • Site: Modernism in the New City: Chicago Artists, 1920-1950
  • Site URL:
  • ID: 976
  • Key: VWR2
  • Type: web
  • Title: Walter Vladimir Rousseff
  • Tags: Vladimir Rousseff
  • URL:
  • Site: Richard Norton Gallery
  • Site URL: