Resources for The Story of the Recorded Word

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  • ID: 583
  • Key: NYT810509
  • Type: article
  • Title: Edward Laning
  • Year: 1981
  • Tags: Edward Laning
  • Comment: Times obituary for Edward Laning
  • URL:
  • Source: New York Times
  • Issue: May 9
  • ID: 584
  • Key: EL5
  • Type: web
  • Title: Edward Laning
  • Tags: Edward Laning
  • URL:
  • Site: Wikipedia
  • Site URL:
  • ID: 585
  • Key: Life400930
  • Type: article
  • Title: New York Library Waits 40 Years For These Murals
  • Year: 1940
  • Tags: Edward Laning, New York Public Library
  • Comment: Article on Laning's murals with some good photographs.
  • URL:
  • Source: Life Magazine
  • Issue: September 30 p 64
  • ID: 1040
  • Key: NYPL
  • Type: nrhp
  • Title: The New York Public Library
  • Year: 1983
  • Tags: New York, New York
  • Comment: Agree to legal disclaimer at the Cultural Resource Information System, proceed as guest, then use the URL or link given above. The text provides an interesting history of the library but says that there are details of interior decoration "too numerous to mention". There is mention of the main reading room, which had space reserved for murals that were never painted for monetary reasons, but there is no mention of the Edware Laning murals in the McGraw Rotunda.
  • URL:
  • ID: 1100
  • Key: NYPL1
  • Type: article
  • Author: Mark
  • Title: NYPL
  • Year: 2010
  • Tags: New York, Edward Laning
  • Comment: Photos of large Laning murals all have aspect ratios of 0.54:1.
  • URL:
  • Source: Sunny Side Up
  • Issue: November 26