Resources for The Walking Purchase

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  • ID: 773
  • Key: Allentown1
  • Type: article
  • Author: Michael Molovinsky
  • Title: Allentown Post Office 1934
  • Year: 2011
  • Tags: Gifford Beal, Allentown, Pennsylvania
  • URL:
  • Source: Molovinsky on Allentown
  • Issue: July 27
  • ID: 770
  • Key: PA1
  • Type: web
  • Title: A Common Canvas: Pennsylvania's New Deal Post Office Murals
  • Tags: Pennsylvania
  • Comment: Site contains good-quality images of many post office murals from which one can deduce their aspect ratios: Allentown - Barn Signs (1.78:1) Cement Industry (3.72:1) Iron Industry (3.72:1) Pennsylvania-German Riflemen (1.76:1) Transportation (3.63:1) Trout Hall (3.40:1) Walking Purchase (3.80:1), Kutztown (2.74:1), Mount Union (3.13), Nazareth (2.78), Roaring Spring (2.88:1), Somerset (1.78:1), Tunkhannock (2.98:1), Wilkes-Barre/Kingston (1.98:1).
  • URL:
  • Site: The State Museum of Pennsylvania
  • Site URL:
  • ID: 774
  • Key: GRB5
  • Type: web
  • Title: Gifford Beal
  • Tags: Gifford Beal, Allentown, Pennsylvania
  • URL:
  • Site: Wikipedia
  • Site URL:
  • ID: 771
  • Key: PA2
  • Type: web
  • Title: The Post Office - A Community Icon
  • Tags: Allentown, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
  • URL:
  • Site: A Common Canvas
  • Site URL: