Resources for Hyattsville Countryside

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  • ID: 361
  • Key: Kingman1
  • Type: web
  • Title: Eugene Kingman
  • Tags: Eugene Kingman
  • URL:
  • Site: Eugene Kingman
  • Site URL:
  • ID: 362
  • Key: RTB12
  • Type: article
  • Author: Ryan Teague Beckwith
  • Title: Hyasttsville Countryside
  • Year: 2012
  • Tags: Eugene Kingman, Hyattsville, Maryland
  • URL:
  • Source: The Hyattsville Wire
  • Issue: July 18
  • ID: 360
  • Key: Hyattsville1
  • Type: nrhp
  • Title: Hyattsville Post Office
  • Year: 1986
  • Tags: Eugene Kingman, Hyattsville, Maryland
  • Comment: Registration form for the Hyattsville Post Office. There is only a brief description of the murals by Eugene Kingman.
  • URL: