Resources for Stampeding Buffaloes Stopping the Train

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  • ID: 456
  • Key: EA90
  • Type: article
  • Author: Elizabeth Anderson
  • Title: Depression Legacy: Nebraska's Post Office Art
  • Year: 1990
  • Tags: Nebraska
  • URL:
  • Source: Nebraska History
  • Issue: 71 (1990): 23-33
  • ID: 461
  • Key: Hebron1
  • Type: nrhp
  • Title: Hebron United States Post Office
  • Year: 1992
  • Tags: Hebron, Nebraska, Eldora Lorenzini
  • Comment: Registration form for the Geneva United States Post Office. The form contains a brief description of Eldora Lorenzini's mural "Stampeding Buffalo Stopping Train" and specifies its dimensions as 12'x4', or an aspect ratio of 3.00:1.
  • URL:
  • ID: 2217
  • Key: Nebraska1
  • Type: nrhp
  • Title: Nebraska Post Offices Which Contain Section Artwork
  • Year: 1991
  • Tags: Nebraska, Albion, Auburn, Crawford, Geneva, Hebron, Minden, Ogallala, O'Neill, Pawnee City, Red Cloud, Schuyler, Valentine
  • URL:
  • ID: 6
  • Key: RP12
  • Type: book
  • Author: Robert Puschendorf
  • Title: Nebraska's Post Office Murals
  • Press: Nebraska State Historical Society
  • City: Lincoln, NE
  • Year: 2012
  • Tags: Nebraska
  • ID: 464
  • Key: EL4
  • Type: web
  • Title: Stampeding Buffaloes Stopping Train
  • Tags: Eldora Lorenzini, Hebron, Nebraska
  • URL:
  • Site: Indians at the Post Office
  • Site URL:
  • ID: 449
  • Key: mt13
  • Type: article
  • Author: Mike Tobias
  • Title: The Story Behind Nebraska's Post Office Murals
  • Year: 2013
  • Tags: Nebraska
  • Comment: Add a comment.
  • URL:
  • Source: NET (Nebraska Educational Telecommunications)
  • Issue: April 25